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check box that unhides the form


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Hi:Is it possible that I have a html check box that if I check it it unhide the rest of the form? For example if the user has telephone he checks the check box and then the text field for the telephone appears.ThanksBenign

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Hi,Hope this helps:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"><html><head><title>Unhide</title>	<meta name="Author" content="Chandra Vedantham">	<meta name="Description" content="Html Page">	<style>		*		{		 font-family: "Tahoma";		 font-size: 11;		 color: Navy;		}		body		{		 background-color: "#FFFFF2";		 margin-left: 0;		 font-family: "Tahoma";		 font-size: 11;		 color: Navy;		 margin-top: 0;		 margin-bottom: 0;		 margin-right: 0;		}		td.leftholder		{		 width: 20%;		 background-color: "#D6D69E";		 text-align: right;		 vertical-align: top;		 font-weight: bold;		 border-style: solid;		 border-width: 1px;		 border-color: black;		 padding-right: 15px;		}		td.rightholder		{		 width: 80%;		 border-style: solid;		 border-width: 1px;		 border-color: black;		 text-align: left;		 vertical-align: top;		 padding-left: 15px;		}		.text		{		 text-align: left;		 border-width: 1px;		 border-color:  Gray;		 border-style: inset;		 margin-top: 1px;		 margin-bottom: 1px;		}		.title		{			font-weight: bold;			color: #993300:			font-size: 15px;		}	</style></head><body>	<br/>	<br/>	<table width="100%" rules="all" bordercolor="black" border="1" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="border-collapse:collapse">		<tr>			<td colspan=2 ><span class="title">Fill all the details:</span></td>		</tr>		<tr>			<td class="leftholder">Name</td>			<td class="rightholder"><input type="text" class="text" /></td>		</tr>		<tr>			<td class="leftholder">Address</td>			<td class="rightholder"><input type="text" class="text" /></td>		</tr>		<tr>			<td class="leftholder">				Telephone<input type="checkbox" onClick="txtTelephone.style.visibility = (this.checked)?'':'hidden'"/>			</td>			<td class="rightholder" align="center">				<input type="text" class="text" id="txtTelephone" style="visibility:hidden"/>			</td>		</tr>	</table></body></html>

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That looks good, but I'm not sure if this will work (it might, I haven't tested):<input type="checkbox" onClick="txtTelephone.style.visibility = (this.checked)?'':'hidden'"/>You might need to specify 'visible':<input type="checkbox" onClick="txtTelephone.style.visibility = (this.checked)?'visible':'hidden'"/>Or you can also use display instead of visibility:<input type="checkbox" onClick="txtTelephone.style.display = (this.checked)?'inline':'none'"/><input type="text" class="text" id="txtTelephone" style="display: none;"/>

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