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Page redirect?


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I'm using a simple asp script to send some form data to an email address. Right now I post the data to my asp page then the user has to hit the back button to get back to the website. How can I automatically redirect back to the site once the asp has sumbited my form data to my email?

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Guest giraffe
<%' after email sentresponse.redirect("yourpage.asp")%>
Q1.Could I substitute "yourpage.asp" for "http://pathtowebpage.com/page.html" in the code above?I'm trying to set up a registration form for a charity Gaming tournament on brinkster's free developer website(which supports ASP 3.0 and ASP.net). My plan is to use a CDO ASP file (or CDONTs) to process data POSTed to it from a HTML page created in Dreamweaver8. I've added a test file (code below) but when I typehttp://thrudbowl.brinkster.net/test1.aspI get a HTTP 500 internal server error. Q2.Is it possible Brinkster's server doesn't allow CDO / CDONT, if so is there a more widely accepted / simpler way of emailing html form data to my email? Or am I making a schoolboy error?<%Dim objCDOMail Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")objCDOMail.From = "hillf@hitechltd.com"objCDOMail.To = "mrfrankhil@yahoo.com"myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"objCDOMail.Subject = "Thrudbowl Registration"objCDOMail.Body = "This is a test"objCDOMail.SendSet objCDOMail = Nothing response.redirect("yourpage.asp")%> Any help greatly appreciated.The Giraffe
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Windows Server 2003 uses CDO.Message, older versions of Windows use CDONTS.Newmail. You should be able to do a search for either to find examples.As for the 500 error, I bet you are using IE. By default, IE does not display helpful error messages. You can either use a browser like Firefox or Opera to see the actual error message (such as an ASP syntax error), or you can go into the options for IE and find an option called "Show friendly HTTP error messages" and disable it. Friendly != helpful.

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