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Thank you :) But what do you mean with "plan" and "truly unique"? :)It is just a fairly simple thing hoor :)"hoor" is Dutch, there is no translation, just a phrase add.. I can't think of anything the English would use for this word.. "hey" and "though", come near..

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Yes. I see it transparent in IE6 too (should I actually? Remember I've got that weird setup of IE6 and IE7). Something being transparent doesn't necessary mean alpha transparency. Most editors "flatten" images. That is, represent it as one layer, instead of few ones (the upper one with alpha transparency in such case).Speaking of such layers, the only thing I can say for certain is that whatever editor, it's wasn't Macromedia Fireworks. Fireworks has the ability to save PNGs with their layers and later on manipulate them. Other editors supporting PNG flatten their images to one layer and only keep the whole image's alpha transparency (the one we can "observe" in browsers supporting alpha transparent PNGs) and lose the ability to alter those layers in the process. I've heard that even the all famous Photoshop does flattening instead of saving the layers. And this image doesn't have layers when I open it with Fireworks.[edit] Sorry. Just wanted to clear my point. [/edit]

Its ok.. you dont have to believe it was done in paint, but it was. Wat they do is there are literally hundreds of peopple that all the do is sit there on the forums and make images.Once they want some c/c on their work they post like linework..The only thing not done in paint on that picture or any of his is the text. I think that one picture took like 1 month to complete. Thats why its so good, they dont spend 5-30 minutes on pictures like you. They work reallly hard.
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I am not very patient when working on images. I started a tutorial on how to create building graphics (like in Sim city). the buildings were very detailed and they looked really nice but the tutorial was 40 hours to produce 1 building....I couldn't finish it.I want to create nice graphics but usually have little patience for it. Maybe that is why I became a programmer and not a graphic artist :)

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http://dhost.info/profmemberone/Art/cseries/a50.bmpReason for making: just for fun and test my perspective skills in paintThings about this image I might change: nothing, final stateOther Comments: I have drawn a cleaned-up version of our living room, in perspective, with Paint :) Drag and drop or copy this link to your addressbar to view it, and remember the image may take some time to load. This image is also part of a series like the Gear in above post, but this one is so big I will only show the last in the series. This serie is about constructing this drawing, in 50 steps (that is why this one is called like that)
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