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  1. i don't think so that i will have to give u much info about this.. because word "REMINDER" says itself everything.so i just want to use this concept in my website.if any activity i want to do after some fix timing say 2 hours. then after 2 hours my website should give me reminder about this.so i m searching some real-time functions to implement this concept if anybody have any idea please suggest me.thank you in advance.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm new to php so please bare with me on this. Before i explain my problem, let me give you guys a brief background on what i'm doing.i have a list of existing clients in my database that have a client# hence $code. Every clients will be sent an email that contain a link with their # aka $code. so when they arrive at my page, the address bar should also contain their $code.At the same time, there are also potential clients going to my webpage without client# ($code). Eventually both existing and potential clients will have to fill out a form. with their name and email. Problem #1:This is where I have difficulty in. Instead of making 2 separate website, which is very unnecessary. I want to set the form up according to those that enter the website with $code or without. Those with $code will be directed to request.php where they will fill in more information and those without will go to thankyou.php where the message "thank you for your request, a client id will be email to you shortly ." Unfortunately I can't get it to work, it only directs to thankyou.php with or without $code on the address bar. Please help me out. This is what I have on my index page. <?php $code=$_REQUEST['code'];$email=$_REQUEST['email'];?><html><head><title></title></head><body><form action="<?php if (isset($code)) echo 'request.php'; else echo 'thankyou.php'; ?>" method="post"> <input type="text" class="inputbg" name="FullName" id="FullName" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your Name') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Your Name';}" value="Your Name" /> <input type="text" class="inputbg" name="Email" id="Email" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your Email') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Your Email';}" value="Your Email" /> <input type="hidden" name="Code" value="<?=$Code;?>" /> <input type="submit" class="submit" name="submit" value="<?php if (isset($code)) echo 'More Info'; else echo 'Continue';?>" /> </form> </body></html> Problem #2:I want to make the thankyou.php the result page where clients review their input for both sets of clients.Those with $code, I would want the page to show Name, email, phone, and appointment.For those without, I just want to show Name and email. This is what I have: <?php $FullName=$_REQUEST['FullName'];$Code=$_REQUEST['Code'];$Email=$_REQUEST['Email'];$Phone=$_REQUEST['Phone'];$BestTime=$_REQUEST['BestTime'];$theDate = isset($_REQUEST["date5"]) ? $_REQUEST["date5"] : "";$theDate = date('F-j-Y', strtotime($theDate));?><html><head><title></title></head><body><h1 class="heading" style="font-size:40px;">Thank you <?=$FullName;?> for your submission!</h1> <p style="padding:20px 0px 0px"> <h5>Your Email is: <?=$Email?>. </h5><?phpif (isset($code)) echo '[i]<h5>Your Personalized Code is: $Code. </h5>[/i][i]<h5> The phone number we had on file is $Phone</h5>[/i][i]<h5> You have scheduled a phone call on $theDate ,[/i][i]$BestTime -EST.</h5></p>[/i][i]<p style="color:#ffffff;"> *Selected appointment will adjust accordingly to Eastern Standard Time (-EST).</p>'[/i] [i]else[/i] echo "An email with a client I.D. will be email to you shortly."?> </body></html> I honestly thought the string if (isset($code)) ""; else ""; sting is all i need but no matter what, it only shows the second echo and never the first. I'm a little confuse at this point so if anybody out there knows how to fix this, please help me out. thank you! P.S. if anyone is confused by what i type, please let me know. Thank you.
  3. guys.. i m new here and came with hope of getting solution to my problem.i m developing one site which will be accessed by customers and employees of company.my doubt is clear that i want my employee will get notification as soon as any customer will sends an any inquiry or any feedback. (e.g Facebook live notification is best example u can assume)so that i can processed that request as early as possible and make my customer happy . so please help me for this.thanks in advance
  4. Hi there!! I have copied and changed the following code snippet from the php.net site: <?php$to = 'myusername@mydomain.com';$subject = 'the subject';$message = 'hello';$headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com\r\n';if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)){ echo "Success!!"; }?> unfortunately, my script wasn't executed and I didn't receive the email even in my junk folder. Can someone help me solve this trouble? Thanks in advance!! atar.
