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Array As A Session Variable?


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Can PHP store an array as a value in a session variable? The following code seems to suggest that it can't since it gives me an error, but I wonder if there's maybe something else I just need to do or if someone has figured out a way to at least achieve the same functionality:

$_SESSION["UserGroups"] = {function that returns an array};$temp = $_SESSION["UserGroups"];echo $temp[count($temp) - 1];exit;

Is this something that can't be done by design, or is there a way to have an array follow a session? I did notice that count($temp) is 2 in the above code (though the original array returned by the function had 5 elements), but I don't know why...

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does that work?
Indeed it does... I guess the problem lies elsewhere. I know that function is returning a 5-element array. Maybe I have a typo somewhere or something simple like that.In any event, you've given me something to go on. Thanks :)
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Indeed it does... I guess the problem lies elsewhere. I know that function is returning a 5-element array. Maybe I have a typo somewhere or something simple like that.In any event, you've given me something to go on. Thanks :)
well if you are still stuck post the function code aswell adn I'll see if I can spot a mistake.
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