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settimer not working


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hello again. I may have mentioned before that I am writing an online catalog for a class I am in. I am rewriting the page the set timer function isn't working. I don't know why. I copied and pasted from code that executes as expected. Can anyone offer any help. I am only testing the on click for the search button right now. I'd love any help you can offer. Thanks

<html><!--Release InformationRelease Version 2.0.0Release Notes:		  -page completely rewritten to take advantage of php--><?php#initialize and declare variables#table attributes$border=1;$edgewidth='15%';$tablealignment='centop';$tealign='cenmid';#buttons and fields$previousButton='<==';$nextButton='==>';$searchButton='Awesome Search' ;$searchField='Search';#page numberunset($pageNumber);$pageNumber=0;$pageNumber = $_POST['pageNumber'];#------------------------------------if(!isset($pageNumber))  {$pageNumber = 0;}else{$pageNumber = $_POST['pageNumber'];}#functions?><head>  <title>Awesome Shape Store</title>   <style>/*sadly this is done without style*/   .centop    {	 text-align:center;	 vertical-align:top;    }   .cenmid    {	 text-align:center;	 vertical-align:middle;    }   .header    {	 font-family:"courier"	 text-align:center;	 vertical-align:top;	 font-size:250%;	 font-weight:bold;    }  </style>  <script type='text/javascript'>/*make some magic*//*-========================================-*//*-- Initialization and Display Functions --*//*-========================================-*/function onLoad(){  alert('page is loading');}function display_timer(){  clearTimeout(timer);  timer=setTimeout("document.getElementById('div_display').innerHTML=''", time);}function alertDisplay(d) /*-this function always calls display_timer()-*/{  document.getElementById("div_display").innerHTML=display_field=d;  time=2000;  display_timer();}/*End Initialize and Display Functions*//*-====================-*//*-- Action Functions --*//*-====================-*/     function addToCart()   {    var message = 'item added to cart';    alertDisplay(message);   }     function search(button,form)   {    alertDisplay(button.id);   }     function pageNumber(button,form)   {    alert('changing the page');   }/*-===================================-*//*-- Button and Keystroke Submission --*//*-===================================-*/   function buttonClick(button,form)   {    if (button.id == 'searchButton')    {	 search(button,form);    }    else if (button.id == 'previousPage' || button.id == 'nextPage')    {	 pageNumber(button,form);    }    else if (button.id == 'addToCart')    {	 addToCart(button,form);    }    else    {	 alert('button click error');	 alert(button.id);	 alert(form.name);    }   }   function keystrokeSubmit(textbox,form,e)   {    e = e? e : window.event;    var prskeyrtrn = e.keyCode? e.keyCode : e.which? e.which : e.charCode? e.charCode :null;    if (prskeyrtrn == 13 && textbox.id == 'searchField') 	 {	  search();	 }    else if (prskeyrtrn == 13 && textbox.id == 'pageNumber')	 {	  pageNumber('Current Page');	 }    else{}    }  </script></head> <body onLoad="onLoad()"><!--=====================--><!--==begin top of page==--><!--=====================--><form name="head form">  <table width="100%" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" border="<?php echo $border; ?>">   <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><!--left side of head -->    <td width="<?php echo $edgewidth; ?>">	 <table height="90" border="<?php echo $border; ?>" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" width="100%">	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td>Current Page:</td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input type="text" id="pageNumber" name="pageNumber" value="<?php echo $pageNumber; ?>" onkeypress="keystrokeSubmit(this,form,event)"></td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input style="cursor:pointer" type="button" id="previousPage" name="previousPage" value="<?php echo $previousButton; ?>" onclick="buttonClick(this,form);"></td></tr>	 </table>    </td><!--center of head -->    <td class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>" width="80%">		 <table height="90" border="<?php echo $border; ?>" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" width="100%">							  <tr class="header"><td height="10%">Awesome Shape Store Catalog</td></tr>							  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td height="90%"><div id="div_display" class="centop"></div></td></tr>						 </table>				    </td><!--right side of head -->    <td width="<?php echo $edgewidth; ?>">	 <table height="90" border="<?php echo $border; ?>" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" width="100%">	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input type="text" id="searchField" name="searchField" value="<?php echo $searchField; ?>" onkeypress="keystrokeSubmit(this,event,form)"></td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input style="cursor:pointer" type="button" id="searchButton" name="searchButton" value="<?php echo $searchButton; ?>" onclick="buttonClick(this,form);"></td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input style="cursor:pointer" type="button" id="previousPage" name="previousPage" value="<?php echo $nextButton; ?>" onclick="buttonClick(this,form);"></td></tr>	 </table>    </td>   </tr>  </table></form><!--===================--><!--==end top of page==--><!--===================--><!--=====	 This is a seperator	 ==========	 This is a seperator	 =====--><!--==============================--><!--==begin main section of page==--><!--==============================--><div name="divbody' id="divbody">   <table>    <tr>	 <td valign="top"><img src="images/catalogImages/circle_large_red.gif"></td>	 <td><table>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Item ID:</b></td>	   <td>1</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Shape:</b></td>	   <td>Circle</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Size:</b></td>	   <td>Large</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Color:</b></td>	   <td><font color="red">red</font></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Price:</b></td>	   <td>$3.00</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Description:</b></td>	   <td>This is an amazing large <font color="red"><b>red</b></font> Circle with a super cool black boarder</td>	  </tr>  	 </table></td>    </tr>  <!--add to cart button-->    <tr><td><input type="button" value="Add to Cart" id= "large red circle" onclick=buttonSubmit(this)></td></tr>   </table></div><!--============================--><!--==end main section of page==--><!--============================--></body></html>