  5. when someone doen't fill the entire app out - it will display the areas they mess uped as an error like below. The problem i am having is: If submit it blank it should say all of them are errors but all i get is 1 and if i miss a few then it only displays a random error of the one of them i missed. here is the code and an example of the output. <?php/*======================================================================*\|| #################################################################### |||| # Clan SwFd -- Recruitment System V5 # |||| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # |||| # Copyright ©2008-2013 Nuker_Viper All Rights Reserved. # |||| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # |||| # ------------------- THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ------------------ # |||| # http://www.swfclan.com # |||| #################################################################### ||\*======================================================================*/// ###### Recruitment System 5.2.7 ######?><center><h2>Request To Join</h2></center><br><br><?php$reqcount = getWSInfo("reqjoincount");$maxreq = getWSInfo("maxjoinreq");if($reqcount < $maxreq) {if(!$submit) {$claname = getWSInfo("clanname");$PIS = "<img src='images/apps/personal.gif' border='0'>";$AIS = "<img src='images/apps/apps.gif' border='0'>";$GIS = "<img src='images/apps/gamer.gif' border='0'>";for($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {$tempmonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2007));$bdaymonthoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$tempmonth</option>";}for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {$bdaydayoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}$currentyear = date("Y");$finalyear = $currentyear-100;for($i=$currentyear; $i>=$finalyear; $i--) {$bdayyearoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}timezone ORDER BY timezid ASC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);$tz_options .= "<option value='$tz'>$gmt</option>";}$dst_options .= "<option value='Off'>No</option><option value='On'>Yes</option>";$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}gamingstyles ORDER BY gs_id ASC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);extract($row);{$primary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name'>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";$secondary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name'>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";}echo "<blockquote><b>READ CAREFULLY</b><br>Please read and take your time when filling out this form. Accurate info on this form will speed up the process. Inaccuate info may result refusal to join or slow processing time.</b><br>If you would like to request joining <b>Clan SwFd</b> please fill out the form below <b>ENTIRLY</b>. Fill out ONE request to join and a member of personnel will contact you if you qualify.</blockquote><br><align='left'><br><b>NOTE that all fields are required. This Application is broken up into 3 sections. Each Section has its own Validator meaning if you miss a something it will tell you to go back and fix it, before continuing on to the next section. You must Complete all 3 sections before it will submit your application to join SwFd. Most of this information is to set-up your basic Profile and removes alot of time between the recruiter and the protential member.</b><br></align><br><br<br><form action='index.php?p=Join' method='post'><table align='center' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' width='600'><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$PIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your PSN/PS3 Screen Name:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='name1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Your screen name will be your username on our site. It must be the exact way its spelled on the PS3/PSN with CAPS, lowercase, and Numbers. It is also the only way we will contact you so spell it right.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose a Password:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='password1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>This will be used as your password for our site. REMEMBER WHAT YOU PUT HERE! No Special Charaters.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Valid Email Address:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='email1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Used with Retieve Password Feature on our site. Our clan and Staff will never send you SPAM from this Clan.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Location:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>State:</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'>Country:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='state1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'><input type='text' name='country1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Needed for geographical purposes.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Age (Don't Lie):</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='age1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Age is needed for tournament information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Birthday:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><select name='bdaymonth1' class='form'>$bdaymonthoptions</select> <select name='bdayday1' class='form'>$bdaydayoptions</select> <select name='bdayyear1' class='form'>$bdayyearoptions</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Birthday is needed for Call of Duty: Elite information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gender:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Male' CHECKED>Male<input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Female'>Female</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your TimeZone:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone1' class='form'>$tz_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone_dst1' class='form'>$dst_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Your timezone is needed so we know what time is it compared to our Staff members time.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Are you currently under Daylight Savings Time?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>About Me</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='message1' class='form' rows='10' cols='100'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Tells us about yourself. As the Team Leaders we like to know who is under our leadership on a more personal level not just a hey you level. Also the more we know about you, the smaller chance of a misuderstanding happening.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$GIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose Your Main Game</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops'>Black Ops<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: MW3'>CoD: MW3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='Mass Effect 3'>Mass Effect 3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops 2' checked>CoD: Black Ops 2</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>The game you play most.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Do you currently have a Working Mic?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'workingmic1' class='form' value='NO' CHECKED>No <input type='radio' name= 'workingmic1' class='form' value='YES'>YES</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>You must have a Mic that is currently working.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Style:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Primary Style</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Secondary Style</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='pri_style1' class='form'>$primary_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='sec_style1' class='form'>$secondary_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your main gaming style.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your secondary or alternative gaming style.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingstyle1' class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Describe in detail how do you play.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Times:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingtimes1' class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>When do you play the game?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$AIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Referral?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='refer1' class='form'></td></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>What is the Screen Name of who refered you to our site. If it was by a search engine then use the search engine name as the referral.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Previous Clans:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>List the past 6 (six) clans you were/are in before applying to SwFd starting with clan 1 as the most recent. If the field is not needed the leave it blank.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_tag1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_name1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_website1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_tag1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_name1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_website1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><br><tr><td class='titles' align='center' colspan='6' border='2' bordercolor='#000000'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit Application for Review' class='apps_formbutton'></td></tr></table></form>";}elseif($submit) {$dispErrors = "";$dispCorrects = "";$errors = 0;$corrects = 0; if($name1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Name: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($name1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Name: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($password1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Password: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($password1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Password: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($email1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Email: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($email1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Email: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($state1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "State: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($state1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "State: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($country1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Country: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($country1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Country: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($age1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Age: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($age1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Age: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($message1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "About Me: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($message1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "About Me: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($gamingstyle1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Gaming Style: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($gamingstyle == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Gaming Style: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($gamingtimes1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Gaming Times: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($gamingtimes == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Gaming Times: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($refer1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Referral: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($refer1 == "") { $errors++; $dispErrors = "Referral: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";} if($errors >= 1) { $dispError_Info = "The following errors were found:<br><br>$dispErrors"; }elseif($errors < 1) { $dispError_Info = "No Errors Found!"; }if($corrects >= 1) { $dispCorrect_Info = "Checks:<br>$dispCorrects"; }elseif($corrects < 1) { $dispCorrect_Info = "Checks:<br>ZERO Things Correct JackAss"; } if($errors >= 1) {echo "<table align='center' width='500' border='0'><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispCorrect_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispError_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr></table>";$PIS = "<img src='images/apps/personal.gif' border='0'>";$AIS = "<img src='images/apps/apps.gif' border='0'>";$GIS = "<img src='images/apps/gamer.gif' border='0'>";$bday1 = mktime(0,0,0,$bdaymonth1,$bdayday1,$bdayyear1);$bdaymonth = date("n", $bday);$bdayday = date("j", $bday);$bdayyear = date("Y", $bday);for($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {if($bdaymonth == $i) {$tempmonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2007));$bdaymonthoptions .