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cannot find the logic error


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I have a logic error in my code and I am having difficulty finding it.It has to do with two If statements, one inside another:

  if(isset($_GET['enduser'])==true)	  {?><div id="enduserform">   	 <form  action="register_form.php" method="post">		    <label class="label" for="username/e-mail">*</label><input name="username/e-mail"  placeholder="Username/e-mail" type="text" size="40" /><br>    <label class="label" for="password">*</label><input name="password"  placeholder="Κωδικός" type="text" size="40" /><br>    <label class="label" for="password2">*</label><input name="password2"  placeholder="Ξαναγράψε τον κωδικό...για την δική σου ασφάλεια" type="text" size="40" /><br>    <p class="info">Να είναι πάνω από 6 χαρακτήρες</p>    <input name="submitenduser" type="submit" />    <p class="required">Όλα τα πεδία απαιτούνται</p>    <p> το παραπάνω μήνυμα πρέπει να το φτιάξω να φαίνεται μόνο όταν ο χρήστης πατά το sumbit button, όπως	 στο facebook δηλαδή</p>   	   </form>			  </div>		 <?php  }      if(isset($_GET['enduser'])==true)      {?><div id="enduserform">         <form  action="register_form.php" method="post">             <label class="label" for="username/e-mail">*</label><input name="username/e-mail"  placeholder="Username/e-mail" type="text" size="40" /><br>    <label class="label" for="password">*</label><input name="password"  placeholder="Κωδικός" type="text" size="40" /><br>    <label class="label" for="password2">*</label><input name="password2"  placeholder="Ξαναγράψε τον κωδικό...για την δική σου ασφάλεια" type="text" size="40" /><br>    <p class="info">Να είναι πάνω από 6 χαρακτήρες</p>    <input name="submitenduser" type="submit" />    <p class="required">Όλα τα πεδία απαιτούνται</p>    <p> το παραπάνω μήνυμα πρέπει να το φτιάξω να φαίνεται μόνο όταν ο χρήστης πατά το sumbit button, όπως      στο facebook δηλαδή</p>           </form>              </div>         <?php  }      if	 (isset($_GET['bizuser'])==true)		 {?>		   <a href="http://localhost/Appointments/Frontend/register_form.php?hairstyle">hairstyle<a/><br>		      		  if(isset($_GET['hairstyle']))			   { echo 'hi';?>		   <div id="bizuserform">		    <form ...			  </form>		 </div><?php }		 }		 ?>

The problem is that the inner IF does not work-I expect that when that user clicks the hairstyle link seen above a form will appear( <div id="bizuserform"><form ... </form>). I have not included the form code because it is big and because I do not think it is needed.besides, I tried echoing a statement above and it still not works. Of course if the inner if statement is as a standalone statement(not inner) it will work-otherwise it will not.

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if (isset($_GET['bizuser'])==true) {?> <a href="http://localhost/Appointments/Frontend/register_form.php?hairstyle">hairstyle<a/><br> <?php if(isset($_GET['hairstyle'])) { echo 'hi';?> <div id="bizuserform"> <form ... </form> </div><?php } } ?> the php is still being seen as part of html. as thers no php start tag to go with closing tag after echo 'hi';

Edited by dsonesuk
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No it does not work-I am showing the code once more(part of it)-the code you suggested and I am doing it to be sure that this is what you gave me.:

if	    (isset($_GET['bizuser'])==true)		 {?>		   <a href="http://localhost/Appointments/Frontend/register_form.php?hairstyle">κομμωτήρια<a/><br>		   <a href="http://localhost/Appointments/Frontend/register_form.php?medical">ιατρικες υπηρεσίες</a><br>		   <a href="http://localhost/Appointments/Frontend/register_form.php?petgrooming">pet grooming</a><br>		   <a href="http://localhost/Appointments/Frontend/register_form.php?salonspa">salon spa</a>			   <?php		    if(isset($_GET['hairstyle']))			   {echo 'hi'; ?>

Is this the code you gave me?

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yes, that what i meant Is the value passed with $_GET['bizuser'] you are trying to check is true, or is it if the isset($_GET['bizuser']) is true? isset($_GET['bizuser']) will return true if a value has been sent on its own, if you wish to check that a value has been sent AND that value is true use.

if(isset($_GET['bizuser']) && $_GET['bizuser']==true)

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