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Dear all,

I am begginner to OO PHP, it is being hard for me to understand it, for example:


<? class arraytoobject extends arraytoobject


public function __get($key)


return $this [$key] (why $key should come in bracket here?)



public function __Set($key, $val) (what is val? and why do we need it? why set has 2 arguments and get has only 1 argument?)






would be happy if you would explain me these

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This code is not going to work at all. Where did you find it?


First of all, the PHP block should start with "<?php", not "<?". That line might be working now but won't work on all server configurations


Second, you cannot extend a class from itself, that doesn't make any sense.


I don't believe you can actually call $this[$key]. you should actually be calling $this->$key, or perhaps $this->data[$key]. That line is likely to cause an error.


Square brackets [ ] are not an object-oriented thing, they're a basig programming ocnstruct. Square brackets indicate an element in an array, see the chapter on arrays: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_arrays.asp


The reason __set() has two parameters and __get() only has one is that when you want to set a property you need to say the name of the property you want to set and what value you want it to have. When you want to get the value of a property, you just need to say the name of the property you want to get the value of.


I don't think your problem is with object-oriented programming, you seem to lack some understanding of basic programming in general.

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