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foreach() error


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I want to export videos, thumbs, duration, etc from my website into a xml format.
I got this error:
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
$output .= ' <clips>';if (!is_array( $vids )) {    $vids = array(  );    foreach ($imgs as $img) {        $img = explode( '.', $img );        $vids[] = '0' . $img[0] . '.flv';    }}@sort( $vids );@sort( $imgs );$i = 38;foreach ($vids as $v) {    $output .= ' <clip>';    $output .= '  <duration>' . $duration . '</duration>';    $output .= '  <width>' . $width . '</width>';    $output .= '  <height>' . $height . '</height>';    $output .= '  <flv>' . $v . '</flv>';    $output .= '   <screens>   <screen>' . trim( $imgs[$i] ) . '</screen>   </screens>';    $output .= ' </clip>';    ++$i;}$output .= ' </clips>';

Thank you!


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Seems something wrong with the argument you send for your first foreach.


try to use


before the foreach(); and post here the output it returns

Edited by Yolo
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This is all whole code:

<?phpheader( 'content-type: text/xml' );require_once( 'config/con_db.class.php' );require_once( 'function/function.php' );$db = new db(  );$hostedServer = ishostedserver(  );$level = 38;$admin_delete = false;if (isset( $_COOKIE['userid'] )) {	$userid = get_uid_fromusers( safe_string( $_COOKIE['userid'] ) );	$level = check_if_admin( $userid );	if ($level == 1) {		$admin_delete = true;	}}$channels = safe_string( $_GET['channels'] );if (strpos( $channels, ',' )) {	$channels = explode( ',', $channels );}else {	$channels = array( $channels );}$todayforsql = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( date( 'H' ), date( 'i' ), 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ), date( 'Y' ) ) );$category = safe_string( $_GET['category'] );if (strpos( $category, ',' )) {	$category = explode( ',', $category );}else {	$category = array( $category );}$_GET['start'] = ($_GET['start'] ? intval( $_GET['start'] ) : 0);$limit = ($_GET['limit'] ? ' LIMIT ' . intval( $_GET['start'] ) . ', ' . intval( $_GET['limit'] ) : ' LIMIT 50');$limit = (intval( $_GET['limit'] ) <= 500 ? $limit : ' LIMIT ' . intval( $_GET['start'] ) . ', 500');if (( $admin_delete && $_GET['limit'] )) {	$limit = ' LIMIT ' . intval( $_GET['start'] ) . ', ' . intval( $_GET['limit'] );}if ($_GET['recent']) {	$limit = 'limit 0,50';}else {	$recent = null;}$path = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];$path = str_replace( 'xml.php', '', $path );$catIDS = null;$chaIDS = null;$tagArray = array(  );$urlArray = array(  );$vidArray = array(  );$imgArray = array(  );$partOneSQL = null;$partTwoSQL = null;$partThreeSQL = null;$partFourSQL = null;if (0 < $category[0]) {	$catIDS = '(';	foreach ($category as $v) {		$catIDS .= $v . ',';	}	$catIDS = trim( $catIDS, ',' ) . ')';}if (0 < $channels[0]) {	$chaIDS = '(';	foreach ($channels as $v) {		$chaIDS .= $v . ',';	}	$chaIDS = trim( $chaIDS, ',' ) . ')';}$maxdatequery = 'select max(`date_added`) as da from videos v, channels ch ';$maxdatequery .= ($catIDS ? ', hostedgals_niche n, hostedgals_cats c ' : null);$maxdatequery .= ' WHERE  1';$maxdatequery .= ($chaIDS ? ' and v.channel  IN ' . $chaIDS . ' ' : null);$maxdatequery .= ($catIDS ? ' and n.cat_id  IN ' . $catIDS . ' AND  n.cat_id = c.uid AND n.hostedgal_id = v.uid' : null);$maxdatequery .= ' AND v.date_added <= '' . $todayforsql . '' ';$maxdatequery .= ' AND v.channel = ch.uid  ';$maxdatequery .= ' AND v.active = 1 ';$maxdatequery .= ' AND v.queue  = 1';$getmaxdate = mysql_query( '' . $maxdatequery );$timeforupdate = strtotime( mysql_result( $getmaxdate, 0, 'da' ) );$partOneSQL = 'SELECT v.uid AS vid_id, v.description, v.tag, v.duration, v.height, v.hotlink_id, v.width, v.date_added, v.hotlinkimg_id, v.img_type, v.vid_type, s.sitename, ch.name as chaname, ch.uid as chaid FROM videos v, settings s, channels ch';$partOneSQL .= ($catIDS ? ', hostedgals_niche n, hostedgals_cats c ' : null);$partOneSQL .= ' WHERE  1';$partOneSQL .= ($chaIDS ? ' and v.channel  IN ' . $chaIDS . ' ' : null);$partOneSQL .= ($catIDS ? ' and n.cat_id  IN ' . $catIDS . ' AND  n.cat_id = c.uid AND n.hostedgal_id = v.uid' : null);$partOneSQL .= ' AND v.date_added <= '' . $todayforsql . '' ';$partOneSQL .= ' AND v.channel = ch.uid  ';$partOneSQL .= ' AND v.active = 1 ';$partOneSQL .= ' AND v.queue  = 1 ';$partOneSQL .= ' ORDER BY v.date_added DESC ';$partOneSQL .