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query issue


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	 <?phpwhile ($row = mysql_fetch_array($emailquery)) {  $to = "{$row[email]}";  $subject = "Funny Email Forwards Database Results";  $message = "You can see the results at this page: ";  $message .= "http://www.funnyemailforwards.com/apex/limitedemailresults.php";  echo "<br />";  echo "{$row[email]}";  echo "<br />";  //mail($to, $subject, $message); }?>

That is the script I am using to debug, it prints out all the emails, but when I cut it down and use my original script

<?phpwhile ($row = mysql_fetch_array($emailquery)) {  $to = "{$row[email]}";  $subject = "Funny Email Forwards Database Results";  $message = "You can see the results at this page: ";  $message .= "http://www.funnyemailforwards.com/apex/limitedemailresults.php";  mail($to, $subject, $message);?>

It's not seeming to email them, I know this, because my email is in the database too, but it's not sending me an eamil, so I am guessing the others aren't either, adn I can't keep testing them and sending them emails over and over again, is there anythign wrong with this.

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