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Problem with uft-8 and special character in search machine


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Dear W3School-supporters and W3S friends, I currently have a very specific problem with uft-8 and iso in a search engine. While I could fix the display of search results for uft-8 content, I sill have a problem on the imput side and no idea where and how to fix. Maybe the info is incomplet or wrong, here the addition info for Utf-8 I used:

$phpdig_string_subst['utf-8'] = 'A:ÀÁÂÃÄÅ,a:àáâãäå,O:ÒÓÔÕÖØ,o:òóôõöø,E:ÈÉÊË,e:èéêë,C:Ç,c:ç,I:ÌÍÎÏ,i:ìíîï,U:ÙÚÛÜ,u:ùúûü,Y:Ý,y:ÿý,N:Ñ,n:ñ';

$phpdig_words_chars['utf-8'] = '[:alnum:]';

Its a software provided by PhpDig and designed mainly for iso-8859-1 When putting a word with scecial caracter like "ÖäÜß..." into the search formular, would ignore it and answer that the word is to short (assuming the code is seperate word) If you have any hint for me, it would be more that great. Thanks in advance! sadhu_sangham_sw.gif

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Dear Justsomeguy, I am not sure which php-file is responsible for this. Do you have any hint where I could search with some success?I could upload this files, but I am not sure if such is usual. Thanks for your care! sadhu_sangham_sw.gif

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I'm not sure what you're dealing with there, I assume there's a form and a script that handles the form. If the form is not being handled correctly then we need to see the code that handles the form.

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Thanks for the patient, justsomeguy! I am really a dummy and not really used to all the words. Let me assume it might be in the "search_function.php" (there are so many which could be contain the needed). I hope its ok to post the code, even it is a long one. No idea how to add a file for now.

