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Update String sql server


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Hi there, How are you? I hope you are well. I am developing a program in C# and it's about Business card so whenever I receive a business card I can save it through this application. So I have an issue with the update string it gives me this error:- Invalid column name 'PlaceOfWork' Invalid coulumn name 'POBox'.And here is the String String sql = "update BusinessCard set EmployeeName = '" + txt_Name.Text + "', Rank= '" + txt_Rank.Text + "',mobilePhone= '" + txt_mobilePhone.Text + "',MobilePhone='" + txt_phone.Text + "',Fax ='" + txt_Fax.Text + "',Email='" + txt_email.Text + "',PlaceOfWork='" + txt_plcOfWrk.Text + "',POBox='" + txt_POBox.Text + "',Address='" + txt_address.Text + "'where ID = " + txt_ID.Text; any Help you could Provide in this matter would be greatly appreciate it. best regards :)

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