= "<option value='$i' selected>$tempmonth</option>";}else {$tempmonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2007));$bdaymonthoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$tempmonth</option>";}}for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {if($bdayday == $i) {$bdaydayoptions .= "<option value='$i' selected>$i</option>";}else {$bdaydayoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}}$currentyear = date("Y");$finalyear = $currentyear-100;for($i=$currentyear; $i>=$finalyear; $i--) {if($bdayyear == $i) {$bdayyearoptions .= "<option value='$i' selected>$i</option>";}else {$bdayyearoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}}$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}timezone ORDER BY timezid ASC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);$tz_options .= "<option value='$tz' selected>$gmt</option>";}if($dst_options == "Off") { $dst_options .= "<option value='Off' selected>No</option><option value='On'>Yes</option>"; }elseif($dst_options == "On") { $dst_options .= "<option value='Off'>No</option><option value='On' selected>Yes</option>"; }$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}gamingstyles ORDER BY gs_id ASC";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);extract($row);{$primary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name' selected>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";$secondary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name' selected>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";}if($game1 == "CoD: Black Ops") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($game1 == "CoD: MW3") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($game1 == "Mass Effect 3") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($game1 == "CoD: Black Ops 2") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }if($mic1 == "No") { $micSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($mic1 == "Yes") { $micSELECT = "selected"; }if($gender1 == "Male") { $genderSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($gender1 == "Female") { $genderSELECT = "selected"; }echo "<blockquote><b>READ CAREFULLY</b><br>Please read and take your time when filling out this form. Accurate info on this form will speed up the process. Inaccuate info may result refusal to join or slow processing time.</b><br>If you would like to request joining <b>Clan SwFd</b> please fill out the form below <b>ENTIRLY</b>. Fill out ONE request to join and a member of personnel will contact you if you qualify.</blockquote><br><align='left'><br><b>NOTE that all fields are required. This Application is broken up into 3 sections. Each Section has its own Validator meaning if you miss a something it will tell you to go back and fix it, before continuing on to the next section. You must Complete all 3 sections before it will submit your application to join SwFd. Most of this information is to set-up your basic Profile and removes alot of time between the recruiter and the protential member.</b><br></align><br><br<br><form action='index.php?p=Join' method='post'><table align='center' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' width='600'><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$PIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your PSN/PS3 Screen Name:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='name1' value=\"$name1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Your screen name will be your username on our site. It must be the exact way its spelled on the PS3/PSN with CAPS, lowercase, and Numbers. It is also the only way we will contact you so spell it right.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose a Password:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='password1' value=\"$password1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>This will be used as your password for our site. REMEMBER WHAT YOU PUT HERE! No Special Charaters.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Valid Email Address:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='email1' value=\"$email1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Used with Retieve Password Feature on our site. Our clan and Staff will never send you SPAM from this Clan.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Location:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>State:</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'>Country:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='state1' value=\"$state1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'><input type='text' name='country1' value=\"$country1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Needed for geographical purposes.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Age (Don't Lie):</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='age1' value=\"$age1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Age is needed for tournament information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Birthday:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><select name='bdaymonth1' class='form'>$bdaymonthoptions</select> <select name='bdayday1' class='form'>$bdaydayoptions</select> <select name='bdayyear1' class='form'>$bdayyearoptions</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Birthday is needed for Call of Duty: Elite information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gender:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Male' $genderSELECT>Male<input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Female' $genderSELECT>Female</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your TimeZone:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone1' class='form'>$tz_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone_dst1' class='form'>$dst_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Your timezone is needed so we know what time is it compared to our Staff members time.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Are you currently under Daylight Savings Time?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>About Me</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='message1' value=\"$message1\" class='form' rows='10' cols='100'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Tells us about yourself. As the Team Leaders we like to know who is under our leadership on a more personal level not just a hey you level. Also the more we know about you, the smaller chance of a misuderstanding happening.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$GIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose Your Main Game</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops' $gameSELECT>Black Ops<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: MW3' $gameSELECT>CoD: MW3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='Mass Effect 3' $gameSELECT>Mass Effect 3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops 2'$gameSELECT>CoD: Black Ops 2</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>The game you play most.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Do you currently have a Working Mic?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'mic1' class='form' value='No' $micSELECT>No <input type='radio' name= 'mic1' class='form' value='Yes' $micSELECT>YES</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>You must have a Mic that is currently working.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Style:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Primary Style</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Secondary Style</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='pri_style1' class='form'>$primary_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='sec_style1' class='form'>$secondary_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your main gaming style.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your secondary or alternative gaming style.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingstyle1' value=\"$gameingstyle1\" class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Describe in detail how do you play.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Times:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingtimes1' value=\"$gamingtimes1\" class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>When do you play the game?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$AIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Referral?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='refer1' value=\"$refer1\" class='form'></td></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>What is the Screen Name of who refered you to our site. If it was by a search engine then use the search engine name as the referral.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Previous Clans:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>List the past 6 (six) clans you were/are in before applying to SwFd starting with clan 1 as the most recent. If the field is not needed the leave it blank.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_tag1' value=\"$pc_one_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_tag1' value=\"$pc_two_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_tag1' value=\"$pc_three_tag1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_name1' value=\"$pc_one_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_name1' value=\"$pc_two_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_name1' value=\"$pc_three_name1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_website1' value=\"$pc_one_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_website1' value=\"$pc_two_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_website1' value=\"$pc_three_website1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_tag1' value=\"$pc_four_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_tag1' value=\"$pc_five_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_tag1' value=\"$pc_six_tag1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_name1' value=\"$pc_four_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_name1' value=\"$pc_five_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_name1' value=\"$pc_six_name1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_website1' value=\"$pc_four_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_website1' value=\"$pc_five_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_website1' value=\"$pc_six_website1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><br><tr><td class='titles' align='center' colspan='6' border='2' bordercolor='#000000'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Re-Submit Application for Review' class='apps_formbutton'></td></tr></table></form>"; }elseif($errors < 1) {echo "<table align='center' width='500' border='0'><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispCorrect_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispError_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr></table>";echo "<center><blockquote>Thank you for your request! IF you qualify - a member of our Staff will contact you.</blockquote></center>"; $bday1 = mktime(0,0,0,$bdaymonth1,$bdayday1,$bdayyear1);$dateINFO = date("l, F j, Y g:i A");$query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}requestjoin (name, password, email, state, country, age, bday, gender, timezone, timezone_dst, message, game, mic, pri_style, sec_style, gamingstyle, gamingtimes, refer, daterequested, status, ipnum, pc_one_tag, pc_one_name, pc_one_website, pc_two_tag, pc_two_name, pc_two_website, pc_three_tag, pc_three_name, pc_three_website, pc_four_tag, pc_four_name, pc_four_website, pc_five_tag, pc_five_name, pc_five_website, pc_six_tag, pc_six_name, pc_six_website) VALUES ('$name1', '$password1', '$email1', '$state1', '$country', '$age1', '$bday1', '$gender1', '$timezone1', '$timezone_dst1', '$message1', '$game1', '$mic1', '$pri_style1', '$sec_style1', '$gamingstyle1', '$gamingtimes1', '$refer1', '$dateINFO', '$ip', '$pc_one_tag1', '$pc_one_name1', '$pc_one_website1', '$pc_two_tag1', '$pc_two_name1', '$pc_two_website1', '$pc_three_tag1', '$pc_three_name1', '$pc_three_website1', '$pc_four_tag1', '$pc_four_name1', '$pc_four_website1', '$pc_five_tag1', '$pc_five_name1', '$pc_five_website1', '$pc_six_tag1', '$pc_six_name1', '$pc_six_website1')";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}temp_members_db (name, password, email, age, bday, gender, timezone, timezone_dst, game, pri_style, sec_style, gamingstyle, gamingtimes) VALUES ('$name1', '$password1', '$email1', '$age1', '$bday1', '$gender1', '$timezone1', '$timezone_dst1', '$game1', '$pri_style1', '$sec_style1', '$gamingstyle1', '$gamingtimes1')";$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());}} } else {echo "<center><blockquote>The limit for Join Requests has been reached for today. If you would like to request to join try again tomorrow.</blockquote></center>";}?> if submiited blank it gives: Checks: ZERO Things Correct JackAss The following errors were found: Referral: Error - Cannot be left Blank (rest of code to re-submit app) i know i am missing a piece of code that solves it.
