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Best Way to Put Large Video File on Web site


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When I put my video file which is wmv about 4M on my web server directly and using html embed wmp to display the video, it seems very slow or even not displaying the video.Any suggestion so my large video file could be played on website without waiting for a very lone time WITHOUT using streaming server?Is that convert video to flv and played by flash player a good solution?Many thanks.

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A flash player works, it's a good solution. The <video> tag goes playing the video as it's loading as well, but you have to see which browsers support which video format and have multiple copies of the video on your server.

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A flash player works, it's a good solution. The <video> tag goes playing the video as it's loading as well, but you have to see which browsers support which video format and have multiple copies of the video on your server.
Thanks Ingolme, I will go for flash player!
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