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How to replace HTML4 flash player content in HTML5?


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This is my first post and my first request for assistance.  Some years ago I made some websites based on templates written in HTML4.  I would like to convert them to HTML5.  I already bought the video course to learn more about HTML.  Could someone point me in the right direction to learn how to rewrite the Adobe flash player items in these 2 websites and if possible give me an example? Thank you.



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It looks like the flash player elements on those pages were for a slideshow and an mp3 player.

These pages have some example code for slideshows:

For playing sounds and music, you can use the HTML 5 <audio> element as shown in this tutorial:

To fully understand and work with the code you will need to dedicate some time to learning HTML, CSS and Javascript.

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Thank you Ingolme, I will  look at the code examples for slide shows and audio to implement them on my websites.  

16 hours ago, Ingolme said:

To fully understand and work with the code you will need to dedicate some time to learning HTML, CSS and Javascript.

I'm watching the purchased W3 HTML Video Tutorial.   After that basic course, can you suggest some links/courses to learn more about HTML, CSS and Javascript for going forward?  Thank you.

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I think the W3Schools tutorials should be good enough as long as you dedicate your time to it. Once you are done with the HTML tutorial, you should go through the CSS and Javascript tutorials. They don't have video tutorials for CSS and Javascript, but the written tutorials are free.

Once you have read all of those tutorials carefully, you can look at the code of the W3Schools How To examples and try to understand how they work for practice. The best way to learn is working with code and seeing how your changes affect it.

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