<?php/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------PhpDig Version 1.8.xThis program is provided under the GNU/GPL license.See the LICENSE file for more information.All contributors are listed in the CREDITS file provided with this package.PhpDig Website : http://phpdig.de/--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*///===============================================// do the search and display the results// can be called in any pagefunction phpdigSearch($id_connect, $query_string, $option='start', $refine=0,					   $refine_url='', $lim_start=0, $limite=10, $browse=0,					   $site=0, $path='', $relative_script_path = '.', $template='', $adlog_flag=0, $rssdf=''){// check input// $id_connect set in connect.php file// $query_string cleaned in $query_to_parse in search_function.php fileif (($option != "start") && ($option != "any") && ($option != "exact")) { $option = SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE; }if (($refine != 0) && ($refine != 1)) { $refine = 0; }// refine_url set in search_function.php filesettype($limite,'integer');if (($limite != 10) && ($limite != 30) && ($limite != 100)) { $limite = SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT; }settype($limit_start,'integer');if (isset($limit_start)) { $limit_start = $limite * floor($limit_start / $limite); }if (($browse != 0) && ($browse != 1)) { $browse = 0; }if (eregi("^[0-9]+[,]",urldecode($site))) { $tempbust = explode(",",urldecode($site)); $site = $tempbust[0]; $path = $tempbust[1]; }settype($site,'integer'); // now set to integerif (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $my_path = addslashes($path); }else { $my_path = addslashes(stripslashes($path)); $path = stripslashes($path); }if (empty($site) && empty($path)) { $refine = 0; } else { $refine = 1; }if ($path == "-###-") { $site = 0; $path = ""; $refine = 0; }// $relative_script_path set in search.php file// $template set in config.php file// $adlog_flag set in search.php file// $rssdf set in search.php file$timer = new phpdigTimer('html');$timer->start('All');// init variablesglobal $phpdig_words_chars;settype($maxweight,'integer');$ignore = '';$ignore_common = '';$wheresite = '';$wherepath = '';$table_results = '';$final_result = '';$search_time = 0;$strings = array();$num_tot = 0;$leven_final = "";$mtime = explode(' ',microtime());$start_time = $mtime[0]+$mtime[1];$timer->start('All backend');$timer->start('parsing strings');if (!$option) {	 $option = SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE;}if (!in_array($option,array('start','any','exact'))) {	 return 0;}// the query was filledif ($query_string) {$common_words = phpdigComWords("$relative_script_path/includes/common_words.txt");$like_start = array( "start" => "", // is empty					 "any" => "", // was a percent					 "exact" => "" // is empty					 );$like_end = array( "start" => "%", // is a percent					 "any" => "%", // is a percent					 "exact" => "%" // was empty					 );$like_operator = array( "start" => "like", // is a like					 "any" => "like", // is a like					 "exact" => "like" // was an =					 );if ($refine) {	 $query_string = urldecode($query_string);	 $wheresite = "AND spider.site_id = $site ";	 if (($path) && (strlen($path) > 0)) {		  $wherepath = "AND spider.path like '$my_path' ";	 }	 $refine_url = "&refine=1&site=$site&path=$path";}else {	 $refine_url = "";}// query string was passed by urlif ($browse) {	 $query_string = urldecode($query_string);}if ($limite) {	 settype ($limite,"integer");}else {    $limite = SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT;}settype ($lim_start,"integer");if ($lim_start < 0) {	 $lim_start = 0;}$n_words = count(explode(" ",$query_string));$ncrit = 0;$tin = "0";if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {    $query_to_parse = addslashes($query_string);}else {    $query_to_parse = $query_string;}$my_query_string_link = stripslashes($query_to_parse);$query_to_parse = str_replace('_','\_',$query_to_parse); // avoid '_' in the query$query_to_parse = str_replace('%','\%',$query_to_parse); // avoid '%' in the query//$query_to_parse = str_replace('\'','_',$query_to_parse); // avoid ''' in the query$query_to_parse = str_replace('\"',' ',$query_to_parse); // avoid '"' in the query//$query_to_parse = phpdigStripAccents(strtolower(ereg_replace("[\"']+"," ",$query_to_parse))); //made all lowercase$query_to_parse = phpdigStripAccents(strtolower($query_to_parse)); //made all lowercase//$query_to_parse = ereg_replace("([^ ])-([^ ])","\\1 \\2",$query_to_parse); // avoid '-' in the query//$query_to_parse = str_replace('_','\_',$query_to_parse); // avoid '_' in the query$what_query_chars = "[^".$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING]." \'.\_~@#$:&\%/;,=-]+"; // epure chars \'._~@#$:&%/;,=-if (eregi($what_query_chars,$query_to_parse)) {$query_to_parse = eregi_replace($what_query_chars," ",$query_to_parse);}$query_to_parse = ereg_replace('(['.$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING].'])[\'.\_~@#$:&\%/;,=-]+($|[[:space:]]$|[[:space:]]['.$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING].'])','\1 \2',$query_to_parse);$query_to_parse = trim(ereg_replace(" +"," ",$query_to_parse)); // no more than 1 blank$query_for_strings = $query_to_parse;$query_for_phrase = $query_to_parse;$test_short = $query_to_parse;$query_to_parse2 = explode(" ",$query_to_parse);usort($query_to_parse2, "by_length");$query_to_parse = implode(" ",$query_to_parse2);if (isset($query_to_parse2)) { unset($query_to_parse2); }if (SMALL_WORDS_SIZE >= 1) {$ignore_short_flag = 0;$test_short_counter = 0;$test_short2 = explode(" ",$test_short);for ($i=0; $i<count($test_short2); $i++) {    $test_short2[$i] = trim($test_short2[$i]);}$test_short2 = array_unique($test_short2);sort($test_short2);$test_short3 = array();for ($i=0; $i<count($test_short2); $i++) {  if ((strlen($test_short2[$i]) <= SMALL_WORDS_SIZE) && (strlen($test_short2[$i]) > 0)) {    $test_short2[$i].=" ";    $test_short_counter++;    $test_short3[] = $test_short2[$i];  }}$test_short = implode(" ",$test_short3);if (isset($test_short2)) { unset($test_short2); }if (isset($test_short3)) { unset($test_short3); }//while (ereg(' ([^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'}) | ([^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'})$|^([^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'}) ',$test_short,$regs)) {  while (ereg('( [^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'} )|( [^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'})$|^([^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'} )',$test_short,$regs)) {	 for ($n=1; $n<=3; $n++) {	    if (($regs[$n]) || ($regs[$n] == 0)) {		    $ignore_short_flag++;		    if (!eregi("\"".trim(stripslashes($regs[$n]))."\", ",$ignore)) {			  $ignore .= "\"".trim(stripslashes($regs[$n]))."\", ";		    }		    $test_short = trim(str_replace($regs[$n],"",$test_short));	    }	 }  }  if (strlen($test_short) <= SMALL_WORDS_SIZE) {    if (!eregi("\"".$test_short."\", ",$ignore)) {	  $ignore_short_flag++;	  $ignore .