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it's in the second javascript function titled alertDisplay. please use the code I am attaching to this post

<html><!--Release Information Release Version 2.0.0Release Notes:		  -page completely rewritten to take advantage of php--><?php#initialize and declare variables#table attributes$border=1;$edgewidth='15%';$tablealignment='centop';$tealign='cenmid';#buttons and fields$previousButton='<==';$nextButton='==>';$searchButton='Awesome Search' ;$searchField='Search'; #page numberunset($pageNumber);$pageNumber=0;$pageNumber = $_POST['pageNumber'];#------------------------------------if(!isset($pageNumber))  {$pageNumber = 0;}else{$pageNumber = $_POST['pageNumber'];}#functions ?> <head>  <title>Awesome Shape Store</title>   <style>/*sadly this is done without style*/   .centop	{	 text-align:center;	 vertical-align:top;	}   .cenmid	{	 text-align:center;	 vertical-align:middle;	}   .header	{	 font-family:"courier"	 text-align:center;	 vertical-align:top;	 font-size:250%;	 font-weight:bold;	}  </style>  <script type='text/javascript'>/*make some magic*/ /*-========================================-*//*-- Initialization and Display Functions --*//*-========================================-*/function onLoad(){  alert('page is loading');}function alertDisplay(d)/*-this function always calls display_timer()-*/   {	var time= 2000;	document.getElementById('div_display').innerHTML = d;	clearTimeout(timer);	var timer = setTimeout("document.getElementById('div_display').innerHTML=' '",time);     }/*End Initialize and Display Functions*/ /*-====================-*//*-- Action Functions --*//*-====================-*/     function addToCart()   {	var message = 'item added to cart';	alertDisplay(message);   }     function search(button,form)   {	alertDisplay(button.id);   }     function pageNumber(button,form)   {	alert('changing the page');   } /*-===================================-*//*-- Button and Keystroke Submission --*//*-===================================-*/   function buttonClick(button,form)   {	if (button.id == 'searchButton')	{	 search(button,form);	}	else if (button.id == 'previousPage' || button.id == 'nextPage')	{	 pageNumber(button,form);	}	else if (button.id == 'addToCart')	{	 addToCart(button,form);	}	else	{	 alert('button click error');	 alert(button.id);	 alert(form.name);	}   }   function keystrokeSubmit(textbox,form,e)   {	e = e? e : window.event;	var prskeyrtrn = e.keyCode? e.keyCode : e.which? e.which : e.charCode? e.charCode :null; 	if (prskeyrtrn == 13 && textbox.id == 'searchField')	 {	  search();	 }	else if (prskeyrtrn == 13 && textbox.id == 'pageNumber')	 {	  pageNumber('Current Page');	 }	else{}   }  </script></head> <body onLoad="onLoad()"><!--=====================--><!--==begin top of page==--><!--=====================--><form name="head form">  <table width="100%" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" border="<?php echo $border; ?>">   <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><!--left side of head -->	<td width="<?php echo $edgewidth; ?>">	 <table height="90" border="<?php echo $border; ?>" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" width="100%">	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td>Current Page:</td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input type="text" id="pageNumber" name="pageNumber" value="<?php echo $pageNumber; ?>" onkeypress="keystrokeSubmit(this,form,event)"></td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input style="cursor:pointer" type="button" id="previousPage" name="previousPage" value="<?php echo $previousButton; ?>" onclick="buttonClick(this,form);"></td></tr>	 </table>	</td><!--center of head -->	<td class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>" width="80%">		 <table height="90" border="<?php echo $border; ?>" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" width="100%">							  <tr class="header"><td height="10%">Awesome Shape Store Catalog</td></tr>							  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td height="90%"><div id="div_display" class="centop"></div></td></tr>						 </table>					</td><!--right side of head -->	<td width="<?php echo $edgewidth; ?>">	 <table height="90" border="<?php echo $border; ?>" class="<?php echo $tablealignment; ?>" width="100%">	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input type="text" id="searchField" name="searchField" value="<?php echo $searchField; ?>" onkeypress="keystrokeSubmit(this,event,form)"></td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input style="cursor:pointer" type="button" id="searchButton" name="searchButton" value="<?php echo $searchButton; ?>" onclick="buttonClick(this,form);"></td></tr>	  <tr class="<?php echo $tealign; ?>"><td><input style="cursor:pointer" type="button" id="previousPage" name="previousPage" value="<?php echo $nextButton; ?>" onclick="buttonClick(this,form);"></td></tr>	 </table>	</td>   </tr>  </table></form><!--===================--><!--==end top of page==--><!--===================--><!--=====	 This is a seperator	 ==========	 This is a seperator	 =====--><!--==============================--><!--==begin main section of page==--><!--==============================--><div name="divbody' id="divbody">   <table>	<tr>	 <td valign="top"><img src="images/catalogImages/circle_large_red.gif"></td>	 <td><table>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Item ID:</b></td>	   <td>1</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Shape:</b></td>	   <td>Circle</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Size:</b></td>	   <td>Large</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Color:</b></td>	   <td><font color="red">red</font></td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Price:</b></td>	   <td>$3.00</td>	  </tr>	  <tr>	   <td valign="top"><b>Description:</b></td>	   <td>This is an amazing large <font color="red"><b>red</b></font> Circle with a super cool black boarder</td>	  </tr>  	 </table></td>	</tr>  <!--add to cart button-->	<tr><td><input type="button" value="Add to Cart" id= "large red circle" onclick=buttonSubmit(this)></td></tr>   </table></div><!--============================--><!--==end main section of page==--><!--============================--></body></html>

Edited by demuro1
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You mean setTimeout(). The program is probably getting stuck at this line:


"timer" is local to the function so it isn't set. The code will probably work if you remove that line.

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if I save the code as .html it works fine. I am now saving it as.php and it hasn't worked right since. the expected behavior isclick button 1-message 1 display for 2 seconds click button one-message 1 is displayclick button 2 before 2 seconds elapses-message 2 is displayed for 2 seconds or until another button is pushed whichever comes first the problem is i can click 20 buttons but the timer never resets.

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Ingolme, I had to go with this ultimately to get it to work. I'm not sure on the specifics of all the pieces but I know this works. Thanks again for all your help!

var timer = setTimer("",0); /* reset the timer for add to cart display or other messages */function alertDisplay(d){  var time=5000;  document.getElementById("div_display").innerHTML=d;  clearTimeout(timer);  timer=setTimeout("document.getElementById('div_display').innerHTML=''", time);}

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