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Two questions that I'd like answered


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I'm sure both of these have been asked a million times, but I'm too lazy to search cause you get a million results you don't want. So please answer these questions reasonably quickly, if you can (someone! anyone!!!).1. Is there any way to make links load in a new window using CSS? I'm using HTML 4.01 on a strict DTD which won't let me use the target"_blank" attribute for the <a> tag. And if theres no way using CSS, I know it can be done using javascript. In which case, could someone please give me the script.2. Is there any way to make selected text appear on one line (as in, wrap before/after the selected part)? I'm planning to have a small icon for links that load in a new window (see above) but I'm afraid with the myriad of screen resolutions people are running they might not see it together.Thanks in advance for the help

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I'm sure both of these have been asked a million times, but I'm too lazy to search cause you get a million results you don't want. So please answer these questions reasonably quickly, if you can (someone! anyone!!!).
ONLY becuase you said please.#1: java script:
function popitup(url){	newwindow=window.open(url,'name','height=500, width=650, scrollbars=yes, status=no, location=yes, resize=yes, toolbar=no, left=5, top=5');	if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}	return false;}

Add the following html to your anchorshtml

onclick="return popitup('your_url_here.html')"

#2: I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe doing a search is a GOOD idea.

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2. Is there any way to make selected text appear on one line (as in, wrap before/after the selected part)? I'm planning to have a small icon for links that load in a new window (see above) but I'm afraid with the myriad of screen resolutions people are running they might not see it together.
you could use divs with a set width..that might help. but then you run the risk of the text going beyond some peoples screens with lower resolutions, and therefore not been able to see it without that horrible sideways scrollbar.
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2) wrap your images in a div tag and then the css for the div would be:


everything inside that will not go onto another line unless you put a <br /> tag in.LG

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