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I need help on a stupid piece of code. lol

Joseph C R

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Does anyone know if there is a command to go with this one, which I can make the box as wide as I want. But I don't want to drag the mouse handles. I want to know if there is a way to plug numbers into how wide I want it. I love this command. It could help a lot. I can make it big with what here, but I want to make both ends work, so my box stays in the middle of my column. This might also help me get rid of tables from html. I'm trying to get rid of some tables. However. I also love the layout over CSS layouts from html, but at the same time, I'm also trying to do more and more CSS, as for what the commands do, which I did place onto my own website. I'm trying to do a high breed solution. I love table layouts better, but I love CSS when it comes to programming and font settings and better font layouts with CSS.... I hope someone can help me. Thank you.


width: 600px;


I've learned how professional websites, say not to use tables at all. I think it all depends on the style of layout you want. I'm not a business website, by all means. I'm just a simple blog, which is made to look like a space ship, and I needed my dirty dish water background to make that space look. I needed tables, three columns wide, and the biggest table is 601px long. It makes the table stay right to the edge of the screen, and on any screen at that; it also hides the space background. I have octagonal windows frames, with cells the colour of Cyan, or turquoise. Ping image colour only cell, and it looks really cool.. I needed to place three tables in each column. However, with the box command. I might be able to make the best of both worlds happy, while I maintain my unique layout. I want to get rid as many tables, I can to make my website more respectable with both code wise and user wise. I love my graphics, which are also said to be a big no, no in websites. Again, I think it all depends on what you want your website to do. I'm not a business minded person at all. Not at all. However, anyone's imagination can take you anywhere you want to go at will. So, I brought back with me, a website, which others can get on a space ship, which travels much, much faster than light! I want to make sure it runs and downloads fast. I have to get rid of some tables, but I do need the layout from some...... I want to find a way to make headers, but not on my website. I want the look and feel of what I created on it. I have to watch out for my do's and don'ts and such. Yet at the same time, I just have to be different.............. :)))

Edited by Joseph C R
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You can allow the width of a block element to fill 100% of the available width or you can set it to some other percentage of the available width or you can set it to a fixed width. You can also set minimum and maximum widths. If you have not gone through the HTML and CSS tutorials recently then you should do that.

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You'll have to give us more detail I'm afraid. Or maybe a screen grab with what you want to achieve.

I think Dave answered your question though.

width: 100%;

But this depends on your website.


You should definitely stay away from tables, especially down the line when you want to create mobile friendly sites.

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As somebody new to CSS-based layouts, I don't recommend redesigning your website without tables right away. Do experiments on your home computer to learn. Make a file in a text editor (notepad) and save it with a .html extension, then open it in a browser.


Here's a sample code you can try for a tableless layout just to see what it looks like

<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>Basic CSS layout</title>        <style type="text/css">            div {                border: 1px solid blue; /* Make the boxes visible */            }            #header {                margin-bottom: 10px;            }            #left {                min-height: 400px; /* Just to add some volume to the example */                float: left;                width: 30%;                border: 1px solid blue;                margin-left: 0.5% /* Separate from edge of window */            }            #right {                min-height: 400px; /* Just to add some volume to the example */                float: right;                width: 30%;                margin-right: 0.5% /* Separate from edge of window */            }            #center {                min-height: 400px; /* Just to add some volume to the example */                margin-left: 31%; /* Leave space for left column */                margin-right: 31%; /* Leave space for right column */            }            #footer {                margin-top: 10px;                clear: both; /* Go below all the columns */            }        </style>    </head>    <body>        <!-- Header -->        <div id="header">            <h1>Header</h1>        </div>        <!-- Columns -->        <div id="left">            Left column        </div>        <div id="right">            Right column        </div>        <div id="center">            Center column        </div>        <!-- Footer -->        <div id="footer">            Footer        </div>    </body></html>
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That's one of the things I did learn out of here, was using the note pad and naming the exertion txt, something of that nature. Then you open it up in the browser t check it. It opens as the browser internet. I use that, but I have live server. So I can do dummy pages, like I do with experimenting.. I'm just new to the wide range of html and CSS, but I'm making it do more and more as I learn. I use my server host to do my experiments. It's faster for me to see my work and edit on the fly. I have used the note pad one, so I could keep fresh backups of my website. Now I have to see how the new tables create, as I re create them and my font tag is gone and a lot of things are gone, and I have to get on to them right away....... Right away........... I need the space age look. It' crazy, but I sure love it.. My Mom is the reason why it exists. She saw it way before I ever dreamed of creating what she saw in her third, last day of life. Eleven years later, after nine years of making the look and feel. I had the faith that she saw something, I would do way into the future. I did all my own artwork and my own theories and concepts. I have poetry on it too, and I had to create this in nine years, and I've only been three years, heavily everyday, working on this website to make it become real............. I did it for my Mom and now, I have to keep it going for ne now, I see what I'm up against. I have much work cut out for me. I can't let this thing die on me............... Not while I'm alive......



I'm going to keep that code above. you might have helped me more than I can ever thank you, and Dave. You might have saved my website:))))

Edited by Joseph C R
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