= "\"".stripslashes($test_short)."\", ";    }    $test_short = trim(str_replace($test_short,"",$test_short));  }}$ignore = str_replace("\"\", ","",$ignore);if ($option != "exact") {  if (($ignore) && ($ignore_short_flag > 1) && ($test_short_counter > 1)) {    $ignore_message = $ignore.' '.phpdigMsg('w_short_plur');  }  elseif ($ignore) {    $ignore_message = $ignore.' '.phpdigMsg('w_short_sing');  }}$ignore_common_flag = 0;while (ereg("(-)?([^ ]{".(SMALL_WORDS_SIZE+1).",}).*",$query_for_strings,$regs)) {	    $query_for_strings = trim(str_replace($regs[2],"",$query_for_strings));	    if (!isset($common_words[stripslashes($regs[2])])) {			 $spider_in = "";			 if ($regs[1] == '-') {				 $exclude[$ncrit] = $regs[2];				 $query_for_phrase = trim(str_replace("-".$regs[2],"",$query_for_phrase));			 }			 else {				 $strings[$ncrit] = $regs[2];			 }			 $kconds[$ncrit] = '';			 if ($option != 'any') {				 $kconds[$ncrit] .= " AND k.twoletters = '".addslashes(substr(str_replace('\\','',$regs[2]),0,2))."' ";			 }			 $kconds[$ncrit] .= " AND k.keyword ".$like_operator[$option]." '".$like_start[$option].$regs[2].$like_end[$option]."' ";			 $ncrit++;	    }	    else {			 $ignore_common_flag++;			 $ignore_common .= "\"".stripslashes($regs[2])."\", ";	    }}if ($option != "exact") {  if (($ignore_common) && ($ignore_common_flag > 1)) {    $ignore_commess = $ignore_common.' '.phpdigMsg('w_common_plur');  }  elseif ($ignore_common) {    $ignore_commess = $ignore_common.' '.phpdigMsg('w_common_sing');  }}$timer->stop('parsing strings');if ($ncrit && is_array($strings)) {	 $query = "SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1";	 mysql_query($query,$id_connect);	 $my_spider2site_array = array();	 $my_sitecount_array = array();	 for ($n = 0; $n < $ncrit; $n++) {		   $timer->start('spider queries');		   $query = "SELECT spider.spider_id,sum(weight) as weight, spider.site_id		   FROM ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."keywords as k,".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."engine as engine, ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."spider as spider		   WHERE engine.key_id = k.key_id		   ".$kconds[$n]."		   AND engine.spider_id = spider.spider_id $wheresite $wherepath		   GROUP BY spider.spider_id,spider.site_id ";		   $result = mysql_query($query,$id_connect);		   $num_res_temp = mysql_num_rows($result);		   $timer->stop('spider queries');		   $timer->start('spider fills');		   if ($num_res_temp > 0) {			   if (!isset($exclude[$n])) {			   $num_res[$n] = $num_res_temp;				    while (list($spider_id,$weight,$site_id) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {						 $s_weight[$n][$spider_id] = $weight;						 $my_spider2site_array[$spider_id] = $site_id;						 $my_sitecount_array[$site_id] = 0;				    }			   }			   else {			   $num_exclude[$n] = $num_res_temp;					 while (list($spider_id,$weight) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {						    $s_exclude[$n][$spider_id] = 1;					 }			   mysql_free_result($result);			   }		   }		   elseif (!isset($exclude[$n])) {				   $num_res[$n] = 0;				   $s_weight[$n][0] = 0;		  }		  $timer->stop('spider fills');	 }	 $timer->start('reorder results');	 if ($option != "any") {	 if (is_array($num_res)) {		   asort ($num_res);		   list($id_most) = each($num_res);		   reset ($s_weight[$id_most]);		   while (list($spider_id,$weight) = each($s_weight[$id_most]))  {				  $weight_tot = 1;				  reset ($num_res);				  while(list($n) = each($num_res)) {					    settype($s_weight[$n][$spider_id],'integer');					    $weight_tot *= sqrt($s_weight[$n][$spider_id]);				  }				  if ($weight_tot > 0) {					   $final_result[$spider_id]=$weight_tot;				  }		   }	 }	 }	 else {	 if (is_array($num_res)) {		   asort ($num_res);		   while (list($spider_id,$site_id) = each($my_spider2site_array))  {				  $weight_tot = 0;				  reset ($num_res);				  while(list($n) = each($num_res)) {					    settype($s_weight[$n][$spider_id],'integer');					    $weight_tot += sqrt($s_weight[$n][$spider_id]);				  }				  if ($weight_tot > 0) {					   $final_result[$spider_id]=$weight_tot;				  }		   }	 }	 }    if (isset($num_exclude) && is_array($num_exclude)) {		   while (list($id) = each($num_exclude)) {				  while(list($spider_id) = each($s_exclude[$id])) {					    if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) { unset($final_result[$spider_id]); }				  }		   }    }    if ($option == "exact") {    if ((is_array($final_result)) && (count($final_result) > 0)) {	    $exact_phrase_flag = 0;	    arsort($final_result);	    reset($final_result);	    $query_for_phrase_array = explode(" ",$query_for_phrase);	    $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@',' ',phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\','',implode('@#@',$query_for_phrase_array))));	    $stop_regs = "[][(){}[:blank:]=&?!%\$£*@+%:;,/\.'\"]";	    $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)($stop_regs{1}|\$)";	    while (list($spider_id,$weight) = each($final_result)) {		  $content_file = $relative_script_path.'/'.TEXT_CONTENT_PATH.$spider_id.'.txt';		  if (is_file($content_file)) {		    $f_handler = fopen($content_file,'r');		    $extract_content = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",fread($f_handler,filesize($content_file)));			  if(!eregi($reg_strings,$extract_content)) {			    $exact_phrase_flag = 1;			  }		    fclose($f_handler);		  }		  if ($exact_phrase_flag == 1) {		    if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) { unset($final_result[$spider_id]); }		    $exact_phrase_flag = 0;		  }	    }	  }    }//    if(NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE != -1) {    if((!$refine) && (NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE != -1)) {    if ((is_array($final_result)) && (count($final_result) > 0)) {		   arsort($final_result);		   reset($final_result);		   while (list($spider_id,$weight) = each($final_result)) {				  $site_id = $my_spider2site_array[$spider_id];				  $current_site_counter = $my_sitecount_array[$site_id];				  if ($current_site_counter < NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE) {						 $my_sitecount_array[$site_id]++;				  }				  else {						 if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) { unset($final_result[$spider_id]); }				  }		   }    }    }    $timer->stop('reorder results');}$timer->stop('All backend');$timer->start('All display');if ((is_array($final_result)) && (count($final_result) > 0)) {    arsort($final_result);    $n_start = $lim_start+1;    $num_tot = count($final_result);    if ($n_start+$limite-1 < $num_tot) {		   $n_end = ($lim_start+$limite);		   $more_results = 1;    }    else {		  $n_end = $num_tot;		  $more_results = 0;    }    // ereg for text snippets and highlighting    if ($option == "exact") {	    $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@',' ',phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\','',implode('@#@',$query_for_phrase_array))));    }    else {	    $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@','|',phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\','',implode('@#@',$strings))));    }    $stop_regs = "[][(){}[:blank:]=&?!