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Found 24 results

  1. If you wanna learn HTML and CSS fast and free you can use the tutorials what I am making! Here is the link of the channel! [Link removed]
  2. https://www.w3schools.com/php/phptryit.asp?filename=tryphp_filter_adv3 is a tutorial example. It attempts to validate what appears to be a valid URL but claims it is not. I see this forum gets little use, so has the language changed since the example was created, is there a mistake in the example, or is the problem on my end in the browser? I am using the latest FireFox browser under Windows 10.
  3. Hello everybody I recently found this simple Image Hover Effect on w3schools: Image Hover Overlay: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_image_overlay.asp This even seems to work on mobile (iOS) devices (touch), as far as I could test in the tryout editor. I then saved the provided code and published it on my own hosting (https://hammermann.ch/test.html). It's still working on desktop, but not on mobile (and I haven't changed any code at all) Any Ideas how to solve that? Thank you and stay healthy! Pascal
  4. Hi The guide on making a scrolling header is great, but it relies on javascript running every time you scroll. That is really expensive (resource-wise) and contributes to a laggy an unresponsive website. I think the guide should be updated to use sticky css-elements instead of js. This method does not have the same performance issues, and I'd argue it's an easier and more elegant solution. The new guide is pretty much already written here. The support for sticky elements is not perfect, so there is a discussion to be had about whether to prioritize browser support or performance, but i think at the very least the page should have a yellow box, mentioning that the sticky element is a better solution.
  5. When trying to do what the tutorial says in the beginning I come across a problem. The tutorial says the return must be "Hello world", however when you follow the instructions the execute window will close without displaying anything. Perhaps this is something with windows, anyways the tutorial doesn't work because of it as you can't read the output.
  6. In the lesson on PHP Filters in the code sample "Validate an Integer" there is the following code: <?php $int = 100; if (!filter_var($int, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) { echo("Integer is valid"); } else { echo("Integer is not valid"); } ?> Why use this expression: (!filter_var($int, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) instead of what seems to me to be the more logical expression?: (filter_var($int, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === true) Thanks.
  7. hi add please MutationObserver source mozilla
  8. Easy tutorial: HTML5 Canvas + pure JavaScript http://slicker.me/fractals/animate.htm
  9. Hello, this is my first post on the forums after learning HTML and JavaScript for the past 2 weeks. I have a suggestion to make for the JavaScript Functions tutorial, specifically learning how to call a function. The tutorial is very good overall and I am enjoying learning about HTML & JavaScript. As this is my first exposure to coding, my suggestion may be out of place or unusual that I did not know this particular information. However, the JavaScript tutorial never to my knowledge taught me how to call a function the way Exercise 1 at the bottom of the Function tutorial (https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_functions.asp) asked me to do. The answer to call the function as Exercise 1 asks you to do is to insert the code "myFunction();" after the curly bracket however all throughout the JavaScript and particularly the Function tutorial, the user had been taught to call functions by inserting the code "document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = myFunction();" after the curly bracket. The "return" statement was not used in Exercise 1 as I had felt I was most comfortable using. I would suggest strongly that some line or section be inserted in the JavaScript Function tutorial to teach the method of using "myFunction();" to call a function, as I did not understand that functionality and thought the Exercise was impossible to figure out without looking at the answer. Maaaybe the Exercise is designed to teach you to call a function using "myFunction();" but if that is true, in my opinion it is a poor way to teach that tool. Thank you for your time and in general a great website.