  6. Nuker_Viper

    Date problem

    i don't quite understand why it displays this: here is the basic code... <?php$TZ = getTZInfo("tz", getMemberInfo("timezone", $membername));$T = getTZInfo("tz_plusminus_hours", getMemberInfo("timezone", $membername));$DST = getMemberInfo("timezone_dst", $membername); if($DST == "On") { $D = "1"; }else { $D = "0"; } $TF = ($T+$D); if($logged_in == "1") { $displaydate = gmdate("l, F j, Y - g:i A - $TZ", time()+(("$TF"+date("I"))*3600)); }elseif($logged_in != "1") { $displaydate = gmdate("l, F j, Y - g:i A - e", time()+((-5+date("I"))*3600)); } ?>
  7. Hello. For some weeks ago, i made a file upload for a gallery.I made it using html5, and everything works fine. the only problem is that when i select multiple files, the uploads funktion works fine when the total of all files is less than 8 mb, because of limitation on the php.I can se, that if i select more than 8mb, the files are uploaded to the server, but i dont think that the php can "move" the files at ones? Does any one have a work around? it is very important to select multiple files due to alot of sub_files! (i was thinking to make something like foreach file(upload and move)) sorry if this should have ben in php section //html// <form action="send.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><fieldset> <legend>Upload af billeder</legend> <?php$dirname = "Gallery";$dir = opendir($dirname);echo '<select name="sti">';echo '<option value="Vælg mappe!">Tryk her for at vælge galleri</option>';while(false != ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file<>'.' && $file<>'..') { if (is_dir("$file")); echo "<option value=".$file.">$file</option>"; } } echo '</select>'; ?> Vælg venligst det galleri du ænsker at uploade dine billeder til. <br><br>Der kan maks uploades 8mb sammenlagt! Så hvis du ikke får en besked med at billederne er uploaded, har du nok valgt for mange!<br><br> Vælg filer:<br> <input type="file" value="" name="upload[]" multiple><br> <button type="submit">Upload!</button> </fieldset></form> //php "send.php"// <pre><?php $error_message[0] = "Dit forsøg på at uploade billederne lykkedes desværre ikke. <br>DU HAR IKKE VALGT EN MAPPE PRØV IGEN<br>Hvis du ikke har oprettet en mappe, kan du gøre det på upload siden.<br> hvis dette skulle være en fejl, er du velkommen til at skrive til mig. webadmin@domain<br>";$error_message[1] = "Filen du forsøger at uploade er er ALT for stort! du bedes forminske dit billede.";$error_message[2] = "Filen du forsøger at uploade er er ALT for stort! du bedes forminske dit billede.";$error_message[3] = "Kontakt administator: webadmin@domain vdr. fejl 3";$error_message[4] = "Du har ikke valgt nogen fil!";$upload_dir = 'Gallery/'.$_POST['sti']."/";$num_files = count($_FILES['upload']['name']);for ($i=0; $i < $num_files; $i++) { $upload_file = $upload_dir . rand(1000, 9999) . basename($_FILES['upload']['name'][$i]); if (!preg_match("/(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|GIF|JPG|JPEG|PNG)$/",$_FILES['upload']['name'][$i])) { print "Der kan kun uploaded billeder! dvs. ingen dokumenter eller PDF filer! Hvis du mener dette er en fejl, kontakt venligst admin: webadmin@domain"; } else { if (@is_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$i])) { if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$i], $upload_file)) { /* Great success... */ echo "Din fil er nu blevet uploaded til: " . $upload_file . "<br />"; echo "<--*done*--> <br>"; } else { print $error_message[$_FILES['upload']['error'][$i]]; } } else { print $error_message[$_FILES['upload']['error'][$i]]; } }}echo "done";?></pre>
  8. <?phprequire_once('include.securelogin.php'); $tValue = $_POST['username']; $mysqli = new mysqli($ad_host, $ad_user, $ad_password, "mysql"); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error); exit();} $tSQL = "select * from `mysql`.`user` where user = \"" . $tValue . "\""; if ($result = $mysqli->query($tSQL) && $result->num_rows > 0) { $result->close(); echo("username#matched");}else { } ?> If I pull $tSQL out of my Netbeans debugger, remove the opening quote and closing quote and run the query I get some results from the table `mysql`.`user`. For some reason nothing is ever returned into the variable $result though. Could this be some kind of permissions problem on the back end of MySQL somewhere? I thought I had a good idea to create some database users with some permissions and query them from `mysql`.`user` with mysqli but it has really not been working out so far. Any suggestions on how to get things working? Thanks!!!
