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I have an expression like this:


The code inside the brackets must be run ONLY if all three of the conditions are met.

I am trying to use a foreach loop instead:

 foreach ($passwcheck as $value) {        if ($value=='')        {             //code to run         }            }

The above though, does not do my job...even if $value is =='' one time the code inside the brackets will run.

The aim(I repeat it) is that all 3 $value must be equal to "" in order for the code to run.


Can the above be done with the foreach loop or I should opt for the conditionals?


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The only reason to do something like this is if you don't know how many values you are testing:

$flag = true;foreach ($ar as $val) {  if ($val !== '') {    $flag = false;  }} if ($flag) {  // whatever you want to do}

You could also use the array_filter function with a callback to filter empty strings out of the array and then check to see if there are any elements left in the array.

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I will use array_filter instead...but as you have already said research must be done.

I went to the manual for the above function and I really cannot understand the first example#1.


Let us take for example the even function:

function even($var){    // returns whether the input integer is even    return(!($var & 1));}

How does the above code examines if the supplied array member is even?

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It uses the bitwise and operator to determine if the last bit in the number is a 1 or 0 and then negates the result.


How the callback function determines whether an array value is "valid" isn't really important to the example though, the point is that you can use a function to test each array member for yourself.

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