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How to align content in table cells!


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It seems like no where has this so I will post it here! I believe mozilla firefox finally drop the valign and maybe align tags! I tried to use them but firefox (the newest update, just from a few days ago) will not display it. There is a vertical-align tag in css but there is a tip to using it! It is not inherited :), so if you put this in the table tag, it wont work for tr or td, to vertically align text you must put it directly onto the td tag!! you can use td{ vertical-align: top; } to align all content to the top, instead of the default center.Just a tip :).

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It seems like no where has this so I will post it here! I believe mozilla firefox finally drop the valign and maybe align tags! I tried to use them but firefox (the newest update, just from a few days ago) will not display it. There is a vertical-align tag in css but there is a tip to using it! It is not inherited :), so if you put this in the table tag, it wont work for tr or td, to vertically align text you must put it directly onto the td tag!! you can use td{ vertical-align: top; } to align all content to the top, instead of the default center.Just a tip :).
If it was released a few days ago, its probably something they missed when making it. You should report it to them. I don't think they would drop those attributes; they're too important.
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