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Instead of using echo "<a href=..."


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Here is what the code looks like now in addingworkorder.phpblah blah blah$jid = mysql_insert_id();echo "<p><a href='displayworkorder.php?id=$jid'>Click here to view your new work order</a></p>";I'd rather not have the user have to click on anything, but rather simply be taken to the displayworkorder.php page automatically.Kind of new here - any suggestions?EP

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<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=url">try sticking that somewhere :) Here is where I have mine:

	if ($_REQUEST[action]=="logout")		{		setcookie("cookiename", $cookie_data, time()-3600);				?>					<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=url">				<?			}

basically when someone logs out, it refreshes the page in a different place than the user was before.So if the user was looking at their profile, then they log out, it dumps them to the main page and resets their cookie.

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