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Error: Notice: Undefined variable: res.php on lines 362, 408, 412


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Error: Notice: Undefined variable: res.php on lines 362, 408, 412(Marked bold red below)Notice: Undefined variable: passengerUserName in /home/************/res.php on line 362Notice: Undefined variable: passengerFirstName in /home/************/res.php on line 362Notice: Undefined variable: puname in/home/************/res.php on line 408Notice: Undefined variable: pfname in /home/************/res.php on line 408Notice: Undefined variable: pcity in /home/************/res.php on line 412Notice: Undefined variable: pstate_province in /home/************/res.php on line 412Notice: Undefined variable: pcountry in /home/************/res.php on line 412 $sqlName = mysql_query("SELECT username, firstname FROM myMembers WHERE id='$value' LIMIT 1") or die ("Sorry we had a mysql error!"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlName)) { $passengerUserName = substr($row["username"],0,12); $passengerFirstName = substr($row["firstname"],0,12);}362 if (!$passengerUserName) {$passengerUserName = $passengerFirstName;} // If username is blank use the firstname programming changes in v1.32 call for this if ($i % 6 == 4){ $passengerList .= '<tr><td><div style="width:106px; height:75px; overflow:hidden;" title="' . $passengerUserName . '"> <a href="res.php?id=' . $value . '">' . $passengerUserName . '</a><br />' . $psgr_pic . ' </div></td>'; } else { $passengerList .= '<td><div style="width:106px; height:75px; overflow:hidden;" title="' . $passengerUserName . '"> <a href="res.php?id=' . $value . '">' . $passengerUserName . '</a><br />' . $psgr_pic . ' </div></td>'; } } $passengerList .= '</tr></table> <div align="right"><a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleViewAllPassengers(\'view_all_passengers\');">View Manifest</a></div> </div>'; // END ASSEMBLE FRIEND LIST TO VIEW UP TO 6 ON PROFILE // ASSEMBLE FRIEND LIST AND LINKS TO VIEW ALL(50 for now until we paginate the array) $i = 0; $passengerArray50 = array_slice($passengerArray, 0, 50); $passengerPopBoxList = '<table id="passengerPopBoxTable" width="100%" align="left" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">'; foreach ($passengerArray50 as $key => $value) { $i++; // increment $i by one each loop pass $check_pic = 'tktedmembers/' . $value . '/image01.jpg'; if (file_exists($check_pic)) { $psgr_pic = '<a href="res.php?id=' . $value . '"><img src="' . $check_pic . '" width="54px" border="1"/></a>'; } else { $psgr_pic = '<a href="res.php?id=' . $value . '"><img src="tktedmembers/0/image01.jpg" width="54px" border="1"/></a> '; } $sqlName = mysql_query("SELECT username, firstname, country, state_province, city FROM myMembers WHERE id='$value' LIMIT 1") or die ("Sorry we had a mysql error!"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlName)) { $puname = $row["username"]; $pfname = $row["firstname"]; $pcountry = $row["country"]; $pstate_province = $row["state_province"]; $pcity = $row["city"]; }408 if (!$puname) {$puname = $pfname;} // If username is blank use the firstname programming changes in v1.32 call for this if ($i % 2) { $passengerPopBoxList .= '<tr bgcolor="#F4F4F4"><td width="14%" valign="top"> <div style="width:106px; height:65px; overflow:hidden;" title="' . $puname . '">' . $psgr_pic . '</div></td>412 <td width="86%" valign="top"><a href="res.php?id=' . $value . '">' . $puname . '</a><br /><font size="-2"><em>' . $pcity . '<br />' . $pstate_province . '<br />' . $pcountry . '</em></font></td> </tr>';Thanks, Scott

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If you're setting the variables in a loop like this: while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlName)) { $passengerUserName = substr($row["username"],0,12); $passengerFirstName = substr($row["firstname"],0,12);} then those variables will only be set if $sqlName contains records, and they will be set to the values from the last record. So, if they aren't set then $sqlName contains no records. It sounds like you failed to account for the case where the SQL query returns no data. You can use a function like mysql_num_rows to figure out how many records were returned and take the appropriate action.

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