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Making Things Easier For Someone. Vid Archive


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http://www.studyof911.com/video/(No comments about site please. its a crazy subject and begins flame wars in most cases. Sorry for content, but some would like to learn rather than be told.)Ok, I added a post in general section about my past in php/sql. I decided to take up a task and try and learn php/sql.Here is my task that I decided to try out with help from you guys.The link way above is a video page for studyof. How its done is the person writes everything in html. I think there is an easier way of doing it. For example I think it would need an actual input page, where the person puts what he wants which would be this:Title:Video:Description:and maybe Comments:Then I think it would need an sql database for it to keep the things on there for safe keeping.Now.. I would like to learn how to do this. I hear there are some really intelligent members that hang out here. So I would like to give it a shot. and see if I can actually learn this..Anyway.. Any ideas where to start let me know.
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You will want to store everything in a database, like you said, and get it for use on the page. You will probably also want to include a jpeg thumbnail if you are doing videos. Your database table may look like this:idnamelengthdescriptionfilenamethumbnailYou will want to use the MySQL reference on php.net to interact with the database:http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.phpSpecifically, you need mysql_connect, mysql_select_db, mysql_query, and mysql_fetch_assoc. You can pretty much do everything you need with those functions.If you want people to be able to comment on the videos, or have the videos belong to categories, then you will need some additional database tables.

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