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Center problem


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Here's my trouble,I want to center the main table (yes... not a div a table... too many difference between browser...)I don't want to use <center> (who's working perfectly)so I've put this in my style sheet

body{	font-size:10pt;	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	background-color:#5a7278;[color=#33CC00]	margin-left:auto;	margin-right:auto;	text-align:center;[/color]}

I does work on IE but not on FireFox !!!Other problemif you look at the page Temp page you'll see a gate (with FF) under the top menu (Accueil, Mission / Services...) that's not present with IE. The code of this part is

<td id="menu_top">						<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">							<tr>								<td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/acceuil_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/acceuil_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/acceuil_off.png'"></td>								<td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/mission_service_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/mission_service_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/mission_service_off.png'"></td>								<td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/estimation_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/estimation_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/estimation_off.png'"></td>								<td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/notre_equipe_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/notre_equipe_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/notre_equipe_off.png'"></td>								<td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/liens_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/liens_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/liens_off.png'"></td>								<td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/faq_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/faq_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/faq_off.png'"></td>								<td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/contactez_nous_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/contactez_nous_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/contactez_nous_off.png'"></td>							</tr>						</table>					</td>

If I take the table with the button out everythings fine... I got the same problem in the botom of the main content you can see the background start to be repeat again (I've use a table 2X1 for the text and picture). It's like there's a space after the table so I've try to set it to style="display:inline" no difference... Here again's working fine on IEI love programming and using all the standard but I'm losing time and money to do so...

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Thanks for you answer, I forgot to put the email notification of replies...I still have a problem with the gate in bottom of the menu...I did try to put just the image button without the table but the gate still appear on FF. I do think that's a white space after image with FF but I'm not sure...Do you know what it could be, or how to correct this problem...

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