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Can't get video to load


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I'm trying without much success to get flow player to work on a test website. I have it working on another site but on the test site it just doesn't work. I get an error saying ReferenceError: Can't find variable: fp. The full error is:

[Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: fp
onOpen (player.php, line 447)
p (jquery.bpopup-0.8.0.min.js, line 6)
(anonymous function) (jquery.bpopup-0.8.0.min.js, line 6)
each (jquery-1.10.2.min.js, line 4)
each (jquery-1.10.2.min.js, line 4)
bPopup (jquery.bpopup-0.8.0.min.js, line 6)
(anonymous function) (player.php, line 442)
dispatch (jquery-1.10.2.min.js, line 5)
handle (jquery-1.10.2.min.js, line 5)



Line 447 in the player.php is fp.load();
The code I'm using to load the video (when somebody clicks a button is should load) is:
$(".thumb-vid").click(function(){              $("#pop").bPopup({                modalClose: true, opacity: 0.6, positionStyle: 'fixed', onClose: function(e){                  if (fp.loading) { e.preventDefault(); }                  else { fp.unload(); }                }, onOpen: function(){                  fp.load();                }              });
I'd be grateful for any help on this please, I've tried the flow player forum but they said they couldn't help because I'm not trying to get it to work on one of their pages.
I also tried using console.log ('fp'); but that didn't show anything at all :(
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I can't tell how those two pieces of code fit together. The error message says that there's no fp variable defined apparently, for whatever scope that piece of code runs. Maybe the code where you define the variable runs after the code trying to use it.

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