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The weirdest form problem I have ever come across


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Hi Guys,Desperate to a find a solution to problem that may well be the weirdest problem I have ever come across. I am creating an HTML template to send across to a web developer, which has an index page template and a form template. Both pages look fine but when testing the form I noticed that you can't click on the input boxes in IE to type in your details. It does work in firefox though. If you click on the label in IE, the cursor will appear in the input box and if you use TAB to navigate into the input boxes, it gets there ok. The HTML and CSS are below. I don't have a copy on the web yet so I hope this is enough for someone to give me a clue where I'm going wrong....

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>    <title>Find My Job</title>    <link href="images/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />    <meta content="" name="keywords" />    <meta content="" name="description" />    <meta content="" name="abstract" /></head><!--ALL--><body>    <div id="all">        <div id="main">            <!--CONTENT -->            <div id="content-area">                <!-- BEGIN:MAIN BOX -->                <div id="main-container">                    <div class="main-t">                        <div class="main-b">                            <div class="main-l">                                <div class="main-r">                                    <div class="main-tl">                                        <div class="main-tr">                               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       <ul>                                                                <li>                                                                <label for="txtName">                                                                    Name</label>                                                                <input id="txtName" name="txtName" title="Your name" type="text" /></li>                                                                <li>                                                                <label for="txtOrganisation">                                                                    Organisation</label>                                                                <input id="txtOrganisation" name="txtOrganisation" title="Your company or organisation" type="text" /></li>                                                                <li>                                                                <label for="txtTelephone">                                           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the first thing I have noticed is that your label for= doesn't match the id of the input boxes. The inoput boxes have Login_ on them while the label for does not.Not sure if this is having any effect on your problem.

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For the login div - I just noticed and changed that so they matched but it's having no effect on the main form. I still can't get it to type into the main text box.I just tried removing the stylesheet and it seems to let me do it then so I guess it's a css prob rather than an html one but if anyone's got any advice I'd still be ahppy to hear it!

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Thanks for the help aspnetguy. The problem was with the contact form, the login boxes were behaving fine.For some reason the left float in the container div was locking the input boxes in the contact form in IE only so that you couldn't click on them to enter text. I've taken it out and it seems to work fine now across all the browsers but I honestly have no clue how a float element could affect it. Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me! :) Anyone have a clue? Would love to be enlightened about this because it's never happened to me before!

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Thats really messed! But its not suprising coming from ie, just stay away from it lol.
Look this little kick you are on is getting annoying. You cannot abandon IE when you are desinging something because 83% of all user still use it. That would be shooting yourself in the foot. Either learn to deal with it or stick to designing desktop applications.
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Look this little kick you are on is getting annoying. You cannot abandon IE when you are desinging something because 83% of all user still use it. That would be shooting yourself in the foot. Either learn to deal with it or stick to designing desktop applications.
Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of ignoring IE. Hopefully IE 7 will make cross browser compatibility a bit easier.I hadn't considered that the floated elements night overlap. As it turned out, I didn't actually need the float after all so I guess it worked out for the best. I will perhaps have a play about with it later and see if that was the case. Thanks again for your help - I was more or less at the end of my tether with it.
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