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Can't get footer below


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Hi all,I created several div tags which are nested.The code snippet looks like this: <BODY class="layout" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0"> . . . <DIV style="float:top; width:100%; height:50%;"> <DIV style="float:left; height:100%"> . . . <DIV style="position : absolute ; width:100%; "> <tiles:get name="body"/> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV style="clear : both ; "> <tiles:get name="footer"/> </DIV> </BODY>I discovered one interesting thing: If I delete the expression "position : absolute ;" then it works well, i.e. the footer is allways below. But I need this expression, thus I can't remove it. I tried to place the footer below with "position : absolute", "bottom:0px; left:0px;" as well as with "clear : both ;". Unfortunately, non of them worked well.Any help is highly appreciated :)Greetz,yussibaer

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Hi,unfortunately, it is not worth considering PHP...
why...it would be 100 time easier.
<?php include('footer.html');?>

How hard is that? and you just put the sstraight html into footer.html

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Try setting the height on both the body and html tags to 100% in the CSS:html body { height: 100%; }Sometimes a div will not be positioned on the bottom of the screen if the body is not set to 100%. It will be at the bottom of the body, but the bottom of the body won't necessarily be at the bottom of the screen.

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Try setting the height on both the body and html tags to 100% in the CSS:html body { height: 100%; }Sometimes a div will not be positioned on the bottom of the screen if the body is not set to 100%. It will be at the bottom of the body, but the bottom of the body won't necessarily be at the bottom of the screen.
Hi justsomeguy,thnx for the hint, but it didn't work unfortunately.I can put it this way as well:The following code works fine with a resolution of 1280 x 800.<BODY class="layout" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" position="absolute" ><DIV style=" width:100%; height:0%;"><tiles:get name="headerSpacer"/></DIV><DIV style=" width:100%; height:50%;"><DIV style="float:left; width:150px; height:100%;"><tiles:get name="menuLeft"/></DIV><DIV style="float:left; width:0%; height:100%;"><tiles:get name="menuSpacer"/></DIV><DIV style="float:left; height:100%"><DIV style=" width:100%;"><tiles:get name="header"/></DIV><DIV style=" width:100%;"><tiles:get name="areaHeader"/></DIV><DIV style=" width:100%;"><tiles:get name="body"/></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="position: absolute ; float:top; "><tiles:get name="footer"/></DIV></BODY>But as soon as I switch to 1024 x 768 the body is not placed properly. If the body ist too wide then it is placed under menuLeft and not next to menuLeft. Any suggestions are highly appreciated :)Cheers,yussibaer
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