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Input tag ceases working when moved to later in table


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The following page works fine (for the functionalities finished so far). BUT when I move one input tag from the top of a table to the middle of the same table it ceases to work. I can't figure it out. For a nice layout I need to move the input tag. (See comments in code, lines 99 & 146, for where it works and where it needs to appear.)


Any help on getting it to function in the proper place will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /><title>Video Review</title><style>#title {	font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size:xx-large;	font-weight:bold;	color:black;	text-align:center;}#video {	margin-top: 10px;	margin-bottom: 2px;	background: gray;	background-position: center;}#speeds {    width: 40px;    margin-bottom:10px;    font-size: xx-large;    background: #808080;    background-position:center;    border:medium;    border-color:black;    border-style:solid;    font-weight: bold;	font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}/* STYLES FOR THE JSON TABLE */table {  border: 1px solid #666;       width: 100%;}th {  background: #f8f8f8;   font-weight: bold;        padding: 2px;}/* END OF STYLES FOR THE JSON TABLE *//* VIDEO STYLES */.info {    background-color: white;	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size: small;}.error {    background-color: red;    color: white;	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size: small;}.myStyle1 {	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size: small;}.myStyle2 {	font-size: small;}/* END OF VIDEO STYLES *//* START OF SKEW STYLES */	div.transbox	{	  width: 1px;	  height: 1px;	}	div.transbox p	{	  position:fixed;	  margin-left: 1px;	  width: 1px;	  height: 1px;	  background-color:yellow;	  opacity:0.01;	  /* filter: alpha(opacity=40); */ /* For IE8 and earlier */	  /* ms-transform: skew(20deg,10deg); *//* IE 9 */	  /* webkit-transform: skew(20deg,10deg); *//* Safari */	  transform: skew(0.1deg,0.1deg); /* Standard syntax */	}/* END OF SKEW STYLES */</style></head><body onkeypress="mainFunction(event)"> <div id="title" class="myStyle2">Fagan Consulting - Lane Audit Tool</div>	<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">		<tr align="center">			<td colspan="3">				<div style="text-align:center">         <!-- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -->				  <input type="file" accept="video/*"/> <!-- INPUT WORKS FINE HERE, BUT I WANT IT APPEARING WHERE INDICATED BELOW !!! -->				  <span id="message" visible="false"></span>				  <br/>				  <button onclick="sizer(50)" class="myStyle1">Smallest</button>				  <button onclick="sizer(75)" class="myStyle1">Smaller</button>				  <button onclick="sizer(100)" class="myStyle1">Normal</button>				  <button onclick="sizer(150)" class="myStyle1">Larger</button>				  <button onclick="sizer(200)" class="myStyle1">Largest</button>				  <br class="myStyle1"/>				    <span class="myStyle1">Playback Speeds:  </span>				  <button onclick="speed(0.10)" class="myStyle1">10%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(0.25)" class="myStyle1">25%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(0.50)" class="myStyle1">50%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(0.75)" class="myStyle1">75%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(1.00)" class="myStyle1">100%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(1.25)" class="myStyle1">125%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(1.50)" class="myStyle1">150%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(1.75)" class="myStyle1">175%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(2.00)" class="myStyle1">200%</button> 				  <button onclick="speed(4.00)" class="myStyle1">400%</button>				  <br class="myStyle1"/>				    <span class="myStyle1">Set Time:  </span>				  <button onclick="timeValue('txt1')">Manual</button>				  <input type="text" name="txt1" size="4" value="1" id="txt1"/>				  <button onclick="timeStart()" class="myStyle1">Start</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(-10)" class="myStyle1">-10</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(-8)" class="myStyle1">-8</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(-6)" class="myStyle1">-6</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(-4)" class="myStyle1">-4</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(-2)" class="myStyle1">-2</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(2)" class="myStyle1">+2</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(4)" class="myStyle1">+4</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(6)" class="myStyle1">+6</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(8)" class="myStyle1">+8</button>				  <button onclick="timechange(10)" class="myStyle1">+10</button>				  <button onclick="timeEnd()" class="myStyle1">End</button>				    Pause After Changes:				  <input type="text" name="txt2" size="4" value="2" id="txt2"/>				</div>				<br/>			</td>		</tr>		<tr align="center">			<td align="center" valign="top"><!