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I learned this here to start me off on my restoration

Joseph C R

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<style type="text/css">body {scrollbar-arrow-color: #00ffff;scrollbar-face-color: #00ffff;scrollbar-track-color: #000000;}</style><style>body{background-image:url('http://spaceuphoria.com/images/Website%20images/Deep_Space_Webpage_Background_2.jpg');background-color:#000000;background-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;background-position: center;}</style><style type="text/css"></style>I've done my first background, and scrollbar in pure CSS. This is my website's futurerestoration codes.

These commands will help me, not only restore my website into total CSS, but I have a really cool cyan scrollbar look and feel appeal to the website's future........ I've really been working hard from here to learn to do this stuff up above, on my own to put different pieces together. I'm new at this, and I have a lot of hard work well ahead of me....... I hope I achieve it. ... CSS tables are next to rebuild. However, I did remember to open and close tags. Styles won't work with one another, if you don't close each of them that you make. Anything like that. I did remember to open and close tags all the time. <p> was <p><font>, </p></font>. Now it's just <p>Hi Tommy. This is how it's done</P>. I have to revamp really hard and steadfast...

Edited by Joseph C R
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