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div take remaining room

Little Goat

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ok, so I've got this CSS layout and I need one column to take up all the width left. I have no width set for the div, and it works fine until I get content that doesn't take up the whole line.here is a screenshot:problem7uz.th.pnganyone know? :):) thnx, LG

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If you can figure that one out I would be surprised. I've never found a way to say width = "everything else" like you can do with frames. And, at least for things like tables, if you set a width on every td except one, thinking that the extra one would fill up the rest of the space, some browsers which shall remain nameless throw all the widths out of whack unless every cell is explicitly stated. It's provided me with many headaches in the past. width="*" would be great, why isn't that part of the spec? I'd like to know..

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