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i want to create my own editor in my forum website


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Ok boy,
  1. Provide a link to your website.
  2. Explain your question, use as much detail as you can.
  3. Try punctuation.


ok zach1. try being helpful2. stop being rude3. know what you are talking aboutTot he orginal question.contentEditable is an IE only property. You must use iframes and javascript to acheive this in other browsers. I good example of this is http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex16...ditor/index.htm
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right on! aspnetguy! thanks much for the help. i got it started goin for mozilla issue! sorry for the punctuations yet i know smart people can read deeper than punctuations.one follow up question though, i cant seem to use:<OBJECT ID=dlgHelper CLASSID="clsid:3050f819-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b" WIDTH="0px" HEIGHT="0px"></OBJECT>to implement the color picker (font forecolor and font bg color), everytime i make a reference call to this object (using mozilla browser) i get "dlgHelper.ChooseColorDlg()" is not a function error. But when using IE, again, color picker is showing up.. sorry about not knowing these stuffs, i guess i have made enough research for this article but they wont show any code unless you pay for it. others encrypted the codes...

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