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Need help in setFilterGrid


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HiGood day!I have form created that I used setFilterGrid in my table, so that I can easily filter the data.Now Every time I filter the item code I need to sum all the quantity , same with if I filter the item code and wh location it also sum the quantiy. Is it possible in javascript?Here is my code:

<?php							   include('connection.php');	?><html><title>Raw Materials Inventory</title><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/kanban.css" /><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="tablefilter.js"></script> <style>table {    font: 14px/28px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;    border-collapse: collapse;    }th {    padding: 0 0.6em;    text-align: left;    }tr.yellow th {    border-top: 1px solid #FB7A31;    border-bottom: 1px solid #FB7A31;    background: #FFC;    }td {    border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;    padding: 0 0.6em;    }td+td {    border-left: 1px solid #CCC;    text-align: center;    }</style></head><body><form><?php$current = "in";include("menu.php");echo "<div style='clear: both;'> </div><div style='clear: both;'> </div>";$result = mysql_query("SELECT s.bin_location, s.shelved_qty, s.issued_qty, r.wh_code, m.component, m.mat_code, m.description, m.uom FROM wms_shelving AS s LEFT JOIN wms_receiving AS r ON s.rm_id = r.rm_id LEFT JOIN bom_material AS m ON r.uid_mat = m.uid_mat WHERE s.shelved_qty > s.issued_qty OR ISNULL(s.issued_qty) ORDER BY m.component, m.mat_code");echo "<table id='inventory'>";echo "<tr class='yellow'><th>Component</th><th>Item Code</th><th>Description</th><th>WH Location</th><th>UoM</th><th>Quantity</th></tr>";while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))    {	    $component = $row['component'];	    $itemcode = $row['mat_code'];	    $description = $row['description'];	    $wh_location = $row['bin_location'];	    $uom = $row['uom'];	    $remaining_qty = $row["shelved_qty"] - $row["issued_qty"];echo "<tr>";echo "<td>$component</td>";echo "<td>$itemcode</td>";echo "<td>$description</td>";echo "<td>$wh_location</td>";echo "<td>$uom</td>";echo "<td>$remaining_qty</td>";echo "</tr>" ;    }echo "</table>";?></form><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">    var fnsFilters = {	    sort_select: true,	    loader: true,	    col_5: "none",	    col_4: "none",	    col_3: "select",	    col_2: "none",	    col_1: "select", 	    col_0: "select",	    on_change: true,	    display_all_text: "Filter",	    rows_counter: false,	    btn_reset: false,	    alternate_rows: false,	    btn_reset_text: "Display Existing Item Code",	    col_width: ["auto","auto","auto", "auto", "auto", "auto"]    }    setFilterGrid("inventory",fnsFilters);</script></body></html>

Thank you so much

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  • 8 months later...



I have this code for setFilterGrid and it works fine:



<form name="material_form" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="post" autocomplete="off"><div id="WH_list"><table id="mat_list"><thead><tr><th>DATE ENTRY</th><th>PO NUMBER</th><th>KIND</th><th>ITEM CODE</th><th>DESCRIPTION</th><th>UoM</th><th>SUPPLIER</th><th>QTY</th><th>WH #</th><th>ROW #</th><th>RACK #</th><th>LEVEL</th><th>RECEIVED BY</th></tr></thead><?php$sql = "SELECT m.date_entry, m.po_number, m.kind, r.item_code, r.sup_code, u.uom, s.supplier_name, ";$sql .= "m.qty, w.whse, w.row, w.rack, w.level, o.employee ";$sql .= "FROM material_data_in AS m LEFT JOIN raw_material AS r ON (m.mat_id = r.item_code) ";$sql .= "LEFT JOIN uom_list AS u ON (u.uom_id = m.uom_id) ";$sql .= "LEFT JOIN supplier AS s ON (s.supplier_id = m.supplier_id) ";$sql .= "LEFT JOIN warehouse AS w ON (w.id = warehouse_id) ";$sql .= "LEFT JOIN rm_receiver AS o ON (o.emp_id = m.received_by)";$res = mysql_query($sql);while($row_mat_list = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){$date_entry           = $row_mat_list['date_entry'];$po_number            = $row_mat_list['po_number'];//$unique_id            = $row_mat_list['unique_id'];$kind                 = $row_mat_list['kind'];$item_code            = $row_mat_list['item_code'];$description          = $row_mat_list['sup_code'];   $uom                  = $row_mat_list['uom'];$supplier             = $row_mat_list['supplier_name'];$qty                  = $row_mat_list['qty'];$qty                  = number_format($qty, 2);$whse                 = $row_mat_list['whse'];$row                  = $row_mat_list['row'];$rack                 = $row_mat_list['rack'];$level                = $row_mat_list['level'];$received_by          = utf8_encode($row_mat_list['employee']);echo "<tr>";echo "<td>$date_entry</td>";echo "<td>$po_number</td>";echo "<td>$kind</td>";echo "<td>$item_code</td>";echo "<td>$description</td>";echo "<td>$uom</td>";echo "<td>$supplier</td>";echo "<td>$qty</td>";echo "<td>$whse</td>";echo "<td>$row</td>";echo "<td>$rack</td>";echo "<td>$level</td>";echo "<td>$received_by</td>";echo "</tr>";}         echo "<tr>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td id='totalHERE' style='color:red;border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "<td style='border:none;'></td>";echo "</tr>";?></table><table id=''></form><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var totalRowDex = tf_Tag(tf_Id('mat_list'), "tr").length;var inventProp = {    rows_counter: true,    loader: true,    loader_text: "FilterING DaTa....",    col_operation: {        id: ["totalHERE"],        col: [7],        operation: ["sum"],        write_method: ["innerHTML"],        exclude_row: [totalRowDex],        decimal_precision: [2]    },    rows_always_visible: [totalRowDex]};setFilterGrid("mat_list", inventProp);</script></form>



now my problem is, how can I make the total qty has a comma every 3 digits. Because the Total = 80000000.00 how can I make it 80,000,000.00


I hope somebody can help me.


Thank you so much.

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