%\$£*@+%:;,/\.'\"]";    switch($option) {	    case 'any':	    $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)()";	    break;	    case 'exact':	    $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)($stop_regs{1}|\$)";	    break;	    default:	    $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)()";    }/*    switch($option) {	    case 'any': // or	    $reg_strings = "()($reg_strings)()";	    break;	    case 'exact':	    $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)($stop_regs{1}|\$)";	    break;	    default: // and	    $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)()";    }*/    $timer->start('Result table');    //fill the results table    reset($final_result);    for ($n = 1; $n <= $n_end; $n++) {	    list($spider_id,$s_weight) = each($final_result);	    if (!$maxweight) {			  $maxweight = $s_weight;	    }	    if ($n >= $n_start) {			 $timer->start('Display queries');			 $query = "SELECT sites.site_url, sites.port, spider.path,spider.file,spider.first_words,sites.site_id,spider.spider_id,spider.last_modified,spider.md5 "					  ."FROM ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."spider AS spider, ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."sites AS sites "					  ."WHERE spider.spider_id=$spider_id AND sites.site_id = spider.site_id";			 $result = mysql_query($query,$id_connect);			 $content = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);			 mysql_free_result($result);			 if ($content['port']) {				 $content['site_url'] = ereg_replace('/$',':'.$content['port'].'/',$content['site_url']);			 }			 $weight = sprintf ("%01.2f", (100*$s_weight)/$maxweight);			 $url = eregi_replace("([a-z0-9])[/]+","\\1/",$content['site_url'].$content['path'].$content['file']);			 $js_url = urlencode(eregi_replace("^[a-z]{3,5}://","",$url));			 $l_site = "<a class='phpdig' href='".SEARCH_PAGE."?refine=1&query_string=".urlencode($my_query_string_link)."&site=".$content['site_id']."&limite=$limite&option=$option'>".$content['site_url']."</a>";			 if ($content['path']) {				  $l_path = ", ".phpdigMsg('this_path')." : <a class='phpdig' href='".SEARCH_PAGE."?refine=1&query_string=".urlencode($my_query_string_link)."&site=".$content['site_id']."&path=".$content['path']."&limite=$limite&option=$option' >".ereg_replace('%20*',' ',$content['path'])."</a>";			 }			 else {				  $l_path="";			 }			 $first_words = str_replace('<','<',str_replace('>','>',$content['first_words']));			 $timer->stop('Display queries');			 $timer->start('Extracts');			 $extract = "";			 //Try to retrieve matching lines if the content-text is set to 1			 if (CONTENT_TEXT == 1 && DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) {				 $content_file = $relative_script_path.'/'.TEXT_CONTENT_PATH.$content['spider_id'].'.txt';				 if (is_file($content_file)) {					 $num_extracts = 0;					 $my_extract_size = 200;					 $my_filesize_for_while = filesize($content_file);					 while (($num_extracts == 0) && ($my_extract_size <= $my_filesize_for_while)) { // ***					 $f_handler = fopen($content_file,'r');//					 while($num_extracts < DISPLAY_SNIPPETS_NUM && $extract_content = fgets($f_handler,1024)) {					 while($num_extracts < DISPLAY_SNIPPETS_NUM && $extract_content = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",fread($f_handler,$my_extract_size))) {						   if(eregi($reg_strings,$extract_content)) {							  $extract_content = str_replace('<','<',str_replace('>','>',trim($extract_content)));							  $match_this_spot = eregi_replace($reg_strings,"\\1<\\2>\\3",$extract_content);							  $first_bold_spot = strpos($match_this_spot,"<");							  $first_bold_spot = max($first_bold_spot - round((SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH / 2),0), 0);							  $extract_content = substr($extract_content,$first_bold_spot,max(SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH, 2 * strlen($query_string)));							  $extract .= ' ...'.phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,$extract_content).'... ';							  $num_extracts++;						   }					 }					 fclose($f_handler);						 if ($my_extract_size < $my_filesize_for_while) {							 $my_extract_size *= 100;							 if ($my_extract_size > $my_filesize_for_while) {								 $my_extract_size = $my_filesize_for_while;							 }						 }						 else {							 $my_extract_size++;						 }					 } // ends ***				 }			 }			 list($title,$text) = explode("\n",$first_words);			 $title = phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,$title);			 $timer->stop('Extracts');			 $table_results[$n] = array (				    'weight' => $weight,				    'img_tag' => '<img border="0" src="'.WEIGHT_IMGSRC.'" width="'.ceil(WEIGHT_WIDTH*$weight/100).'" height="'.WEIGHT_HEIGHT.'" alt="" />',				    'page_link' => "<a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"".$url."\" onmousedown=\"return clickit(".$n.",'".$js_url."')\" target=\"".LINK_TARGET."\" >".ereg_replace('%20*',' ',$title)."</a>",				    'limit_links' => phpdigMsg('limit_to')." ".$l_site.$l_path,				    'filesize' => sprintf('%.1f',(ereg_replace('.*_([0-9]+)$','\1',$content['md5']))/1024),				    'update_date' => ereg_replace('^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*',PHPDIG_DATE_FORMAT,$content['last_modified']),				    'complete_path' => $url,				    'link_title' => $title				    );			 $table_results[$n]['text'] = '';			 if (DISPLAY_SUMMARY) {				 $table_results[$n]['text'] = phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",ereg_replace('(@@@.*)','',wordwrap($text, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH, '@@@'))));			 }			 if (DISPLAY_SUMMARY && DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) {				 $table_results[$n]['text'] .= "\n<br/><br/>\n";			 }			 if (DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) {				 if ($extract) {					 $table_results[$n]['text'] .= $extract;				 }				 else if (!$table_results[$n]['text']){					 $table_results[$n]['text'] = phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",ereg_replace('(@@@.*)','',wordwrap($text, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH, '@@@'))));				 }			 }	    }    }    $timer->stop('Result table');    $timer->start('Final strings');    $nav_bar = '';    $pages_bar = '';    if (isset($_REQUEST['template_demo'])) { $template_demo = urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($_REQUEST['template_demo']))); } else { $template_demo = ""; }    $url_bar = SEARCH_PAGE."?template_demo=$template_demo&browse=1&query_string=".urlencode($my_query_string_link)."$refine_url&limite=$limite&option=$option&lim_start=";    if ($lim_start > 0) {	    $previous_link = $url_bar.($lim_start-$limite);	    $nav_bar .= "<a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"$previous_link\" ><<".phpdigMsg('previous')."</a>    \n";    }    $tot_pages = ceil($num_tot/$limite);    $actual_page = $lim_start/$limite + 1;    $page_inf = max(1,$actual_page - 5);    $page_sup = min($tot_pages,max($actual_page+5,10));    for ($page = $page_inf; $page <= $page_sup; $page++) {	  if ($page == $actual_page) {		   $nav_bar .