-- ============== VIDEO ============== -->			<div>				  <button onclick="playPause()">Play/Pause</button> 				  <button onclick="muteUnmute()" type="button">Mute/Unmute</button> <!-- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -->				  <input type="file" accept="video/*"/> <!-- INPUT DOES NOT WORK WHEN PLACED HERE! WHY? THIS IS WHERE I WANT IT. ?????? -->				  <span id="message"></span>				  <br/>			</div>				<video id="video" controls class="myStyle1"></video><span class="myStyle1"> </span>			</td>			<td align="center" valign="top"><!-- ============== KEYPRESS LOG ============== -->				<button onclick="toggleLogDisplay();" id="buttonText01">Hide the Log</button>   				<button onclick="toggleLogButton(event);" id="buttonText02">Start Logging Keystrokes</button>   				<input type="button" value="Clear the Log" onclick="javascript:eraseText();"/><br/>				<p id="toggleLog">Press ESC to start logging or use one of the buttons below.</p>				<textarea id='myTextArea' align="left" style="height:400px;width:300px;border:1px solid #ccc;font:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;overflow:auto;"></textarea>			</td>			<td align="center" valign="top"><!-- ================ JSON =============== -->				<button onclick="getDataFile();" id="id04" class="myStyle2">Select Data File</button><br/><br/>				<div align="center" style="height:380px;border:1px solid #ccc;font:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;overflow:auto;">					<div id="id01" align="center"></div>				</div>			</td>		</tr>		<tr align="center">			<td colspan="3">			  <div>			  	<span class="myStyle1">[Current Playback Speed: <span id="speed"></span>]   </span>			  	<button onclick="speed(vvid.playbackRate-0.1)" id="speeds" class="myStyle2"><img alt="slow" height="25" src="images/slow.png" width="25" /></button>			  	<button onclick="backIt(this)" id="speeds" class="myStyle2"><img alt="slow" height="25" src="images/back.png" width="25" /></button>			  	<button onclick="playPause()" id="speeds" class="myStyle2">II</button>			  	<button onclick="forwardIt(this)" id="speeds" class="myStyle2"><img alt="fast" height="25" src="images/forward.png" width="25" /></button>			  	<button onclick="speed(vvid.playbackRate+0.1)" id="speeds" class="myStyle2"><img alt="fast" height="25" src="images/fast.png" width="25" /></button>			  	  <span class="myStyle1">   [Playback position: <span id="elapsed"></span> of <span id="duration"></span>]	  	      	  </span>	  	      	</div> 	      			  			</td>		</tr>	</table><!-- BELOW IS THE AREA SET UP FOR THE SKEW -->	<div class="transbox">		<p> </p><!--This is the element that is overlayed with the transparency.-->	</div>	<br/><br/><table style="width: 300">	<tr><td colspan="2">Update values to modify lane highlight overlay.</td></tr>	<tr><td>Mask Color</td><td><input type="text" id="MaskColor" value="yellow"/></td></tr>	<tr><td>Left Margin</td><td><input type="text" id="MarginLeft" value="250"/></td></tr>	<tr><td>Top Margin</td><td><input type="text" id="MarginTop" value="-425"/></td></tr>	<tr><td>Opacity</td><td><input type="text" id="Opacity" value="0.75"/></td></tr>	<tr><td>Skew</td><td><input type="text" id="Skew" value="105"/></td></tr>	<tr><td>Width</td><td><input type="text" id="Width" value="15"/></td></tr>	<tr><td>Height</td><td><input type="text" id="Height" value="150"/></td></tr>	<tr><td colspan="2"><button onclick="myFunction01()">Change Values</button></td></tr></table><br/><br/><br/><p id="d01" style="color:white;"><font color="white"></font></p><!--Need a placeholder for the skew variables, but making it white so it doesn't show on screen.--><!-- ABOVE IS THE AREA SET UP FOR THE SKEW --><!