  9. ö in another page and ö in another. The both pages are UTF-8 and data comes from same query.
  10. I have read the documentation on php.net about installing the module php-pdo with MySQL support and it seems that it says to use the option--with-pdo-mysql however it does not show me any context on how or where to use it. I have been installing php-pdo on my server with yum -y install php-pdo however that only installs the module with SQLite support. I need to know how to install the module on CentOS 6 with support for MySQL. It seems there are drivers for this. I found know documentation that could explain this to me. Does anyone know how to do this?
  11. I am making a file upload system. The user chooses where to upload using the dynamic drop down list. And this is the problem I am facing right now. This is my form. <form action="uploader.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="uploads"> <label for="file">Choose a file: </label> <input type="file" name="userfile" id="userfile"><br/><br/> <select id="text-one" name="one"> <option selected value="base">Select Department</option> <option value="CSE" name="cse">Computer Science Engineering</option> <option value="ECE" name="ece">Electronics & Communication Engineering</option> <option value="MECH" name="mech">Mechanical Engineering</option> </select> <br /><br/> <select id="text-two" name="two"> <option>Select Semester</option> </select> <br /><br/> <select id="text-three" name="three"> <option>Select Subject</option> </select> <br/><br/> <button class ="btn btn-primary" button type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload" onClick="val()">Upload</button> </form> And this is my other php file to which it is linked. <?phpif(isset($_POST['upload'])){ $path1=$_POST['one']."/"; $path2=$_POST['two']."/"; $path3=$_POST['three']."/"; $upload_path=$path1.$path2.$path3;}else{ echo "Select a Subject"; echo "<br>";}$allowed_filetypes = array('.doc','.docx','.jpg','.jpeg','.png','.ppt','.pptx','.xls','.xlsx','.pdf','.txt','.zip','.rar');$max_filesize = 20000000;$filename = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];$ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1);if(!in_array($ext,$allowed_filetypes)) die("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> window.alert('You cannot upload the following type of file!') window.location.href='upload.php'; </SCRIPT>");if(filesize($_FILES['userfile']['size']) > $max_filesize) die("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> window.alert('The file you attempted to upload is too large!') window.location.href='upload.php'; </SCRIPT>");if(!is_writable($upload_path)) die("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> window.alert('You cannot upload to the specified directory!') window.location.href='upload.php'; </SCRIPT>");if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],$upload_path . $filename)) echo ("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> window.alert('Your file has been uploaded successfully') window.location.href='upload.php'; </SCRIPT>");else echo ("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> window.alert('There was an error during the file upload!') window.location.href='upload.php'; </SCRIPT>");?> I have edited the phpini file with the following settings and also made a .htaccess file in the php folder.upload_max_filesize 25M post_max_size 25M memory_limit 64MBut when I intentionally upload a file greater than 25 MB, I get the error as given in the title. Also, considering the max file size is being violated, it does not give the error related to the file size, i.e The file you attempted to upload is too large, it says You cannot upload the following type of file. And in the background that post length warning thing comes.Please help me with this. I am on my localhost.
  12. Hi guys, so i've been working on this idea for quite a while now.. the only thing is.. i'm not exactly sure how to do it.. i want to make a automatic request system where you can request phone repair service trough the company website. something like: (DROPDOWN BOX) iPhone(selected) Samsung Nokia Sony Ericsson HTC ( DROPDOWNBOX which will react on first choice, like when i select iPhone something like this should come)iPhone 3(G)SiPhone 4iPhone 4 SiPhone 5 and then ofcourse the 3rd dropdown box where you will be selecting the problem(DROPDOWN BOX)Screen brokenButton doesnt workPhone wont chargeWater damagePhone wont go onSoftware issue and then the selected items gotta be saved in a database or something.. not exactly sure how i'm gonna do that.. (ofcourse there will be more info required to request a repair, like name and adress and all that.. but for now i just wat the dropdown boxes working) Soooooo.... anyways i've made an array with php before.. but i don't know exactly how to make them in combination with if//else like if iphone selected, include.... the other select.. here's what i made so far <html><body> <?php $devices = array('iphone' => 'iPhone', 'samsung' => 'Samsung', 'nokia' => 'Nokia', 'sonyericsson' => 'Sonyericsson', 'htc' => 'HTC',);echo '<form method="post">'; echo '<select>'; foreach($devices AS $key => $value) echo '<option value="'. $key .'">'. $value .'</option>'; echo '</select>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Submit">'; echo '</form>'; ?