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PHP codeigniter checking product stock


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Hello veryone,


Today I tried to make validation to prevent automatic order if stock product on databse not enough to process,


this is my code :

$query = $this->db->query("select * from headerautoorder");		 		 $time = Date('Ymd');  		 $today = Date('d'); 		 $day= Date('D'); 		      	 if($query->num_rows > 0) { // core if		 		 $no = 0;		 foreach($query->result() as $rows) { // core foreach		   		    $idautoorder = $rows->idautoorder; 			$tgl_order = $rows->tgltransaksi;			$tglakhir = $rows->tglakhir; 			$tipe = $rows->tipe; 			$keterangan = $rows->keterangan; 			$total_payment = $rows->total; 			$idmember = $rows->idmember; 				//this is my question : is this code true? this to check if stock is enough or not for transaction				$cekdetail = $this->db->query("select * from detailautoorder where idautoorder='$idautoorder'");				$permintaan=array();				foreach($cekdetail->result() as $hdetail) {					$idbarang = $hdetail->idbarang;					$jbrg = $hdetail->jmlitem;  					$permintaan[$idbarang] = $jbrg; 						}								foreach($permintaan as $idbarang => $jbrg) {				    $q='select * from barang where status > 0 and idbarang='.$this->db->escape($idbarang);					$brgdata = $this->db->query($q)->row_array();					$stock = $brgdata['stock'];					if($stock < $jbrg) {					$flag = FALSE;					}							    } # end foreach 							   	# primary if #		            if($flag == TRUE) {                                 echo 'succesfull';                            } else {                              echo 'failed';                            } # end primary if  							   } # end if core   		       } # end core foreach

I have 4 table on database :


- headerautoorder

- detailautoorder

- order

- detailorder


My code located on login area , so after user succesfull login this code will be executed automatically,

This code purpose to filter whether the stock of product is enough or not


please help me this code is true or still has a mistake

note : if you confuse I will give you screenshot of my database




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