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No Databases at schools will screw you over

Guest broken-down-hitler

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Guest broken-down-hitler

Ok, so I'm building my schools website.http://www.ccisd.net/schools/schoolwebs/2/home.htmlAn since my school will not grant us a server of our own. which is total BS, we cant do anything we want except for basic HTML, and Java. :)OK. But to the point. We have a calender on our site, with 12 folders for each of the month, an about 1300 pages between them. Yes i know that sounds a bit much. But without a server, which means No database, to do this right. So here's the problem, they want us to take out all of the folders an put all of the pages in to 1 folder. HA my ######.. So if you know of a better way to do this, please let me know A-Sap. Please comment or email me at - Gin-n-Tonic-Coke@Hotmail.com

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Maybe it is hard, but if a school decides they don't want to give their students what they want, they won't give it. I think there is no best way to do this around a server without server-side possibilities, exept for html and javascript (actually java and javascript are different).Maybe you could have a look for a better server? Unfortunately, there are not many good hosts these days, unless you are willing to pay for what you get.As what I understand, is that you have just static pages for each page. You could just create with javascript a pretty complicated application, that acts like a page constructor or whatever, and that make one or a few files out of 1300 files. Think of OOP, it is nice. But I must say, this requires much programming, and a conversion in your entire site. But the possibility is there.

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You can use a Java calendar, but then you're using Java..If your school wants to give you requirements, like they want a calendar, and then restrictions, like you can't use the right tools for the job, then they need to realize that the solution is going to be complex and convoluted. Tell them that. Tell them if they want a nice, elegant solution, then you need the right tools for the job. It's like they're asking you to mow the lawn with a pair of scissors.

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XHTML, XML, and XSLT working together can simulate all practicalities of a database. Store all your events in a XML document(s) and display them using XSLT.

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