></body></html> If someone could help me i would really appriciate it, Thanks guys! Edit: I've tried something with buttons aswell... in combination with javascript.. didn't work out so well <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script>function iphonebtn() /*The iPhone Buttons*/{document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML= "iPhone";var element = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("apple").appendChild(element);var element2 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("apple").appendChild(element2);var element3 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("apple").appendChild(element3);document.getElementById("apple").getElementsByTagName("button")[1].innerHTML="iPhone 5";document.getElementById("apple").getElementsByTagName("button")[2].innerHTML="iPhone 4";document.getElementById("apple").getElementsByTagName("button")[3].innerHTML="iPhone 4s"; /*document.getElementById("apple").onclick = function(){ alert ("please choose problem")};*/};/*The Samsung Buttons*/function samsungbtn(){document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML= "Samsung";var element4 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("samsung").appendChild(element4);var element5 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("samsung").appendChild(element5);var element6 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("samsung").appendChild(element6);document.getElementById("samsung").getElementsByTagName("button")[1].innerHTML="Galaxy SII";document.getElementById("samsung").getElementsByTagName("button")[2].innerHTML="Galaxy SIII";document.getElementById("samsung").getElementsByTagName("button")[3].innerHTML="Galaxy S Advance"; /*document.getElementById("samsung").onclick = function(){ alert ("please choose problem")};*/ }; /*The HTC Buttons*/ function htcbtn(){ document.getElementById("demo4").innerHTML= "HTC";var element10 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("htc").appendChild(element10);var element11 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("htc").appendChild(element11); var element12 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("htc").appendChild(element12);document.getElementById("htc").getElementsByTagName("button")[1].innerHTML="HTC one X";document.getElementById("htc").getElementsByTagName("button")[2].innerHTML="HTC one V";document.getElementById("htc").getElementsByTagName("button")[3].innerHTML="HTC one S"; /*document.getElementById("htc").onclick = function(){ alert ("please choose problem")};*/}; /*The defect Buttons*/ function defectbtn(){document.getElementById("demo3").innerHTML= "Problem";var element7 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("glass").appendChild(element7);var element8 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("glass").appendChild(element8); var element9 = document.createElement("button");document.getElementById("glass").appendChild(element9);document.getElementById("glass").getElementsByTagName("button")[1].innerHTML="Water Damage";document.getElementById("glass").getElementsByTagName("button")[2].innerHTML="Phone wont Charge";document.getElementById("glass").getElementsByTagName("button")[3].innerHTML="Button doesn't work"; };</script></head><body> <font face="arial" size="4" color="blue"> Kies uw telefoon </font><div id="apple"><button id="demo" type="button" onclick="iphonebtn(),defectbtn(),this.disabled = 'disabled';"> iPhone </button></div><br /><div id="samsung"><button id="demo2" type="button" onclick="samsungbtn(),defectbtn(),this.disabled = 'disabled';"> Samsung </button></div><br /> <div id="htc"><button id="demo4" type="button" onclick="htcbtn(),defectbtn(),this.disabled = 'disabled';"> HTC </button></div><br /> <div id="glass"><button id="demo3" type="button" onclick="defectbtn(),this.disabled = 'disabled';"> Problem </button></div><br /> <h1>Reparatie aanvragen</h1> <p></p> <form name='registration' onSubmit="return formValidation();"> <ul> <li><label for="userid">ID (indien bekend)</label></li> <li><input type="text" name="ID" size="12" /></li> <li><label for="username">Voornaam:</label></li> <li><input type="text" name="username" size="50" /></li> <li><label for="address">Adres:</label></li> <li><input type="text" name="address" size="50" /></li> <li><label for="country">Land:</label></li> <li><select name="country"> <option selected="" value="Default">(Selecteer een Land)</option> <option value="AF">Nederland</option> <option value="AD">België</option> </select></li> <li><label for="zip">Postcode:</label></li> <li><input type="text" name="zip" /></li> <li><label for="email">Email:</label></li> <li><input type="text" name="email" size="50" /></li> <li><label>Language:</label></li> <li><label for="desc">Bijzonderheden:</label></li> <li><textarea name="desc" id="desc"></textarea></li> <li><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></li> </ul> </form></body></html>
  13. I'm pretty new to javascript/ajax/php/html so bear with me.I am Trying to use ajax to connect to a database. The reason I am using ajax is so I can dynamically update the webpage as information is gathered about the database. So far I have is setup so that when a button is clicked: <input type="button" value="Login" onclick="sqllogincheck(this.form)"> a function is ran that will connect up to the database server side: <html><head><title>High Plains Regional Climate Center</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>"><?php wp_head(); ?></head><!--All functions for pages--><script>//login and get mysql tables, update table status viewfunction sqllogincheck(frm) {var xmlhttp; //All fields must be fullif (frm.sqlusr.value == "" || frm.sqlhost.value == "" || frm.sqlpwd.value == "") { alert("Missing Fields!");}//use AJAX to setup a query to the serverelse { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { document.getElementById("dbstatus").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } } //send POST request to server xmlhttp=open("POST","citools/login.php",true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlhttp.send("sqlusr=" + frm.sqlusr.value + "&sqlhost=" + frm.sqlhost.value + "&sqlpwd=" + frm.sqlpwd.value); //alert("Username: " + frm.sqlusr.value + "\nHost: " + frm.sqlhost.value + "\nPassword: " + frm.sqlpwd.value)}}</script><body><div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/headers/top_logo.jpg" alt="HPRCC"> <!--<div id="menu"> <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'header-menu', 'container_class' => '') ); ?> </div>--> <?php shailan_dropdown_menu(); ?> <h1 id="pagetitle"><?php wp_title(); ?></h1> </div> When I test this code out I get the error "Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Window] has no method 'setRequestHeader'". I have the vague idea that this means there is no 'setRequestHeader' method in the xmlhttp object, but im not sure how to correct it.Just a bit more info here. I'm testing this page using localhost and am not sure if that has anything to do with the error. Also, I'm using Wordpress for my CMS and this is why I only posted the header here.Thanks for the help.