= " <span class=\"phpdigHighlight\">$page</span> \n";		   $pages_bar .= " <span class=\"phpdigHighlight\">$page</span> \n";		   $link_actual =  $url_bar.(($page-1)*$limite);	  }	  else {		  $nav_bar .= " <a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"".$url_bar.(($page-1)*$limite)."\" >$page</a> \n";		  $pages_bar .= " <a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"".$url_bar.(($page-1)*$limite)."\" >$page</a> \n";	  }    }    if ($more_results == 1) {	    $next_link = $url_bar.($lim_start+$limite);	    $nav_bar .= "    <a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"$next_link\" >".phpdigMsg('next').">></a>\n";    }    $mtime = explode(' ',microtime());    $search_time = sprintf('%01.2f',$mtime[0]+$mtime[1]-$start_time);    $result_message = stripslashes(ucfirst(phpdigMsg('results'))." $n_start-$n_end, $num_tot ".phpdigMsg('total').", ".phpdigMsg('on')." \"".htmlspecialchars($query_string)."\" ($search_time ".phpdigMsg('seconds').")");    $timer->stop('Final strings');}else {    $num_in_strings_arr = count($strings);    if (($num_in_strings_arr > 0) && (strlen($path) == 0)) {	    $leven_final = "";	    for ($i=0; $i<$num_in_strings_arr; $i++) {		    $soundex_query = "SELECT keyword FROM ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."keywords WHERE SOUNDEX(CONCAT('Q',keyword)) = SOUNDEX(CONCAT('Q','".$strings[$i]."')) LIMIT 500";		    $soundex_results = mysql_query($soundex_query,$id_connect);		    if (mysql_num_rows($soundex_results) > 0) {				 $leven_ind = 0;				 $leven_amt1 = 256;				 $leven_keyword = array();				 while (list($soundex_keyword) = mysql_fetch_array($soundex_results)) {					 $leven_amt2 = min(levenshtein($strings[$i],$soundex_keyword),$leven_amt1);					 if (($leven_amt2 < $leven_amt1) && ($leven_amt2 >= 0) && ($leven_amt2 <= 5)) {						 $leven_keyword[$leven_ind] = stripslashes($soundex_keyword);						 $leven_ind++;					 }					 $leven_amt1 = $leven_amt2;				 }			    $leven_count = count($leven_keyword);			    if ($leven_count > 0) {				    $leven_final .= $leven_keyword[$leven_count-1] . " ";			    }			    if (isset($leven_keyword)) { unset($leven_keyword); }		    }	    }    }    $num_tot = 0;    $result_message = phpdigMsg('noresults');    if (strlen(trim($leven_final)) > 0) {	    $leven_query = trim($leven_final);	    if (isset($_REQUEST['template_demo'])) { $template_demo = urlencode(stripslashes(urldecode($_REQUEST['template_demo']))); } else { $template_demo = ""; }	    $result_message .= ". " . phpdigMsg('alt_try') ." <a class=\"phpdigMessage\" href=\"".SEARCH_PAGE."?template_demo=$template_demo&query_string=".urlencode($leven_query)."\"><i>".htmlspecialchars($leven_query)."</i></a>?";    }}if (isset($tempresult)) {    mysql_free_result($tempresult);}$title_message = phpdigMsg('s_results');}else {   $title_message = 'PhpDig '.PHPDIG_VERSION;   $result_message = phpdigMsg('no_query').'.';}$timer->start('Logs');if (PHPDIG_LOGS == true && !$browse && !$refine && $adlog_flag == 0) {   if (!isset($exclude)) {	    $exclude = array();   }   if (is_array($final_result)) {	   phpdigAddLog ($id_connect,$option,$strings,$exclude,count($final_result),$search_time);   }   else {	   phpdigAddLog ($id_connect,$option,$strings,$exclude,0,$search_time);   }}$timer->stop('Logs');$timer->start('Template parsing');$powered_by_link = "<font size=\"1\" face=\"verdana,arial,sans-serif\">";if (ALLOW_RSS_FEED) {  $powered_by_link .= "<a href=\"".$rssdf."\">".phpdigMsg('viewRSS')."</a><br>";}$powered_by_link .= "<a href=\"http://phpdig.de/\">".phpdigMsg('powered_by')."</a><br></font>";$js_string = implode(" ",$strings);$js_for_clicks = "<script language=\"JavaScript\"><!--function clickit(cn,clink) {  if(document.images) {	 (new Image()).src=\"clickstats.php?num=\"+cn+\"&url=\"+clink+\"&val=".urlencode($js_string)."\";  }  return true;}//--></script>";if ($template == 'array' || is_file($template)) {    $phpdig_version = PHPDIG_VERSION;    $t_mstrings = compact('js_for_clicks','powered_by_link','title_message','phpdig_version','result_message','nav_bar','ignore_message','ignore_commess','pages_bar','previous_link','next_link','templates_links');    $t_fstrings = phpdigMakeForm($query_string,$option,$limite,SEARCH_PAGE,$site,$path,'template',$template,$num_tot,$refine);    if ($template == 'array') {	    return array_merge($t_mstrings,$t_fstrings,array('results'=>$table_results));    }    else {	    $t_strings = array_merge($t_mstrings,$t_fstrings);	    phpdigParseTemplate($template,$t_strings,$table_results);    }}else {?><?php include $relative_script_path.'/libs/htmlheader.php' ?><head><title><?php print $title_message ?></title><?php include $relative_script_path.'/libs/htmlmetas.php' ?><style>.phpdigHighlight {color:<?php print HIGHLIGHT_COLOR ?>;				 background-color:<?php print HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND ?>;				 font-weight:bold;				 }.phpdigMessage {padding:1px;background-color:#002288;color:white;}</style><script language="JavaScript"><!--function clickit(cn,clink) {  if(document.images) {    (new Image()).src="clickstats.php?num="+cn+"&url="+clink+"&val=<?php echo urlencode($js_string); ?>";  }  return true;}//--></script></head><body bgcolor="white"><div align="center"><img src="phpdig_logo_2.png" width="200" height="114" alt="phpdig <?php print PHPDIG_VERSION ?>" border="0" /><br /><?phpphpdigMakeForm($query_string,$option,$limite,SEARCH_PAGE,$site,$path,'classic','',$num_tot,$refine);?><h3><span class="phpdigMsg"><?php print $result_message ?></span><br /><span class="phpdigAlert"><?php print $ignore_message ?></span><br /><span class="phpdigAlert"><?php print $ignore_commess ?></span></h3></div><?phpif (is_array($table_results)) {	   while (list($n,$t_result) = each($table_results)) {			 print "<p style='background-color:#CCDDFF;'>\n";			 print "<b>$n. <font style='font-size:10;'>[".$t_result['weight']." %]</font>  ".$t_result['page_link']."</b>\n<br />\n";			 print "<font style='font-size:10;background-color:#BBCCEE;'>".$t_result['limit_links']."</font>\n<br />\n";			 print "</p>\n";			 print "<blockquote style='background-color:#EEEEEE;font-size:10;'>\n";			 print $t_result['text'];			 print "</blockquote>\n";	   }}print "<p style='text-align:center;background-color:#CCDDFF;font-weight:bold'>\n";print $nav_bar;print "</p>\n";?><hr /><div align="center"><?phpif ($query_string) {    phpdigMakeForm($query_string,$option,$limite,SEARCH_PAGE,$site,$path,'classic','',$num_tot,$refine);}?></div><div align='center'><a href='http://phpdig.de/' target='_blank'><img src='phpdig_powered_2.png' width='88' height='28' border='0' alt='Powered by PhpDig' /></a>  </div></body></html><?php}$timer->stop('Template parsing');$timer->stop('All display');$timer->stop('All');//$timer->display();}function by_length($a, $ {$len_a = strlen($a);$len_b = strlen($;if ($len_a == $len_ { return 0; }return ($len_a < $len_ ? 1 : -1;}?>

