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inserting an external menu


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I am just beginning to use CSS and have been working my way through the tutorials. Until now, the majority of what I have done has used frames. Can someone please point me in the direction of the tutorials I need which will enable me to set up a two column page along the lines of this Try-it example where the left hand column houses a menu.What I'm looking for is a tutorial which will show me how to set up the menu externally to the html file, so that the menu can be called into all of the html files, rather than having to code the menu in each file. (And then amend each html file if the menu changes). Is this done using css or html or something else?Thanks

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Well, that Try-it page pretty much describes the method for building the two column page using Floats and Margins, so all you need to do is set the widths to suit and you should be good to go.For placing of the "external" Menu code into the left-hand div, I would suggest a Server Side Include (ASP or PHP) to have the code written into the div at run time. Easy enough to do. Do you have the code already for the menu? Oodles of Tutorials about Includes if you Google on it.

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OK - thanks for that, will start learning ASP. Have looked through the first few pages and tried the example given at #include but can't get it to work.I put the three files mypage.asp, wisdom.inc and time.inc up into the test area of my web hoster. Accessed the mypage file via IE but the include didn't work. As the script has to run server side, should I be putting the files in a particular place? Or won't I be able to use asp because I don't have my own server (I just have a hosting package)?

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Have discovered why my trial run didn't work - I'm on a Linux hosting plan which doesn't support .asp.However it does support Server Side Includes - any tutorials on them?
yeah..a small site called google.com could help you there. i have a feeling you may of heard it once in a while, try it, and you'd be surprised what comes up and how helpful it can be. :)
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