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Data type mismatch


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Anyway, I have a problem, and for reference I am using asp.I have a database(duh) and I am selecting values from it using a sorta dynamic table, Instead of making a page to display data for all the diffrent tables / sitautions etc, I made a table which takes in values from forms and displays data.The problem is, my condition statement. I have some statements which are string, and some which are numbers, so the quotation marks screw me up.And I cant check if the value can be converted to string, because I have some values in the DB which are all numbers, but stored as text. (they want the 0005 look.)Any advice?

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You can use commands like CONVERT or CAST for string to integer conversion....http://www.experts-exchange.com/Databases/Q_20646601.html

This requires me to register and pay money.The logic of the page is like this,
<form  method="post" action="displaytb2.asp"><input name="table" type="hidden" value="Warrenty2_tb" >Select an option<select name="option">	<option value="all" selected >View All Warrenties</option>	<option value="search">Search</option></select><br>Conditions for search:<br>Look in :<select name="field">	<option value='NA' selected>-Select one-</option>	<option value="Warrenty_ID" >Warrenty No</option>	<option value="UF_id" >UF id</option>	<option value="Cus_nam" >Customer name</option>	<option value="Cus_age" >Customer age</option>	<option value="Cus_contact" >Customer Contact number</option>	<option value="Cus_email" >Customer Email</option>	<option value="Cartridge" >Cartridge</option>	<option value="Weight" >Weight</option></select><select name="cond">	<option value=' = ' selected>Equals to</option>	<option value=' <> '>Not equals</option>	<option value=' > '>Greater than</option>	<option value=' < '>Less than</option>	<option value=' LIKE '>Search</option></select>Search for :<input name="searchvar" type="text" value="Enter Seach value here"><br><input type="submit" value="hahahah"></form>

Then in the displaytb2.asp

if Request.Form("option") = "all" then 	T_SQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Request.Form("table")elseif Request.Form("option") = "search" then	T_SQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Request.Form("table") & " WHERE " & Request.Form("table") & "." & Request.Form("field") & Request.Form("cond")	if Request.Form("cond") = " LIKE " then T_SQL = T_SQL & "'%" & Request.Form("searchvar") & "%'"	else T_SQL = T_SQL & "'" & Request.Form("searchvar") & "'" end ifend if

This works fine if all my values are text, but if they are numbers, it gets the error.

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