Thanks a lot! sadhu_sangham_sw.gif

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It seems like this is the source of the problem: $phpdig_words_chars['utf-8'] = '[:alnum:]'; That is a definition of which characters are considered to be part of a word. The alnum class is upper and lowercase A thorugh Z, plus the 10 digits. That does not include the UTF characters, so it sees UTF characters as not being part of a word. I know that's the problem, but I'm not sure how to get it to do what you want to do. You can define a range of unicode characters in a regular expression, but I'm not sure what range you need. There's a comment on this page: http://www.php.net/m...n/ref.regex.php which lists the codes for several characters, maybe that's a good place to start. Try this instead: $phpdig_words_chars['utf-8'] = '[:alnum:][\\xC0-\\xD6][\\xD8-\\xF6][\\xF8-\\xFB][\\xFD-\\xFF]';

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It seems like this is the source of the problem: $phpdig_words_chars['utf-8'] = '[:alnum:]'; That is a definition of which characters are considered to be part of a word. The alnum class is upper and lowercase A thorugh Z, plus the 10 digits. That does not include the UTF characters, so it sees UTF characters as not being part of a word. I know that's the problem, but I'm not sure how to get it to do what you want to do. You can define a range of unicode characters in a regular expression, but I'm not sure what range you need. There's a comment on this page: http://www.php.net/m...n/ref.regex.php which lists the codes for several characters, maybe that's a good place to start. Try this instead: $phpdig_words_chars['utf-8'] = '[:alnum:][\\xC0-\\xD6][\\xD8-\\xF6][\\xF8-\\xFB][\\xFD-\\xFF]';
Dear Justsomeguy, I thought so as well. I tried this one and it does no more cut the search words into pieces. Before it seemed to be that a word including a special character was cutted. For example the word "können" was replaces to "k" and "nnen" so the "ö" was simply replaced (ignored) now with this code the word seems to stay complet, as I do no more get the message "word to short" but it seems to be replaced with the wrong character code, as the words do not find a match. So now it seems to be replaced like "k?nnen".The "problem" as far as I understand is to find the right replacement. "?" = ? The first code looks like that (I guess I copied it in a wrong way in the OP... )
$phpdig_string_subst['utf-8'] = 'A:ÀÁÂÃÄÅ,a:àáâãäå,O:ÒÓÔÕÖØ,o:òóôõöø,E:ÈÉÊË,e:èéêë,C:Ç,c:ç,I:ÌÍÎÏ,i:ìíîï,U:ÙÚÛÜ,u:ùúûü,Y:Ý,y:ÿý,N:Ñ,n:ñ';

hmmm... the same, It shows codes here instead of the character. Thanks a lot for your support! sadhu_sangham_sw.gif

Edited by Johann
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I have tried for example to replace it like this:

 $phpdig_words_chars['utf-8'] = '[:alnum:]ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÝÿýÑñ'; 

The search seems to work, but not sure. For example the search after "Schüler" matches but in the display of the search results it looks like this:

