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My php code isn't working. I'm still new to it but nomatter what I do it won't even display.. would it have something to do with my css?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">			<head>						<title>DIANMAC Siding & Aluminum Works - Contact Us</title>						<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />						<link rel="StyleSheet" href="stylesheet.css" type="text/css" />			</head>			<body>						<div id="border">								 <img src="border.gif" alt="" />						</div>						<div id="topborder">								 <img src="topborder.gif" alt="" />						</div>						<div id="logo">								 <img src="logo.gif" alt="" />						</div>						<div id="siding">						</div>						<ul>								 <li><a href="index.html"><strong>Home</strong></a></li>								 <li><a href="homes.html"><strong>Showcase Homes</strong></a></li>								 <li><a href="products.html"><strong>Products</strong></a></li>								 <li><a href="newinnovations.html"><strong>New Innovations</strong></a></li>								 <li><a href="commercialworks.html"><strong>Commercial Works</strong></a></li>								 <li><a href="links.html"><strong>Affiliates</strong></a></li>										 <li><a href="aboutus.html"><strong>About Us</strong></a></li>								 <li><a href="contact.html"><strong>Contact Us</strong></a></li>						</ul>						<div id="content">								 <p />Address:								 <div id="contactaddress">								 			 <br />DIANMAC Siding & Aluminum Works											 <br />155 Crompton Dr.											 <br />Barrie, ON											 <br />L4M 6N9											 <br />Canada								 </div>								 <p />Phone Numbers:								 <div id="contactaddress">								 			 <br />Tel. (705) 734-9505											 <br />Fax. (705) 734-9854											 <br />Cell 1. (705) 333-0448											 <br />Cell 2. (705) 333-0445								 </div>								 <p />Contact Form:								 <div id="contactaddress">								 			<?php								 			 			echo "<form action='processform.php' method='post'>													 			 				<input type='text' name='Phone'>															   				<input type='submit' value='Submit Phone Number'>											 					 </form>";								 			?>								 </div>								 						</div>						<div id="info">								 <address>										   DIANMAC Siding & Aluminum Works ·								 	 		 155 Crompton Dr. ·									 		 Barrie, ON ·											 L4M 6N9 ·									 		 Canada									 		 <br />Tel. (705) 734-9505 ·									 		 Fax. (705) 734-9854								 </address>						</div>			</body></html>

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I guess, if you have this in your CSS:body {display: none;}Then I guess it would have something to do with your CSS. When you view the source with your browser, what do you see?
I don't have display none at all in my css... this is what i see on the page though:I see the text form and the submit button, they aren't clickable at all unless i select the browsers no style option. Also, I see this from the php, "; ?>just like that. Which i can't even highlight. its like an image thats just places there and can't be touched.
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Everything looks fine, what does the source look like when you view it?
This is my css code:
html, body{ 			background-color:#999999;			color:#0000cc;			font-family:sans-serif, verdana;			font-size:10pt;			scrollbar-face-color:#666666;			scrollbar-highlight-color:#ef9d20;			scrollbar-3dlight-color:#666666;			scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#666666;			scrollbar-shadow-color:#000000;			scrollbar-arrow-color:#ef9d20;			scrollbar-track-color:#999999;}#border{ 			position:fixed;			margin-left:-50px;			margin-top:-50px;			z-index:2;}#topborder{ 			position:absolute;			margin-left:-50px;			margin-top:-50px;			z-index:1;}#logo{ 		  position:absolute;			left:255px;			top:40px;}#siding{ 			display:block;			position:absolute;			width:100%;			height:100%;			left:70px;			top:40px;			x-pos:70px;			background:url('siding.gif') repeat-y;			z-index:0;}ul{ 			position:absolute;			left:50px;			top:300px;			z-index:2;}li{ 			list-style-type:none;			padding:5px;			border-style:outset;			display:block;			background-color:#666666;}a{ 			color:#ef9d20;}a:hover{ 			border-color:#000099;			color:#ff0000;}a:link{ 			text-decoration:none;}a:active{ 			color:#0000cc;}a:visited{ 			text-decoration:none;}#info{ 		 	position:absolute;			top:1000px;			left:220px;			text-align:center;			font-size:8pt;			border-top-style:solid;			border-width:1px;			border-color:#000000;}#content{ 		  position:absolute;			top:300px;			left:250px;}#contactaddress, #contactaddress2, #contactaddress3{ 		  margin-left:20px;			border-bottom-style:solid;			border-width:1px;			border-color:#000000;}input{ 		  display:block;		  margin-left:175px;			width:300px;}

and my xhtml and php is up above... you asked what my source looks like? What do u mean when i view it, like the source code itself?

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If it looks exactly the same, where you see the PHP code, then PHP is not getting executed. You need to run the page from the server, you cannot open a local PHP file in your local web browser and have the code execute it, you need to access it through http.

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If it looks exactly the same, where you see the PHP code, then PHP is not getting executed. You need to run the page from the server, you cannot open a local PHP file in your local web browser and have the code execute it, you need to access it through http.
So before i actually make a page with php, its best to get the domain name and server space and then start testing the php?
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Either that, or install a webserver and PHP on your local machine to develop with.
I've installed php and Apache... but apache is giving me one error when i try to restart it... could that be the error?I think i know the problem. The error is stating that it won't take a dll file to the server but when in fact i don't have a server set up yet. So once I set a server up on my own machine... then it will take it to the server and therefore allowing me to test php on my machine. I think I got it. thanks!!
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