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list issue


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For some reason (I am rewriting the css on a site), the list isn't working properly, it's probably a small issue. Here is the website.www.thecampussource.comand here is the source code for the css. In internet explorer and opera, the list is where I want, but in firefox, the list is way over on the side, is there a way for me to fix this, without using any hacks?

body /* Set's some of the basic body information */{	background-color:#FFFFFF;	color:#000000;	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	margin:0px;}#wrap{	float:left;	width:800px;}img /* Strips borders from all linked images */{	border:none;}/* Begin header styles */#logo{	float:left;}#header{	width:466px;	height:93px;	background:url(images/topbar.jpg);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	margin-top:60px;	margin-left:0px;	float:left;	clear:right;}#header pre{	margin-top:18px;	float:left;}#schoolselect{	float:right;	margin-top:18px;}/* End Header Styles *//* Start Left Navigation */#leftnav{	background:url(images/leftnav.jpg);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	width:200px;	height:400px;	float:left;	margin-left:0px;	padding:0px;}#leftnav a{	color:#0000FF;	text-decoration:none;}#leftnav a:hover{	color:#003399;	text-decoration:underline;}#leftnav ul{	margin-top:20px;	list-style:none;	margin-left:15px;}#leftnav li{}#leftnav h5{	margin-left:40px;	margin-top:60px;}/* End Left Navigation */

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That is a good idea, I can try text align center, I am trying to get it roughly in the middle let me give that a try, text align left, will align it left, I need it roughly in the middle thanks, I will let you know whether it works or not.It was worth a try but no luck, can anyone offer me more advice, or help on this, I am stuck on this project, until I figure out what is causing this issue.

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