-- ----------  JAVASCRIPT ------------  --><script>// ------------  ON LOAD ------------  	toggleLogDisplay();//initializes the toggle value, so next time the function will work (to hide the field)    //vvid.currentTime=0;    //vvid.pause();	//muteUnmute();//okay outside of on-load	var loggingEnabled = false;// ----------  VIDEO LOADER ----------  (function localFileVideoPlayerInit(win) {    var URL = win.URL || win.webkitURL,        displayMessage = (function displayMessageInit() {            var node = document.querySelector('#message');            return function displayMessage(message, isError) {                node.innerHTML = message;                node.className = isError ? 'error' : 'info';            };        }()),        playSelectedFile = function playSelectedFileInit(event) {            var file = this.files[0];            var type = file.type;            var videoNode = document.querySelector('video');            	muteUnmute();            var canPlay = videoNode.canPlayType(type);            canPlay = (canPlay === '' ? 'no' : canPlay);            var message = 'Ability to play video (type) "' + type + '": ' + canPlay;            var isError = canPlay === 'no';            displayMessage(message, isError);            if (isError) {                return;            }            var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);            videoNode.src = fileURL;        },        inputNode = document.querySelector('input');    if (!URL) {        displayMessage('Your browser is not ' +            '<a href="http://caniuse.com/bloburls">supported</a>!', true);        return;    }                    inputNode.addEventListener('change', playSelectedFile, false);}(window));// ------------  MAIN VARIABLES ------------  var vvid = document.getElementById("video"); // ------------  PLAY PAUSE ------------  function playPause() {     if (vvid.paused)         vvid.play();     else         vvid.pause(); } // ------------  SOUND ------------  function muteUnmute() {	if (vvid.muted)		vvid.muted = false;	else	    vvid.muted = true;}// ------------  RESIZE VIDEO ------------  function sizer(val) {     vvid.width = 720*val/100; } // ------------  PLAYBACK SPEED ------------  function speed(val) {     vvid.playbackRate = val;} // ------------  SET TIME POSITION ------------  function timeStart() {     vvid.currentTime=0;	var txtbox2 = document.getElementById(id="txt2");    var txt2value = txtbox2.value*1000;	    setTimeout(function(){        vvid.play();    }, txt2value);    vvid.pause();}function timeEnd() {     vvid.currentTime=vvid.duration;}function timeValue() {    var txtbox1 = document.getElementById(id="txt1");    var txt1value = txtbox1.value;    vvid.currentTime=txt1value	var txtbox2 = document.getElementById(id="txt2");    var txt2value = txtbox2.value*1000;	    setTimeout(function(){        vvid.play();    }, txt2value);    vvid.pause();}function timechange(val) {     vvid.currentTime=vvid.currentTime+val;	var txtbox2 = document.getElementById(id="txt2");    var txt2value = txtbox2.value*1000;	    setTimeout(function(){        vvid.play();    }, txt2value);    vvid.pause();}function backIt(x) {vvid.currentTime=vvid.currentTime-1;}function normalIt(x) {//this would do something when then mouse leaves the + or - boxes}function forwardIt(x) {vvid.currentTime=vvid.currentTime+1;}// Get the video playback position element (time value) and ending time value with id="video"	var vid = document.getElementById("video");	// Assign an ontimeupdate event to the video element, and execute a function if the current playback position has changed	vid.ontimeupdate = function() {myFunctionP()};	function myFunctionP() {	    // Display the current position of the video in an element with id="elapsed"	    	document.getElementById("elapsed").innerHTML = (Math.round(vid.currentTime*100)/100).toFixed(2);	    	document.getElementById("duration").innerHTML = (Math.round(vid.duration*100)/100).toFixed(2);	    	document.getElementById("speed").innerHTML = (Math.round(vid.playbackRate*100)/100).toFixed(1);		}/* THE CODE BELOW IS USED TO MANAGE THE SKEW VARIABLES */function setStyle(cssText) {    var sheet = document.createElement('style');    sheet.type = 'text/css';    /* Optional */ window.customSheet = sheet;    (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]).appendChild(sheet);    return (setStyle = function(cssText, node) {        if(!node || node.parentNode !== sheet)            return sheet.