Thai Waldtraditionen: ausgesuchte Lehrer ...Ajaan Sao und sein Sch��ler Ajaan Mune etablierten die Kammatthana Tradition. Als wahrer Waldeinsiedler, hinterließ Ajaan Sao keine Aufzeichnungen se... ...er Phra Ajaan Sao Kantasilo Mahathera 1861 1941 , eine enormes Gefolge von Sch��lern an, etablierte die Waldmeditaionstradition die Kammatthana Tradit... ...ativen Wanderleben unter seiner Obhut an. Sie waren sozusagen seine ersten Sch��... .... Nach einer Wanderung von 19 Jahren durch die Wälder und in den Bergen von Thailand und Kamboscha erhielt Ajjan Dune von seinem geistlichen Vorge...
Edited by Johann
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It sounds like your page isn't set to use UTF. You need to specify the UTF-8 encoding in the meta tag, content-type header if possible, and save the actual file using UTF-8 as well. Make sure your database is also using UTF, and you might need to use the PHP functions utf8_encode or utf8_decode to get it to output text correctly.

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It sounds like your page isn't set to use UTF. You need to specify the UTF-8 encoding in the meta tag, content-type header if possible, and save the actual file using UTF-8 as well. Make sure your database is also using UTF, and you might need to use the PHP functions utf8_encode or utf8_decode to get it to output text correctly.
Dear Justsomehuy, I think the websites are right adjusted:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
"you might need to use the PHP functions utf8_encode or utf8_decode to get it to output text correctly" Not sure what you mean with that. Would be great if you could give me a hint what and where. As far as I know, all host settings are "utf-8" and as far as I had seen im MySql, the settings are also on "utf-8". Thanks a lot! sadhu_sangham_sw.gif
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I tried a little on the W3School pages and there is the same phenomena. When I use the Tryit Editor like: http://www.w3schools...ryhtml_charsets And put: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body><p>These are ISO-8859-1 characters: ü è ü â. Ñanamoli</p><p>Try to change the charset to ISO-8859-8.</p></body></html>

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body><p>These are ISO-8859-1 characters: ü è ü â. Ñanamoli</p></body></html>

into it, it would return in: "These are ISO-8859-1 characters: � � � �. �anamoli" So I guess it is a layer crosses layer matter, put how to come to the surface and quit the additional layers? Since there are 3 processes: indexing, search and output for the search engine it self and again for the website it self in addition. I am sure it has just do do with a general understanding (not knowing in my case). sadhu_sangham_sw.gif

Edited by Johann
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Puhh... :umnik2: if I would take, use or have money, I would suddenly invest in a php professional... How ever, I like your quote: "He that teaches himself has a fool for a master.-- Benjamin Franklin (paraphrased)" Yep! Any way, more that grateful for your many hints and help! sadhu_sangham_sw.gif(sorry if the post seems to be edited, I just us it to convert characters by using the code bbc, I hope that is ok. Perfect tool!) Edited by Johann
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You may need to run the query "alter table keywords modify keyword varchar(64) binary;" for certain encodings.
Could this suggestion be a main reason?May I ask the question: Where and how do I run this query? I guess on the mySQL panel, but no idea where and how. Thanks a lot! Edited by Johann
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I haven't used a binary encoding for any text field, utf_unicode_ci should work fine. You can run that query the same way you run any other query though. You can use a tool like phpMyAdmin to run it, or you can log in to the server via SSH and use the MySQL console, you can create a PHP page to connect to the database and run the query, etc. You can also use phpMyAdmin to change the table structure without needing to know the query.

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It seems that this is all over my head. I really miss the basics to be able to see a little clear even what is talked about. So I guess I will rest a little in desperation and frustration, walk on an see if I can find new energy and a branch to pull me in again.Thanks a lot justsomeguy!

