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yeah, the obvious answer to both the questions you pose is to read and use w3schools.com.to be a little more specific and helpful, I always asked students I taught to create a small web site project. Pick something you know - so you don't have to research the ocntent or figure out what you are going to do. And make sure the project topic is small - don't create a site about your family, create one about your dog (for instance). A home page - Ruffus. A page that describes what he likes to do (play catch, roll in the dirt, bit water coming out of the hose), then create a page that describes the breed, and then finally dedicate a page to his/her friends (in the animal kingdom - neighbors pets).Create a small site on your computer at home (no one else can see it, but you can). Use your basic HTML skills learned from the tutorials here and create pages that link back to each other.If you are brave, sign up for some free hosting or check your internet provider at home to see if they give you space as part of your cost - most likely its not used so you might as well go at it.Hope this helps.

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