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Forum to W3School.com internal link


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Don't know if this is doable with this version of Forum software but I'd like to suggest that the link shown as "W3Schools.com" that appears from within the forum's menu (i.e. W3Schools.com Forums Members Calendar) work as a "target="_blank". Currently if you click the W3Schools.com link form within the forum it takes you to the main W3School.com home page within the same context window, i.e. you loose the forum window (not the connection into it). Although you can always click the Forum link at the bottom of the main site's pages, that can be inconvenient because it does not keep your current page within the forum when you return. Thanks.

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I'll second that. Since a lot of threads/answers reference the main site, it would be helpful to have those links open in a new tab so the user doesn't lose their place in the current thread, thus making it easier to tab back and forth between thread/answers and the relevant reference page in the tutorials. however, im not sure who is in a position to make that change; the site owners or IPB.

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Thanks Moderator, that seems to be a big improvement !

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