  10. Hello, I have a variable ($post) that contains posted content from database. Now I want to select the first paragraph and insert a code after it (Ads precisely ). Here is my code <?php include "../modules/gfuncs.php"; $topicId=(int)$_GET['id']; #check if topic exists $q=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id='$topicId'") or die( $conn->error ); if(mysqli_num_rows($q)==0){ header("location: $thisDomain/notfound"); exit; } #check for post $c4p=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId") or die($conn->error); if(mysqli_num_rows($c4p)==0){ $delpost=$conn->query("DELETE FROM topics WHERE id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); header("location:$thisDomain/notfound"); exit; } #new comment $notify=""; $err=""; if(isset($_POST['post']) and isLoggedIn()){ $msg=$_POST['msg']; $fid=(int)$_POST['fid']; $thisdate=time(); $error=array(); #if user uploads attachment if($_FILES['attach']['size']>0){ $thumb=$_FILES['attach']; $thumbtmp=$thumb['tmp_name']; $thumbname=$thumb['name']; $thumbsize=$thumb['size']; $targetDir="thumbs/$thumbname"; $ext=pathinfo($targetDir, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $allowed=array("jpg","gif","png"); if(!in_array($ext, $allowed)){ $error[]="Invalid thumbnail format"; } elseif($thumbsize > 2097152){ $error[]="Thumbnail size exceeded limit"; } } if(!$msg or empty($msg)){ $error[]="Please enter a comment"; } elseif( strlen($msg)<3){ $error[]="Comment too short"; } if(count($error)==0){ $newAttachName=""; if($_FILES['attach']['size']>0){ $newAttachName=encrypt(time()*rand(), 15).".jpg"; @move_uploaded_file($thumbtmp, "thumbs/$newAttachName"); } $save=$conn->query("INSERT INTO posts SET topicid=$topicId, forumid=$fid, poster='$curUser', postdate=$thisdate, post='$msg', attachment='$newAttachName'") or die($conn->error); $notify='<div class="successHolder">Comment Successfully Added!</div>'; } else { $err=implode(",<br>", $error); $notify='<div class="errorHolder">'.$err.'</div>'; } } $load=mysqli_fetch_object($q); $forumid=$load->forumid; $subject=_read($load->subject); $subjext=$load->subject; $poster=$load->poster; $views=$load->views; #update views $newviews=$views+1; $updviews=$conn->query("UPDATE topics SET views=$newviews WHERE id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $postdate=$load->postdate; $postdate=date("d, M Y.", $postdate); $lastposter=$load->lastposter; $lastpostdate=$load->lastpostdate; $locked=$load->locked; $attachment=$load->attachment; #load forum info $fq=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM forums WHERE forumid=$forumid") or die($conn->error); $ft=mysqli_fetch_object($fq); $forumName=$ft->forumname; $forumUrl="$thisDomain/forum/$forumid/".urlize($forumName); #count posts $postCount=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId") or die( $conn->error); $totalPosts=mysqli_num_rows($postCount); #pagination $limit=13; $pagination= new paging; $pagination->totalResults($totalPosts); $pagination->rows_per_page($limit); $page=@$_GET['page']; $pagination->page($page); $pagination->thisPage("$thisDomain/forum/$forumid/topic/$topicId/".urlize($subjext)); $paging=$pagination->paging(); $paging.="<span class=\"tp\">Page ".$pagination->currentPage()." of ".$pagination->totalPages()."</span>"; $anotif=""; $adminMenu=""; if($isAdmin){ if(isset($_POST['adminAct'])){ $time=time(); $act=$_POST['admin_act']; if($act=="tag_topic"){ $qt=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id='$topicId'") or die($conn->error); if(mysqli_num_rows($qt)==0){ $qaa=$conn->query("INSERT INTO updates SET media='topic', media_id=$topicId, updatetime=$time") or die($conn->error); $anotif='<div class="successHolder">Topic successfully tagged to homepage</div>'; } else { $anotif='<div class="errorHolder">Topic is already in updates</div>'; } } elseif($act="untag_topic"){ $qaa=$conn->query("DELETE FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $anotif='<div class="successHolder">Topic successfully removed from updates</div>'; } elseif($act=="del_topic"){ $qaa=$conn->query("DELETE FROM topics WHERE id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $delPost=$conn->query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId") or die($conn->error); $delFromUpdates=$conn->query("DELETE FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id=$topicId") or die($conn->error); header("location:$thisDomain/forum"); exit; } elseif($act=="edit_topic"){ header("location:$thisDomain/forum/topiceditor"); exit; } } $adminMenu="<div class=\"ContentX\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"\">"; #TAGGING: check if topic is tagged or not $qt=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM updates WHERE media='topic' AND media_id='$topicId'") or die($conn->error); if(mysqli_num_rows($qt)==0){ $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"tag_topic\"> Tag Topic"; } else { $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"untag_topic\"> Untag Topic"; } $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"del_topic\"> Delete Topic"; $adminMenu.