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Ok, maybe it is useful to tell what the actual case its. I have changed all HTML-Entity ("....") into Chars. So in the html files there are "only" chars left. The pages have the meta info to be uft-8. In the config.php, I have changes parameter "PHPDIG_ENCODING" into uft-8. The part of the code which seems to work on this looks like this: ________________________define('PHPDIG_ENCODING','utf-8'); // encoding for interface, search and indexing. // iso-8859-1, iso-8859-2, iso-8859-7, tis-620, // and windows-1251 supported in this version. // replace/edit phpdig_string_subst/phpdig_words_chars for encodings as needed// note: you may need to alter table keywords modify keyword varchar(64) binary; for certain encodings $phpdig_string_subst['utf-8'] = 'à:À,á:Á,â:Â,ã:Ã,ä:Ä,å:Å,æ:Æ,ç:Ç,è:È,é:É,ê:Ê,ë:Ë,ì:Ì,í:Í,î:Î,ï:Ï,ð:Ð,ñ:Ñ,ò:Ò,ó:Ó,ô:Ô,õ:Õ,ö:Ö,÷:×,ø:Ø,ù:Ù,ú:Ú,û:Û,ü:Ü,ý:Ý,þ:Þ,ÿ:ß';$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-1'] = 'A:ÀÁÂÃÄÅ,a:àáâãäå,O:ÒÓÔÕÖØ,o:òóôõöø,E:ÈÉÊË,e:èéêë,C:Ç,c:ç,I:ÌÍÎÏ,i:ìíîï,U:ÙÚÛÜ,u:ùúûü,Y:Ý,y:ÿý,N:Ñ,n:ñ';$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-2'] = 'A:ÁÂÄá,C:ÇÆÈ,D:ÏÐ,E:ÉËÊÌ,I:ÍÎ,L:Å¥£,N:ÑÒ,O:ÓÔÖÕ,R:ÀØ,S:¦ª©,T:Þ«,U:ÚÜÙÛ,Y:Ý,Z:¬¯®,a:áâäã±,c:çæè,d:ïð,e:éëêì,i:íî,l:åµ³,n:ñò,o:óôöõ,r:àø,s:¶º¹,t:þ»,u:úüùû,y:ý,z:¼¿¾';$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-6'] = 'Q:Q,q:q';//$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] = 'é:ßú,á:Ü,å:Ý,ç:Þ,ï:ü,õ:ýû,ù:þ';$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] = 'á:Á¶Ü,â:Â,ã:Ã,ä:Ä,å:ŸÝ,æ:Æ,ç:Þǹ,è:è,é:ßúɺ,ê:Ê,ë:Ë,ì:Ì,í:Í,î:Î,ï:ü¼Ï,ð:Ð,ñ:Ñ,ó:Óò,ô:Ô,õ:ýûÕ¾,ö:Ö,÷:×,ø:Ø,ù:þÙ¿';$phpdig_string_subst['tis-620'] = 'Q:Q,q:q';$phpdig_string_subst['windows-1251'] = 'À:à,Á:á,Â:â,Ã:ã,Ä:ä,Å:å,Æ:æ,Ç:ç,È:è,É:é,Ê:ê,Ë:ë,Ì:ì,Í:í,Î:î,Ï:ï,Ð:ð,Ñ:ñ,Ò:ò,Ó:ó,Ô:ô,Õ:õ,Ö:ö,×:÷,Ø:ø,Ù:ù,Ú:ú,Û:û,Ü:ü,Ý:ý,Þ:þ,ß:ÿ'; $phpdig_words_chars['utf-8'] = '[:alnum:]';$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-1'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-2'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-6'] = '[:alnum:]¤¬»¿ÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñò';$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-7'] = '[:alnum:]ÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÓÔÕÖ×ØÙ¢¸¹º¼¾¿ÚÛáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñóôõö÷øùÜÝÞßüýþúûÀà';$phpdig_words_chars['tis-620'] = '[:alnum:]¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬_®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÜßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúû';$phpdig_words_chars['windows-1251'] = '[:alnum:]ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ';_________________________________________________ this variable "PHPDIG_ENCODING" is used on all other pages of the program. keyword varchar(64) seems to be proper set if I look at phpMyadmin. If I index one page, after that look at the generated keywords in the database if find only cut words. Special characters are no where included but the word are cutted into pieces as well as I find many "words" consist (include) of numbers. As for the search, it also gives back the same picture and cuts the searchword at the special character. Also wired is, even when I change the characters of the interface pages it self (in the language files) into chars it will show the <?> sighn instead of the character for the parts which are generated by the php variables, which is not the case for the added html parts where every thing is fine displayed. Maybe this function in another file called "phpdig_function.php" has an impact:

//=================================================//replace all characters with an accentfunction phpdigStripAccents($chaine,$encoding=PHPDIG_ENCODING) {global $phpdigEncode;if (!isset($phpdigEncode[$encoding])) {   $encoding = PHPDIG_ENCODING;}// exceptionsif ($encoding == 'iso-8859-1') {    $chaine = str_replace('Æ','ae',str_replace('æ','ae',$chaine));}return( strtr( $chaine,$phpdigEncode[$encoding]['str'],$phpdigEncode[$encoding]['tr']) );}

ans should be changed. "replace all characters with an accent" is that needed if "All" is simply utf-8?

Edited by Johann
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Justsomeguy, I just have finished this phpgig "experiment", short installed another kindly provided software and luckily 100% function with this. So at the "end" I have learned a lot here with you and I owe you more than just normal gratitude, since you really had a lot of patient with me.How ever, now there is a lot to do, to change all pages to the new search as well as all layout and new modifications. I guess here I am more successful as in all this php and mysql stuff.Thanks there are people how can handle and manage this an provide such useful products and its good to know what hard work and understanding is behind all this "easy" just *click* *click* ... metta & muditasadhu_sangham_sw.gif

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Yeah, it looks like PHPDig is not UTF-friendly. 7-bit ASCII is one of the worst things to happen to computers, I wish I could go back in time and slap those people on the head and tell them that computers need to be multi-lingual. Anyway, glad you got it sorted out.

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Yeah, it looks like PHPDig is not UTF-friendly. 7-bit ASCII is one of the worst things to happen to computers, I wish I could go back in time and slap those people on the head and tell them that computers need to be multi-lingual. Anyway, glad you got it sorted out.
I guess it's generally difficult as it looks like most programs do not really work on the roots but have many layers of making the datas looking good again and to see through such a artifact is really not easy. And one can be sure that really much information gets lost in this way which is somehow similar to "fuzzy electronics" which do no more repeat a real picture but what looks nice and is acceptable for the most. I would not slap them on the head, actually it is the customer who forces to do things which have been not included in the original purposes. I guess its more a not so good way people did after and try to paint all in a way how they like it, but not seeking the roots and understand them. So as you quoted: "Know the foundations of computer science: algorithms, machine architectures, data structures, etc. Don't just blindly copy techniques from application to application. Know what you are doing, ..." A fine looking solution is always possible in a "cheap" way and the most will eat it. *Search* Its good to have such as utf-8 standart today, but I guess its really very important to "force" the providers of content and datas to use it and not to simply format and transform it. So that goes back to the single website and content provider and this would make the web effective without much energy waste accessible, not to speak about the quality and the re-adjustment of a market balance.Programmer would also have more tendency to seek a marked in de-velopment rather then in envelopment (what is called development today). Well it's actually also a great business, but I guess not the most skillful at least._()_ Edited by Johann
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