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if we have this little code



function sum (){var a = 135;var d = a << (150 - a % 32);var c = d << (160 % 53 + 3*2 +7);var y = 78945666 - d ;var b = a+d+c+y ;return b ;}


what does it mean to reverse it that is what does it mean to reverse a code??


does it mean that we should reverse the operators of the code like this :



function reverse sum(){var a = 135 ;var d = a >> (150 + a % 32);var c = d >> (160 % 53 - (3/2)-7);var y = 78945666 + d ;var b = a+d+c+y ;return b;}


or it means that we should begin the code from the bottom to the top


like this function reverse sum()



var b = a+d+c+y ;

var y = 78945666 - d ;

var c = d << (160 % 53 + 3*2 +7);

var d = a << (150 - a % 32);

var a = 135;




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I assume what it means is to create a function that takes what the other one outputs and return what was put into it. That is, if function A takes in 5 and outputs 23, then function B needs to take in 23 and output 5.


Your code doesn't seem to have any inputs, so perhaps that definition doesn't fit. Where did you find the question?

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both functions are not related in anyway and the same for their output . I put them only to make my question more clear. Generally and in the context of programming, what does it mean to reverse a code or a script ? does it mean that the execution begins from the bottom to the top ? or that the operators are reversed 1+1 = 2 becomes 1-1=0 ? or that the result of the execution of the code is reversed like 01001000 binary becomes 10110111 or false becomes true ? or 150 becomes -150?

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Can you point to an article where you read about reversing code? It depends on the context.


Reversing a string means putting the letters in reverse order, "Hello, World!" becomes "!dlorW ,olleH"

Reversing a function would be to make a function that does the opposite, which I explained in my previous post.

Reversing the order of execution would mean writing the lines of code in reverse order.

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"Reversing the order of execution would mean writing the lines of code in reverse order"


Interesting . but what do you mean in reverse order ? you means from the bottom to the top ? Can you please give me a clear and short example on how to write the lines of the code in the reverse order as you wrote ?


execution from the top to the bottom








when you reverse it it becomes like this :


execution from the bottom to the top








is this what you mean?

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