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having a hard time getting z-index to work


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For some strange reason only internet explorer 7+ is recognizing my z-index rules and chrome, firefox, safari, and opera are ignoring my css rules you can find it herehttp://the-test.como...p/test_map4.php

.tile{  position:absolute;  background: url(sprites.png) no-repeat;  width:70px;  height:55px;  line-height: 70px;  text-align: center;  font-size: 12px;}.map_click_point {  position:absolute;  text-align:center;  height:35px;  width:70px;  padding-top:25px;  z-index: 99;}

this is the css I use

Edited by jack13580
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the problem is with the popup box I have its supposed to popup every time a user clicks on 1 of the tiles and it works in IE 7+ but my z-index rules are being ignored in all other browsers except for the very bottom rows of tiles which is very strange for example start up google chrome go to my project I linked to and try to click the tiles, it won't work except for the bottom row of tiles

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