  14. <?phpsession_start(); $productname = trim($_GET['productname']);$productquantity = trim($_GET['productquantity']); if( (!empty($productname) && !empty($productquantity)) && (is_numeric($productquantity)) ) { $_SESSION['productname'] = $productname;$_SESSION['productquantity'] = $productquantity;$_SESSION['sepysCounter'] = 0;header("Location: http://localhost/Form2.php");}else if(empty($productname) || empty($productquantity)){ echo "A value must be entered for both the Product Name and the Quantity text boxes. Please use the back button to go back to the form"; }else if(!is_numeric($productquantity)){echo "The quantity field must be a numeric value";} ?> It's funny I have tried every way I can think of to get rid of the warning but it won't go away unless I completely turn off the display errors property in the configuration. Although the application works perfectly from what I can see. I think it may be this line causing the problem? header("Location: http://bcthub.com/Form2.php"); I see no other way though of writing the code. Could I get some commentary on this? Thank You! Form1.zip
  15. i created this section of code to accept a multi award system... i am trying to find a shorter way to run through the check list. <?phpif($submit) {/// Multiple Award Script / Function ///$ga = getHasItInfo($award, $member);$man = $medal_award_number;$ma = getMedalInfo('multi_awardable', $award);$max = getMedalInfo('max_awardable', $award);if($ma == 1 AND $man < $max) { /// Creates a Loop to make sure the award number is correct. /// /// Gets A checks List $check1 = getHasItInfo($award, $member_id); if($check1 > 0) { $tf1 == "T"; } else { $tf1 == "F";} $check2 = getHasItInfo($award.1, $member_id); if($check2 > 0) { $tf2 == "T"; } else { $tf2 == "F";} $check3 = getHasItInfo($award.2, $member_id); if($check3 > 0) { $tf3 == "T"; } else { $tf3 == "F";} $check4 = getHasItInfo($award.3, $member_id); if($check4 > 0) { $tf4 == "T"; } else { $tf4 == "F";} $check5 = getHasItInfo($award.4, $member_id); if($check5 > 0) { $tf5 == "T"; } else { $tf5 == "F";} $check6 = getHasItInfo($award.5, $member_id); if($check6 > 0) { $tf6 == "T"; } else { $tf6 == "F";} $check7 = getHasItInfo($award.6, $member_id); if($check7 > 0) { $tf7 == "T"; } else { $tf7 == "F";} $check8 = getHasItInfo($award.7, $member_id); if($check8 > 0) { $tf8 == "T"; } else { $tf8 == "F";} $check9 = getHasItInfo($award.8, $member_id); if($check9 > 0) { $tf9 == "T"; } else { $tf9 == "F";} $check10 = getHasItInfo($award.9, $member_id); if($check10 > 0) { $tf10 == "T"; } else { $tf10 == "F";} $check11 = getHasItInfo($award.10, $member_id); if($check11 > 0) { $tf11 == "T"; } else { $tf11 == "F";} $check12 = getHasItInfo($award.11, $member_id); if($check12 > 0) { $tf12 == "T"; } else { $tf12 == "F";} $check13 = getHasItInfo($award.12, $member_id); if($check13 > 0) { $tf13 == "T"; } else { $tf13 == "F";} $check14 = getHasItInfo($award.13, $member_id); if($check14 > 0) { $tf14 == "T"; } else { $tf14 == "F";} $check15 = getHasItInfo($award.14, $member_id); if($check15 > 0) { $tf15 == "T"; } else { $tf15 == "F";} $check16 = getHasItInfo($award.15, $member_id); if($check16 > 0) { $tf16 == "T"; } else { $tf16 == "F";} $check17 = getHasItInfo($award.16, $member_id); if($check17 > 0) { $tf17 == "T"; } else { $tf17 == "F";} $check18 = getHasItInfo($award.17, $member_id); if($check18 > 0) { $tf18 == "T"; } else { $tf18 == "F";} $check19 = getHasItInfo($award.18, $member_id); if($check19 > 0) { $tf19 == "T"; } else { $tf19 == "F";} $check20 = getHasItInfo($award.19, $member_id); if($check20 > 0) { $tf20 == "T"; } else { $tf20 == "F";} $check21 = getHasItInfo($award.20, $member_id); if($check21 > 0) { $tf21 == "T"; } else { $tf21 == "F";} $check22 = getHasItInfo($award.21, $member_id); if($check22 > 0) { $tf22 == "T"; } else { $tf22 == "F";} $check23 = getHasItInfo($award.22, $member_id); if($check23 > 0) { $tf23 == "T"; } else { $tf23 == "F";} $check24 = getHasItInfo($award.23, $member_id); if($check24 > 0) { $tf24 == "T"; } else { $tf24 == "F";} $check25 = getHasItInfo($award.24, $member_id); if($check25 > 0) { $tf25 == "T"; } else { $tf25 == "F";} $check26 = getHasItInfo($award.25, $member_id); if($check26 > 0) { $tf26 == "T"; } else { $tf26 == "F";} /// Processes the Check List till the right award number is found to be awarded then ends the search.. if($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "F" AND $tf3 == "F" AND $tf4 == "F" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.1); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "F" AND $tf4 == "F" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.2); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "F" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.3); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.4); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.5); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.6); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.7); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.8); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.9; $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.10); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.11); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.12); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.13); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.14); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.15); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.16); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.17); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.18); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.19); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.20); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.21); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.22); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.23); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "T" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.24); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "T" AND $tf25 == "T" AND $tf26 == "F") { $newAward = ($award+.25); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "T" AND $tf25 == "T" AND $tf26 == "T") { $newAward = ($award+.26); $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> SUCCESS! -- <br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br> Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> "; } }elseif($ma != 1) { $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> ERROR - Member Already has selected Award. <br> Award IS NOT a Multi-Aceievable Award. <br> Request for Award Was Deined and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Error', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> ";}elseif($ma == 1 AND $man >= $max) { $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <div style='display: none' id='successBox'> <p align='center'> ERROR - Member Already has selected Award.<br> Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award, but the member has the Maximum Amount allowed.<br> Request for Award Was Deined and Deleted! </p> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> popupDialog('Award Request: Error', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox'); </script> ";}}?>
  16. Hi, I currently have a working joomla site online, but it seems to be affected wif virus, so i am thinking of a solution I tought of backing up the database from phpMyAdmin after doing that i tryed to reinstall joomla 2.5, it worked but it didnt bring back my articles
  17. Hello, I'm a beginner and i just wrote an extremely simple program for solving a linear equation. It works, but i was wondering if you guys can take a look. Here it is: <?php$a = 5;$b = 10;$r = -($b/$a);if($a == 0 && $b == 0) {echo 'There are infinitely many solutions';}elseif($a>0 && $b>0) {echo $r;}elseif($a>0 && $b == 0) {echo 'X is equal to zero';}else {echo 'There are no solutions';}?> It's really, really basic and some parts aren't really correct(i guess). Please, tell me what you think. It isn't really complete, because the variable "a", might be a negative number. Also the code isn't exactly the most beautiful one... I didn't make an HTML form, so that the user can write the constants, on purpose.
