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updating the e-mail


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Let us suppose the username wants to change the e-mail he has given-which means updating the e-mail in the database. As I see one way to target the specific email of the specific user is the password And another is with the e-mail itself. IS my second statement correct? meaning targeting with a query the e-mail in order to update it the same time.

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You can use any unique column to identify the record to update.
to understand precisely what I am talking about here is the query-sorry for not showing it earlier:
update busines_users,credentials                                     set phone="'.$phone.'",email="'.$email.'"                                    where busines_users.crID=credentials.crID                                    and credentials.email="'.$email.'"'

Just tell me your opinion if the above "makes sense"-focus on the email part.

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CrId is the primary key and what I get is very very weird. If in the form I update only the phone everythingis OK(I must stress hear that I am updating phone and email). But the weird begins when I go to update the e-mail.I get an empty array back-I need to say also that the results of the query are passed to an array-see the code to understand what I am talking about:Here is the update function:

function update_contact_details($post,$email,$conn)	    {   	   		 $updatecont=array();		 $phone=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['phone']);		 $email= mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['e-mail']);		   		 $conn->set_charset("utf8");		 $result = $conn->query('update busines_users,credentials								    set phone="'.$phone.'",email="'.$email.'"								    where busines_users.crID=credentials.crID								    and credentials.email="'.$email.'"');				 if (!$result){		 throw new Exception('Aδυναμία σύνδεσης με την βάση.');		 return false;		  }		 else{ $result1 = $conn->query('select busines_users.phone,credentials.email										    from busines_users,credentials										    where busines_users.crID=credentials.crID		 and credentials.email="'.$email.'"');				 }		  if (!$result1){		 throw new Exception('Aδυναμία σύνδεσης με την βάση.');		 return false;		  }		 elseif( $result1->num_rows>0)		 { $updatect=$result1->fetch_object();	   		  $updatecont['email']=$updatect->email;		  $updatecont['phone']=$updatect->phone;				 }		  return $updatecont;		 				 }

And here is the code that calls the function:

if(isset($_POST['contactupdt']))//this here means that the user just pressed the update/save form button-it has name="'contactupdt"					   {					   $updatecont=update_contact_details($_POST,$_SESSION['valid_user'],$conn);					    var_dump($updatecont);					   foreach ($updatecont as $contactdls)					    {echo $contactdls.'<br>';}					   }


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If CrID is primary key , you can use that alone to determine unique user in your update query. In your code $email will be same for the new one and stored one (use in SET and WHERE) so it will not match if user is trying to change his email to other one.

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If CrID is primary key , you can use that alone to determine unique user in your update query.
I must stress, that phone and e-mail are in different tables....in order to use crID to determine unique user I must reach to itwith the e-mail...(so using the e-mail is inevitable)unless you have something else in your mind
In your code $email will be same for the new one and stored one (use in SET and WHERE) so it will not match if user is trying to change his email to other one.
IS that the reason you think I was receiving an empty array?
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here is an alternative query I run:

update busines_users,credentials				set phone='6973999099',email='john@yahoo.com'				where( select credentials.crID from credentials				where email='foryou1911@gmail.com');

I get though the following error message: Error code 1093, SQL state HY000: You can't specify target table 'busines_users' for update in FROM clause I tried this also:

update busines_users,credentials								    set phone="'.$phone.'",email="'.$emailnew.'"								    where busines_users.crID=credentials.crID								    and credentials.email='' '$email' ";

Other errors appeared,worst than the case above-the whole page script is ruined. In general, it seems that I cannot update the e-mail and the same time use it i the where clause.

Edited by jimfog
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