=" <input type=\"radio\" name=\"admin_act\" value=\"edit_topic\"> Edit Topic <button type=\"submit\" name=\"adminAct\" class=\"w3-btn\">Submit</button></form></div>"; } #resend query to initiate paging $postQ=$conn->query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE topicid=$topicId ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $pagination->offset,$pagination->rows_per_page") or die($conn->error); #load all posts $contents=""; $postMenu=""; while($loadp=mysqli_fetch_object($postQ)){ $postid=$loadp->id; $poster=$loadp->poster; $postdate=$loadp->postdate; $postAttach=$loadp->attachment; $post=""; if($postAttach){ $post='[img]'.$thisDomain.'/forum/thumbs/'.$postAttach.'[/img]'; } $post.=$loadp->post; $post=_bbcode(_read($post)); #get user info $usr=new userinfo; $usr->user($poster); $posterDP=$usr->get_info("dp"); $posterCity=$usr->get_info("city"); $posterState=$usr->get_info("state"); $postdate=date("g:ia, jS M Y.", $postdate); if($isAdmin){ $postMenu="\n<br>[<a href=\"$thisDomain/forum/editpost/$postid\">Edit Post</a>] / [<a href=\"$thisDomain/forum/delpost/$postid\">Delete Post</a>]"; } $contents.=<<<eof <div class="aPost"> <table class="info"> <tr> <td width="75"> <img src="$thisDomain/user/dps/$posterDP" height="70" width="70" id="infoDP"> </td> <td> <a href="$thisDomain/profile/$poster"><span class="fa fa-user"></span> $poster</a>. $posterCity, $posterState<br> <span class="fa fa-pencil"></span> $postdate </tr> </table> <div class="msgBody"> $post </div>$postMenu </div> eof; } $pageTitle=$subject; include "../header.php"; ?>
  11. The famous Mandelbrot set: http://slicker.me/fractals/fractals.htm
  12. Ok so I found out that it is easier to learn from โ€‹video tutorials!. And I tried to figure out how can I fit whole website in a video. โ€‹But the answer is 1interactive video tutorials! Imagine that you have a video and at the beginning you can select what do you want to learn, and select what chapter do you want to start in! For the memory check there can be quizzes in the middle of chapters for example when a code is being typed a quiz pops up that asks us what should I write next to make something happen! I heard that 3/4 people understands better when something is explained in a video. This could heavily increase the use of w3schools tutorials because you can save that video where ever you want! You can watch it in phone, computer and you do not need internet access! 2This might be a hard work but it will be a hard hit with a loud boom! โ€‹ 1. Interactive video is a video that you can interact with! For example in a video you see a lot of buttons and you can click on them to do something! 2. What it means is that the more work you put the better results will be! โ€‹Hope you like this idea!
  13. Hello & Thanks , A javascript Tutorial for BenghaziGame : I just wanted to let you know that I have written a javascript tutorial for my BenghaziGame , and to thank all you folks on this Forum who have helped me to convert this game to javascript . Benghazi Game is a shoot 'em up political satire browser game . But instead of bullets , we throw cowpies at politicians when we see them lying . How do we know when they are lying ? When their noses turn into long carrot noses , they are lying . The Tutorial game begins here : http://liesandcowpies.com/javascript/BenghaziGame.00-TUTORIAL.html I have also posted the whole Tutorial for download here : http://liesandcowpies.com/javascript/BenghaziGame-TUTORIALS.zip My disclaimer: I am going to let w3schools.com do most of the heavy lifting , and use their GameTutorial resources to do the explaining on specific keywords . Here is a list of their web pages that we will be using: http://www.w3schools.com/games/ http://www.w3schools.com/games/game_canvas.asp http://www.w3schools.com/games/game_components.asp http://www.w3schools.com/games/game_controllers.asp http://www.w3schools.com/games/game_obstacles.asp http://www.w3schools.com/games/game_score.asp http://www.w3schools.com/games/game_images.asp http://www.w3schools.com/games/game_sound.asp and more as the need arises . Thanks...Vern
  14. Hello there, I am plan (in near future) to start with learning and training with node.js. Since I have habit to learn and remind from w3s (manner of writing), do you plan to add some tutorials and references for node.js? Thank you for all!
  15. I love what w3schools is doing with the SQL tutorial - good stuff. I noticed that one of the most fundamental elements of w3schools (the "Try it now" button) goes missing about half-way through the SQL Tutorial. May I ask why? I teach sql at a local community colleg. I have gone through several textbooks with mixed results, and I am always keeping my eyes open for new ways to teach. I would love to incorporate w3schools SQL tutorial into my class; do you have a db dump available for download of the tables you use? One of my lessons will be having students figuring out how to get the data from the tutorial into a local database, but having the entire dataset available up front would be handy. If such a db dump is not available, no worries - easy enough to generate one. Thanks again for your time and attention.