= $limit;$partOneResult = mysql_query( $partOneSQL, $db->con );if ($row = mysql_fetch_object( $partOneResult )) {	$vid_ids[] = $row->vid_id;}$from_sql_one = implode( ',', $vid_ids );mysql_data_seek( $partOneResult, 0 );$partTwoSQL = 'SELECT hostedgals_niche.cat_id, hostedgals_niche.hostedgal_id FROM hostedgals_niche JOIN videos ON (videos.uid = hostedgals_niche.hostedgal_id) where hostedgal_id IN(' . $from_sql_one . ')';$partThreeSQL = 'SELECT videos.uid, `hotlink`.`url` AS clip, `hotlinkimg`.`url` AS screen					 FROM `hotlink` , `hotlinkimg` , videos					 WHERE videos.hotlink_id = hotlink.uid					 AND videos.hotlinkimg_id = hotlinkimg.uid AND videos.uid IN(' . $from_sql_one . ')					 GROUP BY videos.uid';$partFourSQL = 'SELECT `videos`.`uid` , `hotlink_files`.`filename` , `hotlink_files`.`type`					FROM `hotlink_files` , `videos`					WHERE hotlink_files.video_uid = videos.uid AND videos.uid IN(' . $from_sql_one . ')';$getcatnames = mysql_query( 'select name, uid from hostedgals_cats where status = 1' );while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $getcatnames )) {	extract( $row );	$catarray[$uid] = $name;}$partTwoResult = mysql_query( $partTwoSQL, $db->con );while ($row = mysql_fetch_array( $partTwoResult )) {	@extract( $row );	$tagArray[$hostedgal_id][] = $cat_id;}$partThreeResult = mysql_query( $partThreeSQL, $db->con );while ($row = mysql_fetch_array( $partThreeResult )) {	@extract( $row );	$urlArray[$uid][] = $clip;	$urlArray[$uid][] = $screen;}$partFourResult = mysql_query( $partFourSQL, $db->con );while ($row = mysql_fetch_array( $partFourResult )) {	@extract( $row );	if ($type == '1') {		$vidArray[$uid][] = $filename;	}	$imgArray[$uid][] = $filename;}$numRows = mysql_num_rows( $partOneResult );$output = '';$output .= '<videos>';$output .= ' <updated>' . date( 'Y-m-d', $timeforupdate ) . '</updated>';$output .= ' <total>' . $numRows . '</total>';while ($row = mysql_fetch_array( $partOneResult )) {	$thisPath = $path;	@extract( $row );	$output .= ' <video>';	$output .= ' <id>' . $vid_id . '</id>';	$output .= ' <tag>' . $tag . '</tag>';	$output .= ' <title>' . htmlentities( $description ) . '</title>';	$output .= ' <description>' . htmlentities( $description ) . '</description>';	$output .= ' <tags>';	$vtags = $tagArray[$vid_id];	$urls = $urlArray[$vid_id];	$vids = $vidArray[$vid_id];	$imgs = $imgArray[$vid_id];	if (is_array( $vtags )) {		$vtags = array_unique( $tagArray[$vid_id] );		$temp = '';		foreach ($vtags as $v) {			if ($catarray[$v]) {				$temp .= $catarray[$v] . ',';				continue;			}		}		$temp = trim( $temp, ',' );		$output .= '  ' . $temp . ' ';	}	$output .= ' </tags>';	$output .= ' <paysite>' . $chaname . '</paysite>';	$output .= ' <clip_url>';	if (( $vid_type == 'local' && $hostedServer != '' )) {		$thisPath = $hostedServer . 'vid/' . $chaid . '/' . $tag . '/';	}	else {		if (( $vid_type == 'local' && $hostedServer == '' )) {			$thisPath = $thisPath . 'vid/' . $chaid . '/' . $tag . '/';		}		else {			if ($vid_type == 'hotlink') {				$thisPath = trim( $urls[0] );			}		}	}	$output .= $thisPath . '';	$output .= ' </clip_url>';	$thisPath = $path;	$output .= ' <screen_url>';	if (( $img_type == 'local' && $hostedServer != '' )) {		$thisPath = $hostedServer . 'vid/' . $chaid . '/' . $tag . '/';	}	else {		if (( $img_type == 'local' && $hostedServer == '' )) {			$thisPath = $thisPath . 'vid/' . $chaid . '/' . $tag . '/';		}		else {			if ($img_type == 'hotlink') {				$thisPath = trim( $urls[1] );			}		}	}	$output .= $thisPath . '';	$output .= ' </screen_url>';	$output .= ' <clips>';	if (!is_array( $vids )) {		$vids = array(  );		foreach ($imgs as $img) {			$img = explode( '.', $img );			$vids[] = '0' . $img[0] . '.flv';		}	}	@sort( $vids );	@sort( $imgs );	$i = 38;	foreach ($vids as $v) {		$output .= ' <clip>';		$output .= '  <duration>' . $duration . '</duration>';		$output .= '  <width>' . $width . '</width>';		$output .= '  <height>' . $height . '</height>';		$output .= '  <flv>' . $v . '</flv>';		$output .= '   <screens>   <screen>' . trim( $imgs[$i] ) . '</screen>   </screens>';		$output .= ' </clip>';		++$i;	}	$output .= ' </clips>';	$output .= ' </video>';}$output .= '</videos>';echo $output;?>
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It seems it's being set at this line:

$imgs = $imgArray[$vid_id];


Have you checked that $imgArray has an element with the key $vid_id?

You can use



echo $vid_id;

to check that the values are what you expected.

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