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Unique Page views


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Friends,How to display the no of active users online and how to create a unique page views.I tried the following code:*********************************************************************<?phpsession_start();if(isset($_SESSION['views'])){$_SESSION['views']=$_SESSION['views']+1; if(isset($_COOKIE['visitors'])) { $_SESSION['views']=$_SESSION['VIEWS']-1; }}else{$_SESSION['views']=1;setcookie("visitors",1);}echo "Views: ".$_SESSION['views'];?>*************************************************************************Initially when I run this program it shows 1 but when I reload the page it displays as -1 .So how to create the unique page views.I tried to use cookies so that if the same visitor reloads the page then the session variable must be the same.So where exactly is the mistake.

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Do you want it to just display how many times the user has visited the page while the browser has been opened? If you want to have it display how many unique views the page has gotten you will need to have a database and in the database have the time visited and the persons ip address. Just google it and you will find some downloadable packages :).Here is your code and it should be fixed:

<?phpsession_start();$_SESSION['views']++;if(isset($_COOKIE['visitors'])){$_SESSION['views']--;}else{setcookie("visitors",1, time()+(60*60*24*365));//sets cookie visitor with a value of "1" for a year}echo "Views: ".$_SESSION['views'];?>

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