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Fading Links


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I need this code to work so that it cycles through different colors instead of just fading between two different colors. Can someone help me?

/************* **** <config> **/ startColor = "#6666FF"; // MouseOut link color endColor = "#AA22AA"; // MouseOver link color stepIn = 15; // delay when fading in stepOut = 15; // delay when fading out /* ** set to true or false; true will ** cause all links to fade automatically ***/ autoFade = true; /* ** set to true or false; true will cause all CSS ** classes with "fade" in them to fade onmouseover ***/ sloppyClass = true; /** **** </config> **************/ /************* **** <install> ** ** **** </install> **************/ hexa = new makearray(16); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) hexa[i] = i; hexa[10]="a"; hexa[11]="b"; hexa[12]="c"; hexa[13]="d"; hexa[14]="e"; hexa[15]="f"; document.onmouseover = domouseover; document.onmouseout = domouseout; startColor = dehexize(startColor.toLowerCase()); endColor = dehexize(endColor.toLowerCase()); var fadeId = new Array(); function dehexize(Color){ var colorArr = new makearray(3); for (i=1; i<7; i++){ for (j=0; j<16; j++){ if (Color.charAt(i) == hexa[j]){ if (i%2 !=0) colorArr[Math.floor((i-1)/2)]=eval(j)*16; else colorArr[Math.floor((i-1)/2)]+=eval(j); } } } return colorArr; } function domouseover() { if(document.all){ var srcElement = event.srcElement; if ((srcElement.tagName == "A" && autoFade) || srcElement.className == "fade" || (sloppyClass && srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") != -1)) fade(startColor,endColor,srcElement.uniqueID,stepIn); } } function domouseout() { if (document.all){ var srcElement = event.srcElement; if ((srcElement.tagName == "A" && autoFade) || srcElement.className == "fade" || (sloppyClass && srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") != -1)) fade(endColor,startColor,srcElement.uniqueID,stepOut); } } function makearray(n) { this.length = n; for(var i = 1; i <= n; i++) this[i] = 0; return this; } function hex(i) { if (i < 0) return "00"; else if (i > 255) return "ff"; else return "" + hexa[Math.floor(i/16)] + hexa[i%16];} function setColor(r, g, b, element) { var hr = hex®; var hg = hex(g); var hb = hex(; element.style.color = "#"+hr+hg+hb; } function fade(s,e, element,step){ var sr = s[0]; var sg = s[1]; var sb = s[2]; var er = e[0]; var eg = e[1]; var eb = e[2]; if (fadeId[0] != null && fade[0] != element){ setColor(sr,sg,sb,eval(fadeId[0])); var i = 1; while(i < fadeId.length){ clearTimeout(fadeId[i]); i++; } } for(var i = 0; i <= step; i++) { fadeId[i+1] = setTimeout("setColor(Math.floor(" +sr+ " *(( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +er+ " * (" +i+ "/" + step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sg+ " * (( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +eg+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sb+ " * ((" +step+ "-" +i+ ")/" +step+ ") + " +eb+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),"+element+");",i*step); } fadeId[0] = element; }

Edited by aspnetguy
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Can you post your full code, function calls etc.In the meantime maybe this can help you out.

<head><script type="text/javascript">var colors=new Array();colors[0]="blue";colors[1]="green";colors[2]="red";colors[3]="gray";colors[4]="orange";colors[5]="aqua";colors[6]="brown";colors[7]="black";colors[8]="purple";colors[9]="chocolate";colors[10]="magenta";colors[11]="violet";colors[12]="indigo";colors[13]="sienna";colors[14]="yellow";var i=0;function writemess(){if (i==15)i=0;document.getElementById('name').style.color=colors[i];i++;setTimeout('writemess()',200)}</script></head><body onload="writemess()"><div id="name">Text</div></body>

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