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssText));        node.nodeValue = cssText;        return node;    })(cssText);};function myFunction01() {        var mF01 = document.getElementById("MaskColor").value;    document.getElementById("d01").innerHTML = mF01;	setStyle('div.transbox p{ background-color:'+mF01+'; }', setStyle('div.transbox p{}')); // Replaces the previous CSS with this one		    var mF02 = document.getElementById("MarginLeft").value;    document.getElementById("d01").innerHTML = mF02;	setStyle('div.transbox p{ margin-left:'+mF02+'px; }', setStyle('div.transbox p{}')); 		    var mF03 = document.getElementById("MarginTop").value;    document.getElementById("d01").innerHTML = mF03;	setStyle('div.transbox p{ margin-top:'+mF03+'px; }', setStyle('div.transbox{} p'));	    var mF04 = document.getElementById("Opacity").value;    document.getElementById("d01").innerHTML = mF04;	setStyle('div.transbox p{ opacity:'+mF04+'; }', setStyle('div.transbox p{}')); 		    var mF05 = document.getElementById("Skew").value;    document.getElementById("d01").innerHTML = mF05;	setStyle('div.transbox p{ transform:skew('+mF05+'deg,0.1deg); }', setStyle('div.transbox p{}'));    var mF06 = document.getElementById("Width").value;    document.getElementById("d01").innerHTML = mF06;	setStyle('div.transbox p{ width:'+mF06+'px; }', setStyle('div.transbox p{}'));	    var mF07 = document.getElementById("Height").value;    document.getElementById("d01").innerHTML = mF07;	setStyle('div.transbox p{ height:'+mF07+'px; }', setStyle('div.transbox p{}'));};/* THE CODE ABOVE IS USED TO MANAGE THE SKEW VARIABLES */	/* THE CODE BELOW IS USED TO MANAGE THE JSON IMPORT */	var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();var url2 = "85A-28507-21.txt";function getDataFile() {	alert("Right now this doesn't do anything.  Once coded it will allow the user to browse and select the data file to view.");	document.getElementById("id04").innerHTML = url2;	}xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {    if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {        var myArr = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);        myFunction(myArr);    }}xmlhttp.open("GET", url2, true);xmlhttp.send();function myFunction(arr) {    var out = "";    var i;    for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {        out += '<tr><td><input type="checkbox"></td><td>' + arr[i].time + '</td><td>' + arr[i].text + '</td></tr>';    }    document.getElementById("id01").innerHTML = '<table><tr><th>Mark</th><th>Time</th><th>Data</th></tr>' + out + '</table>';}/* THE CODE ABOVE IS USED TO MANAGE THE JSON IMPORT */	/* THE CODE BELOW IS USED TO MANAGE THE KEY PRESS LOGGING */	function eraseText() {    document.getElementById("myTextArea").value = "";//function to clear the log field}function mainFunction(event) {      var kp1 = event.which || event.keyCode;//returns the unicode number    if (kp1 == 27){//escape key to disable        loggingEnabled = !loggingEnabled;		var bt3;		bt3 = loggingEnabled;		if (bt3 == true) {bt3 = "Disable Logging";} else {bt3 = "Enable Logging";}		document.getElementById("buttonText02").innerHTML = bt3;    }    if (!loggingEnabled){      return;      }    //following lines populate the log    if (kp1 == 1||kp1 == 27) {kp2 = "START";} else {var kp2 = String.fromCharCode(kp1);}//converts the unicode number to the key value    var d = new Date();    var d = d.toLocaleTimeString();    document.getElementById("toggleLog").innerHTML = "Logging enabled. Last key: " + kp2 + " at " + d;    document.getElementById("myTextArea").value += kp2 + " | " + d + " | " + "n";	}function toggleLogButton(event){//this function enables or disables the keypress logging	var bt2;	bt2 = loggingEnabled;	loggingEnabled = !loggingEnabled;	bt2 = loggingEnabled	if (bt2 == true) {bt2 = "Disable Logging";} else {bt2 = "Enable Logging";}	document.getElementById("buttonText02").innerHTML = bt2;	mainFunction(event);	}function toggleLogDisplay(event){//this function hides or shows the log TextArea	var el1 = document.getElementById('myTextArea');	var style = el1.style.display;	var bt1;	el1.style.display = style == "block" ? "none" : "block";	if (style == "none"||style == "") {bt1 = "Hide the Log";} else {bt1 = "Display the Log";}	document.getElementById("buttonText01").innerHTML = bt1;	//event.preventDefault();//we don't want the browsers default link behavior - uncomment if using a hyperlink for a trigger instead of a button}/* THE CODE ABOVE IS USED TO MANAGE THE KEY PRESS LOGGING */	</script></body></html>
Edited by SerenityNetworks
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what browser are you using? Every modern day browser comes with a set of development tools for viewing network requests made by the page, assets loaded, cookies, and a javascript error console (amongst other features). Look at justsomeguy's signature, he has links for the popular browsers.

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