  16. I love the work going on at w3Schools - awesome stuff! For the SQL Tutorial, might I suggest a accessible logical model for the tables? For instance, in the "Try it" demo pages, there is a right-hand-side pane with all the available tables, but there is no way to just view the columns of those tables without leaving behind the current sql worksheet. It would be tremendously helpful if users/students could view, via some kind of client-side magic (javascript?), the model of the tables. Ideally, this would include the metadata like primary key and constraint information, but just starting with the name of the columns would be sweet. Thanks for your time and attention.
  17. let's say i go through the tutorials from http://www.w3schools.com/Is there a way of knowing when some tutorial has been altered or updated ?Bcz I went through jquery mobile tutorial a year ago and a couple of months later, by accident noticed that there is new stuff in it.
  18. I find this tutorials very useful and I think it will be really handy if you do Bootstrap tutorial. On site getbootstrap.com is nice documentation, but some things aren't explained so well.Who think this is good idea? Thanks.
  19. Using the .NET MVC tutorial, I noticed on http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/mvc_layout.asp that the first code block needs updated. I believe It should be <!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>@ViewBag.Title</title> <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/modernizr-2.5.3.js")"> </script> </head> <body> <ul id="menu"> <li>@Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")</li> <li>@Html.ActionLink("Movies", "Index", "Movies")</li> <li>@Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")</li> </ul> <section id="menu"> @RenderBody() <p>Copyright W3schools 2012. All Rights Reserved.</p> </section> </body></html> to match the updated jquery and modernizr files. Additionally, the "font" line in the other code block on that page should, if I am correct, be changed to "font-family" (And it would be nice on this page: http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/mvc_views.asp to differentiate between "add to what's already in the file" and "switch with what's already in the file") Could someone with access to do so please update this?
  20. The last example for window.clearTimeout() method has an explanation that appears to be inconsistent with the 'try it yourself' example on the JavaScript Timing Events page. I have put the text needing corrected in red: How to Stop the Execution?The clearInterval() method is used to stop further executions of the function specified in the setInterval() method. Syntaxwindow.clearInterval(intervalVariable) The window.clearInterval() method can be written without the window prefix. To be able to use the clearInterval() method, you must use a global variable when creating the interval method: myVar=setInterval("javascript function",milliseconds); Then you will be able to stop the execution by calling the clearInterval() method. ExampleSame example as above, but we have added a "Stop time" button: <p id="demo"></p><button onclick="myStopFunction()">Stop time</button><script>var myVar=setInterval(function(){myTimer()},1000);function myTimer(){var d=new Date();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=t;}function myStopFunction(){clearInterval(myVar);}</script> Try it yourself ยป If I have been learning my lessons correctly, typing in var makes the variable local. If this is the case, then it would seem the clearInterval() worked without setting a global variable. Does this need updated?
  21. Hello, i'm wondering how to install Apache2 with PHP inside. So far i've downloaded dozens of apache servers and php servers and always getting the the error below. LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll" not found (or something very similar) Does certain Apache server version require certain PHP version? I'm pointing out the correct directory and its still telling that its wrong folder. Last time i tried these files.httpd-2.0.65-win32-x86-no_ssl.msiphp-5.3.28-nts-Win32-VC9-x86.msi And received same results. Modified php.ini to point out the extensions folder, added these lines to httpd config file (To correct positions). LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll"AddType application/x-httpd-php .phpPHPIniDir "c:/php" I have to install Apache2 the hard way since Xampp has been buggy for me for a bit. Please reply with correct version links and other tutorials if there is.
  22. plicatibu

    HTML 5 Games

    Hi, folks. I want to learn to develop HTML games. Could you guys point me some tutorials about this subject? By the way I have a concern: How does one protect the source code? One the games will use javascript and HTML I think that it's not possible. Am I right? Thanks.
  23. Can you please provide Cake PHP tutorial in this website? Tutorials of this website are so simple that I want to have every tutorial related to PHP on this website only.
  24. Please send me a PM with any comments, corrections, additions, or requests. Please do not reply to this topic. Replies will be deleted to avoid clutter.Official PHP site: http://www.php.net/PHP Installation Packages: http://www.php.net/downloads.phpPHP Installation Instructions: http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.general.phpPHP Online Manual: http://www.php.net/manual/note: links given to the manual are in English, but the manual can be read in several languagesPlease send me a PM to request specific topics.
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