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Iframe w/o scrolling or similar


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I want to put a frame around my forum but I don't want there to be any scroll bars- instead I wand the frame height to adjust to the forum's size.Perhaps Iframe are not the correct thing to use, but I need something that will give the same effect.So, (1) no scroll bars and (2) I want the height to autostrech according to the forum's size (while maintaining a constant defined width).See example: (Forum is cyan part, white is the frame I want to put around it)example.jpgIf clarification is needed, just let me know.

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I want to put a frame around my forum but I don't want there to be any scroll bars- instead I wand the frame height to adjust to the forum's size.Perhaps Iframe are not the correct thing to use, but I need something that will give the same effect.So, (1) no scroll bars and (2) I want the height to autostrech according to the forum's size (while maintaining a constant defined width).See example: (Forum is cyan part, white is the frame I want to put around it)example.jpgIf clarification is needed, just let me know.
Frames are not the way to go... EVER!!!I recommend using css to accomplish this task. You can put this inside a div tag instead of a frame and set the overflow to "auto" which will remove the scroll bars. Then set the width to a specified width, but do NOT set the height and it should expand downward as needed.Example:Html Code:
<div id="frame_replacement"> CONTENT HERE</div>

CSS Code:

#frame_replacement {width: 500px;overflow: auto;}

Hope this helps. good luck!

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Brilliant! I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but after hearing that it sounds like it would work! The only problem is I'm fairly unfamiliar with CSS scripting (still pretty much do everything in HTML; I plan on learning it, but not till my next site :)). How make the forum appear inside that 500/100% area? All I seem to be able to do is put my own content inside the area, I'm not sure how to import my forum there.Many thanks for the help!

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I have to tell you, when I started out in web design I was very intimidated by css, but that was totally unfounded. CSS is awesome and extreemly easy and quick to learn! You can get the basics down by following the tutorial on this site in a matter of hours! I highly recommend learning it now because if you learn it after you design your current site you just going to want to re-write it... Trust me - I did that very thing. The other thing is that css will actually make your current site build much, much faster because of the ease of use. I promise you it is definately worth your time :) If you have any questions at all about css, you can start a new thread or you can continue to post them in this one and I will respond within a day or so.Now, on with your current question...Basically you can almost think of the div tag that we made "frame_replacement" as your new body tag... All of your content for the blue are of the image you supplied will go here.Instead of using the <br> or <br /> tags, you will now seperate your content using the "p" tags (this is not the only way to do it, but probably one of the easiest).In css you have the ability to define almost everything including the way the "p" tags!I believe I have answered your question and there is so much I could tell you here, however I am going to let you study some css yourself because you will learn better that way. Keep in mind, I won't leave you stranded - I will answer any questions you have or clarify any areas of confusion. Just let me know :) Good luck with your site!

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I appreciate your willingness to help with any CSS questions I may have :) After reading your post, I'm a lot more inclined to go out and learn it now!On my current question though- I'm still not certain how I direct the "dir area" to display my forum (which is located on the InvisionFree server). Mabey you answered that and I'm just being stupid :) If so, my apologies. I understand the dir part is basically the whole blue area in my picture, but I'm not certain how to make the dir area do what I want- display my forum which is hosted elsewhere.Thanks again for your help!You guys are great.

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That's the part that I don't get- how do I "put the forum" inside the div?I can't just slap down a URL in the "CONTENT HERE" part or it just shows up as text :) Since the forum is hosted elsewhere, I need to somehow direct the div area to display a differant webpage-my forum and I'm not sure how to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

had to test something out :) here is the thing i came up with :) you make a page with:

<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="1">  <tr>  	<td width="92%" scope="col">		<div align="center">	  <?phpinclude "http://www.url.com";?>	</div></td>  </tr></table>

Then name the page something... then u add the code :) and add a link to that page...if you want a complete frame free page you can use :

<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="1">  <tr>	<td width="8%" height="491" scope="col"><a href="?page=page">link</a>  </td>	<td width="92%" scope="col"> <div align="center">	  <?phpif(strip_tags($_GET


);include "$page.php";}?>	</div></td>  </tr></table>

hope it works for you :blink:

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