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Joseph C R

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>WARP CORE (JMD)</title><style>body {}.font1{color: #ff00ff;font-family: georgia;font-size: 14pt;text-align: justify;}.font2{color: #00ffff;font-family: verdana;font-size: 14pt;text-align: center;}.font3{color: #ff00ff;font-family: georgia;font-size: 16pt;text-align: right;}.font4{color: #ff00ff;font-family: georgia;font-size: 13.5pt;text-align: center;}.font5{color: #00ffff;font-family: georgia;font-size: 30pt;text-align: center;}.font6{color: #00ffff;font-family: georgia;font-size: 12pt;text-align: center;}.font7{color: #ff00ff;font-family: georgia;font-size: 13pt;text-align: justify;}.font8{color: #ff00ff;font-family: georgia;font-size: 16pt;text-align: center;}</style><style type="text/css">p.int1{text-indent:10px;margin-top: 0;margin-bottom: 0}p.int2{text-indent:10px;margin-top: 1;margin-bottom: 0}p.int3{text-indent:0px;margin-top: 1;margin-bottom: 0}p.int5{text-indent:0px;margin-top: 1;margin-bottom: 0}p.int6{text-indent:0px;margin-top: 0;margin-bottom: 0}p.int7{text-indent:0px;margin-top: 0}p.int8{text-indent:10px;margin-top: 1;margin-bottom: 0}p.int9{text-indent:10px;margin-top: 0;margin-bottom: 0}</style><style type="text/css">body {scrollbar-arrow-color: #ff00ff;scrollbar-face-color: #ff00ff;scrollbar-track-color: #000000;}</style><script>button1up = new Image; button1up.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Home-Turquoise-2.gif";button1down = new Image; button1down.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Home-Purple-2.gif";button2up = new Image; button2up.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/SPACEUPHORIA-Turquoise.gif";button2down = new Image; button2down.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/SPACEUPHORIA-Purple.gif";button3up = new Image; button3up.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/2D-Digital-Wonders-Turquoise.gif";button3down = new Image; button3down.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/2D-Digital-Wonders-Purple.gif";button4up = new Image; button4up.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/3D-Digital-Wonders-Turquois.gif";button4down = new Image; button4down.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/3D-Digital-Wonders-Purple.gif";button5up = new Image; button5up.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Concept-Wonders-Turquoise.gif";button5down = new Image; button5down.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Concept-Wonders-Purple.gif";button6up = new Image; button6up.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Recorded-Energy-Turquoise.gif";button6down = new Image; button6down.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Recorded-Energy-Purple.gif";button7up = new Image; button7up.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Warp-Core-Turquoise.gif";button7down = new Image; button7down.src = "images/Website%20Buttons/Warp-Core-Purple.gif";function MouseOverRoutine(ButtonName){if (ButtonName=="button1"){document.button1.src = button1down.src;}if (ButtonName=="button2"){document.button2.src = button2down.src;}if (ButtonName=="button3"){document.button3.src = button3down.src;}if (ButtonName=="button4"){document.button4.src = button4down.src;}if (ButtonName=="button5"){document.button5.src = button5down.src;}if (ButtonName=="button6"){document.button6.src = button6down.src;}if (ButtonName=="button7"){document.button7.src = button7down.src;}}function MouseOutRoutine(ButtonName){if (ButtonName=="button1"){document.button1.src = button1up.src;}if (ButtonName=="button2"){document.button2.src = button2up.src;}if (ButtonName=="button3"){document.button3.src = button3up.src;}if (ButtonName=="button4"){document.button4.src = button4up.src;}if (ButtonName=="button5"){document.button5.src = button5up.src;}if (ButtonName=="button6"){document.button6.src = button6up.src;}if (ButtonName=="button7"){document.button7.src = button7up.src;}}</script></head><body background="http://spaceuphoria.com/images/Website%20images/Deep_Space_Webpage_Background_2.jpg" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bgproperties="fixed" bgcolor="#000000" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">I'm still using the old way to colour the background, until I Full-Out go CSS. I do have the code for it, but the layout of my present day design is too primitive for it right now.

Ever since, I came to this website, to join it. I also came to this forum, not too long ago. So far this is what I have learned from good teachers:) In only a few days at that. Thanks guys:)) Here's what I had learned so far all in the actual code. I show the head section and the new way I now do my fonts. I'm still practising full CSS table layout, similar to my website's weird layout. Not seen in here yet. I'm still very new, only about two and a half years into website creation, even just my own. It's just pure fun to do. I just let my imagination go all out on it. All this code is the brain to one of my website pages. My Mom's page is the first one to be fully CSS driven fonts. I always had the java script and flash stuff, which work my buttons and my hover links alike. This brain all goes right inside the head tag. Note: Commands, like the scrollbar colour code won't work in most browsers, but the instruction is skipped as if it weren't there at all.

The div tag is another very new thing, I picked up from a good teacher. I use the div tag to drive my fonts to work right. I have to place the class font x command and so on, and then place my paragraph right underneath it, then another div tag like this </div> to close the command to work right........... </p></div> is how they say it's done. lol <div> is a container, and I now know what that means..

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