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msqli_multi_query() to array to sort


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EDIT: mysqli_multi_query() to array to sort


I have a few tables that I want to pull into one query result. I can get a multi array with the following code:

	public function getPosts( ) {	$data= array();		$queries =" SELECT *  FROM `imagePosts`; ";	$queries .= " SELECT * FROM `messages`; ";	$queries .= " SELECT *  FROM `videos`; ";			$exe = parent::database()->multi_query($queries);		if (!$exe) {				printf("Error: %sn", parent::database()->error);						return false; 		}		do {			if ($result = parent::database()->store_result()) {				while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {				$data[] = $row;				}				$result->free();			}		if (!parent::database()->more_results()) {  break; }		} while (parent::database()->next_result());	return $data;	}

There are a few examples of sorting arrays with usort() that I found, but for some reason I just cannot understand how that function works...


There is a datetime field in my tables that I want to sort by which should mix the table results together..


Does anyone understand how to sort an array by a date field?

Edited by astralaaron
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So, the following works, but I can't figure out how to get it to work within my class files

function date_compare($a, ${    $t1 = strtotime($a['when']);    $t2 = strtotime($b['when']);    return $t1 - $t2;}usort($array, 'date_compare');

the way usort takes in a string as a function name is throwing me off. How do I pass date_compare() as member of my class instead of just a function? I want to be able to do this sorting within the getPosts function instead of procedurally after the result is returned..



I thought this would work within my class but no luck:

usort($array, function ($a, ${    $t1 = strtotime($a['when']);    $t2 = strtotime($b['when']);    return $t1 - $t2;});

any ideas?

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If you're passing an object method then you use an array to specify the object, then the method name:


usort($array, array($object, 'method'));


Note that if you're using PHP 5.4, Javascript-style short array syntax works also:


usort($array, [$this, 'method']);

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