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problems with FireFox


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uhm.. yeah.. that would be usefull.. a bit stupid of me.. :) the <div> "kop" is the top of my page, style in css:

#kop {	position: absolute;	top: 0;	right: 0;	left: 0;	width: 100%;        /* maybe some problem here?! */	height: 100px;	padding: 10px 20px;	background-color: #d1940c;}

the body with css, the <div> "hoofd" is the real body of the site:

body {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	background-color: #9db8d2;	font-family: serif;}#hoofd {	margin-top: 120px;	margin-left: 20px;	margin-right: 20px;}

(author = me)

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yeah of course there is more.. I didn`t thought more would be usefull but here it comes.. (I can`t give you a live page because I`ve got problems putting it online)the css things:

	/* Kop*/#kop {	position: absolute;	top: 0;	right: 0;	left: 0;	width: 100%;	height: 100px;	padding: 10px 20px;	background-color: #d1940c;}#title {	color: #eed680;	font-size: 300%;	font-weight: bold;	text-align: right;}#zin {	margin-left: 33;	margin-top: 10;	float: left;	color: #eed680;	font-family: sans-serif;	font-weight: bold;}#hyperlinks { 	border-left: 1px solid white;	font-weight: bold;	position: absolute;	top: 70;	left: 20;}#hyperlinks a {	text-decoration: none;	padding: .2em .6em;	border-left: 1px solid white;	float: left;	color: #eed680;	font-family: sans-serif;}#hyperlinks a:hover {	background-color: #eed680;	color: #ffffff;}#hyperlinks strong a {	/*font-weight: normal;*/	color: #ffffff;}#hyperlinks strong a:hover {	color: #d1940c;}	/*body*/body {	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	background-color: #9db8d2;	font-family: serif;}#hoofd {	margin-top: 120px;	margin-left: 20px;	margin-right: 20px;}#foto {	margin: 20px;}h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {	font-family: sans-serif;	clear: left;	color: #d1940c;}h1 {	border-bottom: 3px solid #d1940c;	text-align: center;	clear:  none;}#copy {	color: #eed680;	text-align: center;	text-decoration: none;}ul {	color: #ffffff;}	/*hyperlinks*/a {	color: #ffffff;}a:visited {	color: #800000;}p.rechts {	text-align: right;}a.up {	color: #ffffff;}a.up:visited {	color: #ffffff;}	/*tabellen*/table {	table-layout: fixed;}table td {	padding: 4;}#tablink {	position: absolute;	top: 1025;}#copperplate {	font-family: "copperplate gothic bold";}	/*plaatjes*/img.rechts {	float: right;	margin-left: 10px;	margin-bottom: 10px;}img.links {	float: left;	margin-right: 10px;	margin-bottom: 10px;}#vuur {	position: absolute;	top: 5;	left: 20;}

and html (main page):

<html><head><title>Fireplace - Home</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stijlbestand.css"/></head><body><div id="kop">	<img id="vuur" src="afbeeldingen/anifire.gif" alt="Vuur"/>	<div id="zin">Ubi fumus, ibi ignis</div>	<div id="title">Fireplace</div>	<div id="hyperlinks"> 		<strong><a href="index.htm">HOME</a></strong>		<a href="hobby.htm">HOBBY`S</a>		<a href="muziek.htm">MUZIEK</a>		<a href="rome.htm">ROME</a>		<a href="foto.htm">FOTO`S</a>		<a href="links+.htm">LINKS</a>	</div></div><div id="hoofd"><p>	<img class="links" src="afbeeldingen/Me-Danmark.jpg" widht="250px" height="250" alt="Me" />Hier komt nog een lulverhaaltje over mezelf ofzo iets.. I`m working on it! This site is always under construction	<img src="afbeeldingen/constrct.gif" align="top" alt="Construction" />	<img class="rechts" src="afbeeldingen/me@malta.jpg" widht="250px" height="250" alt="Me" /> </p>	<img class="rechts"src="afbeeldingen/eu_vlag_klein.gif" widht="60px" height="40" alt="EU-vlag" title="Europese vlag"/>	<img class="rechts" src="afbeeldingen/netherlands.gif" widht="60px" height="40" alt="NE-vlag" title="Nederlandse vlag"/><br />		<a href="mailto:webmaster@teunenbroek.demon.nl?Subject=Hallo">		<div id="copy">© Richard Maaskant 		<span style="text-decoration: overline underline;">MMVI</span>		</div>		</a></div></body>

(Author=helemaal_gek)I hope this is enough...

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First, Add a correct Document Type Declaration so IE isn't in Quirks Mode.Secondly, "widht="250px"" is spelled wrong. Several places. It should be "width". Might be affecting the image sizes and the page width as a result.

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First, Add a correct Document Type Declaration so IE isn't in Quirks Mode.
what is wron with this declaration than? I got it from my friend so I don`t understand much of that.. it is indeed width and not widht.. to fast typed I gues.. I made this correct now.. now only the "#kop" is wider than it should be..
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Place this as the first line of your html page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

And check the widths of the items in the div which is too wide. Your code doesn't have any widths declared. And without a direct link to the page, we can not determine where the probem might be.

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aai.. that is a bit stupid .. ok.. I now got a declaration.. :) it is going to right way...but still there is this damm problem .. I don`t have my site online yet.. so that is a bit difficult.. but now I remembered I do have my first site online.. this is very old.. but I saw it has the same problem .. so maybe that might help here is the url:www.teunenbroek.demon.nl(p.s. how can you make the url like a link here..?)and about the declaration: at the end it says "EN" I guess this is for the language?! .. I am dutch so should I changes this into "NE" or something like that?

By the way... A better title to this post would be "Problems with IE" - FireFox rocks, IE is usually the problem
you are absolutely right! FireFox rulez... IE sucks like ######..
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The "EN" in the DOCTYPE doesn't affect what language your page is in. For Dutch:Add this:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="de" lang="de">


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

And add this between <head></head>:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

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still nobody has any idea why Firefox enlarge my website?! :)
I believe it has something to do with the width: 100% and padding: 10px 20px. I don't know the specifics, but some browsers - using certain doctypes - render padding differently than other browser.
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