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Cannot use a scalar value as an array


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I am trying to create a prepare statement where multiple rows will be updated(7).


I am using a foreach loop to do that where I am accessing the contents of an array(these contents are to be inserted to the DB).


here is the loop:

   foreach ($times as $day => $hours)               { $stmt->bind_param('ssis',$hours['open'],$hours['close']                    ,$id,$day);            $stmt->execute();           }

here is the output of $times...it is a multidimensional array:

array(8) {  ["sunday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["monday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["tuesday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["wednesday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["thursday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    string(5) "11:00"    ["close"]=>    string(5) "17:00"  }  ["friday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["saturday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }

the above is to show we are dealing with an array indeed.

And here is my problem:

I get this message: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in the bind_param statement regarding $hours['open'],$hours['close']...


it does not make any sense...what do you think?


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here is the var_dump...again...you were I right I had not included a member(my mistake)...and probably this is causing the problem...but I am not sure...I want your opinion too.

If this 8th member is causing the issue....I would like to here some explanation:

array(8) {  ["sunday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["monday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["tuesday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["wednesday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["thursday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    string(5) "10:30"    ["close"]=>    string(5) "16:30"  }  ["friday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["saturday"]=>  array(2) {    ["open"]=>    NULL    ["close"]=>    NULL  }  ["id"]=>  int(8)}
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"id" is an integer, which is not an array. You can't access a property ['open'] or ['close'] in it.

yes..that is the cause of the problem..thanks.

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