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About knystrom18

  • Birthday 01/22/1990

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  • Languages
    CSS 3, (X)HTML, HTML 5

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  • Interests
    Tech, Web Development, Guitar/Drums, Music

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  1. Awesome. I've used that before and completely forgot about it, oh well. Thank you.
  2. Without assigning a class to each <td> I'd like to style, is there a selector or expression I can use to select the 2nd child of all <tr> in a table within a unique div? Example: <div id="wines"> <h3 class="category">Cabernet</h3> <table> <colgroup> <col class="wine-name" /> <col class="wine-price" /> </colgroup> <tr> <td><span class="i">California Canyon Road</span></td> <td><span class="cushycms" id="California Canyon Road">$5.50 / $20</span></td><!-- I want to select only this <td> --> </tr> </table></div> Thanks.
  3. Sorry, I was ambiguous. I understand the meta tag doesn't need JS to do it's thing. Now that I know a meta refresh would be best, I just need to throw together a JS countdown that ends just as the meta refresh takes effect. Thanks justsomeguy, Ingolme.
  4. Does http-equiv="refresh" just make the redirect more, for lack of a better term, legitimate? I assume a 301 redirect is just the wrong tool for the job then. I also assume the timer would just be a bit of code with the only function of being a timer which happens to end at the same time the meta refresh, refreshes.
  5. What would be considered best practice to show a user a blog on a different domain from the same entity? A javascript redirect? An html redirect? A frame where the other domain is displayed under a "bar" (a la stumbleupon)? I'm thinking a javascript redirect with an animated timer (about 10 seconds or so) that lets the user know they're about to be redirected, but can click the link (the place where they'll eventually be redirected anyways) to speed up the process. Thoughts? Am I completely wrong?
  6. Line 164, you forgot a "<" on the fieldset tag.http://www.afterhour.../PHP/Operators/ I like the site a lot. I'm gonna try to learn some stuff from it. I like how PHP is being explained in layman terms.
  7. Bump! I'm not sure now... I forget what I was working on at the time. I think I ended up just wrapping it anyways. Thanks for the replies though.
  8. You don't need the meta keywords tag. None of the important search engines pay any attention to it.More info: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/09/google-does-not-use-keywords-meta-tag.html
  9. Lot's of people use the "Meyerweb Reset", myself included.http://meyerweb.com/...ools/css/reset/
  10. If you want to use the same id attribute for an element, or different elements on different pages, you can give the body tag it's own unique id: For your home/index page: <body id="index"> <div id="some-id">...</div></body> For another page with an id of example: <body id="example"> <div id="some-id">...</div></body> Then in your CSS: body#index div#some-id {property: value; /*this will affect a div with the id of "some-id" on the page with a body id of "index"*/} body#example div#some-id {property: value; /*this will affect the div with the id of "some-id" on the page with a body id of "example"*/} You can also use multiple classes on an element like this: HTML: <div class="class1 class2 class3">...</div> CSS: .class1 {background-color: #eee;}.class2 {padding: 18px;}.class3 {border: solid 3px #777;} The above results in a div with a background color of "#eee" with 18px padding on all sides with a solid, 3px wide #777 colored border on all sides; from three separate classes. Or, slightly more realistically... this is <span class="red strike">an error</span> a correction. .red {color: #ff0000;}.strike {text-decoration: line-through;} Is that what you were looking for?
  11. Harsh, but true. Thank you for your thoughts and help.
  12. I noticed the different renderings early, but they've never posed me much a problem until now. I put: #slider img {width: 100%} to the offending images, and it works like a charm! Thank you. While I'm thinking about it, any word as to how IE 10 will calculate ems? Hopefully the same way as the other major browsers...
  13. I'm aware the font and font size affect ems. They're relative after all. I used http://riddle.pl/emcalc/ to put in pixel values and get em values, so, technically I did use pixels... I guess IE just calculates ems differently?
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