  18. Hey everyone! i am trying to enter data in additional attribute through API in magento shop.I have tried this code but it is not working the data is not entering.. 'additional_attributes' => array ( array( 'key' => 'user', 'value' => 'aneeb')) Please tell me what i am doing wrong or tell me how can i enter data in additional attributes through API in magento shop....
  19. ProSpartan

    PHP Database

    Hello all, I'd like to thank thescientist and niche for the help they gave me on my first help topic. I am now here asking in the PHP side of things of how i can get php to connect to a .mdb (MS Access Database), use that to input text, save, and display. Here is my html source: <html><head><title>Tasks to Complete</title></head><body><table border="1" width="100%" height="100%"><tr width="100%" height="10%"> <td colspan="2" height="10%"> <h2 align="center">Welcome to the Task List</h2> </td></tr><tr width="100%" height="90%"> <td width="50%" height="100%"> <form action="insert.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Insert Tasks Here:</legend> <textarea rows="15" cols="50" name="task"></textarea> </br> </br> <input type="radio" name="importance" id="highly important" value="Highly Important">Highly Important</input> </br> <input type="radio" name="importance" id="important" value="Important">Important</input> </br> <input type="radio" name="importance" id="can wait" value="Can Wait">Can Wait</input> </br> <p>Date Assigned <input type="text" name="date" id="date" /></p> <p>Time Assigned <input type="text" name="time" id="time" /></p> <input type="submit" id="submit task" value="Submit Task" /> </fieldset> </form> </td> <td width="50%" height="100%"> <iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="viewTasks.php"> </iframe> </td></tr></table></body></html> I tried to use mysql in php, but it did not work. The three attached files are the php i have created so far in trying to get a mysql database. If it can work, i'll stick with the php files, other wise, i'll need some help in trying to get connected to a .mdb file. Thanks, -ProSpartan connect.php insert.php viewTasks.php
  20. I'm a senior HP Unix Systems Engineer, but I've never developed an actual web-based application.<b> I run Windows and Linux at home.<b> I have my own home-built SAN.<b> I did some basic MySQL installation and setup at work.<b> I have fairly decent SQL skills.<b> I want to create my own online application, but that application will need a very fast, back-end processing engine.<b> I am heavy into shell scripting, but that's not going to be fast enough to process the amount of data that I envision for this app.<b> I need to learn some kind of simple, yet powerful compiled language.<b> I started studying C++ 2 days ago, and so far, it looks fairly straight-forward and not too difficult.<b> What other "tools" do I need, in order to allow the new C++ programs to query and manipulate the actual MySQL database?<b> SQL by itself won't do it, PHP won't do it, as it's not compiled, and won't be fast enough to process the data in a timely manner.<b> At this time, I'm planning to build the web-based front-end using HTML and PHP.<b> I'm planning to use MySQL as the database itself.<b> Linux will of course be the O/S of choice.<b> I want to get this project off the ground as quickly as possible, so any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.<b> Thanks in advance, and have a very happy holiday season.
  21. when I type http://localhost/testsite/createdatabase.phpIt show blank page...may I know why?is it the sqlite problem?
  22. an someone tell me why this code isNOT sorting the lname output listing ? <?php include("/home/mdwvo/public_html/aabees.org/password_protect.php"); ?> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","mdwvo_aaba","pwpwpwpwpw");if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("mdwvo_aaba", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE deleted = 'Yes' ORDER BY 'lname' "); Echo "<table size=50%>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { Echo "<tr><td>".$row['id'] . "</td></tr> <tr><td>".$row['fname']." ".$row['lname']."</td><td align=left> Date Joined - ".$row['joined'] . "</td></tr> <tr><td>".$row['street'] . "</td><td align=left> Dues Paid Through - ".$row['paid'] . "</td></tr> <tr><td align=left>".$row['city'] . ", ".$row['state'] . " ".$row['zip'] . "</td><td align=left> Phone - ".$row['phone'] . "</td></tr> <tr><td> </td><td align=left> Email - ".$row['email'] . "</td></tr>"; } Echo "</table>"; mysql_close($con);?>
  23. I have a login function in my site http://www.learn24bd.com. In my database every register member has their data, Like name,e-mail,etc. At the time of login user needs to put his/her email and password.I wanna if a user login successfully, a message will display on login success page Welcome (The name which has saved in my database in name field) Example: Welcome MD.Harun-Ur-Rashid Please any body help me.
  24. I have an array full of smaller arrays. The smaller arrays contain elements, one of which is a date. (Not a timestamp, a date such as 1, 2, 3, etc.) I want to sort the small arrays within the large array in order of this date. I don't see anything in the docs for PHP on how to do this.Let me state this another way. I have an array called $eventsThisMonth. I would like to sort $eventsThisMonth by $eventsThisMonth[every][dateOfThisOccurrance]. Thank you in advance for your great help and advice. Jeff P.S. I tried sorting "manually" using an outside loop that goes 1-31 (for the possible values of the date) and an inner loop that goes 0-count($eventsThisMonth) and compares the dateOfThisOccurrance of each smaller array to the index of the outside loop. If equal, it does an array_push to another array. This still didn't work; the other array was in the same order as the original.
  25. I am trying to cURL my university login page. I want users to enter their university id and pass in my website, my website will curl to university website, authenticate and then allow them to login or give error accordingly. But my university portal is a jsp page. And after having posted in StackOverflow and other forums before, this is what I came up with. I need further help on where I am going wrong and how to rectify it. <form class="form-horizontal" action="curl.php" method="POST"> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="inputEmail">Username</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="inputEmail" placeholder="Username"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="inputPassword">Password</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="password" id="inputPassword" placeholder="Password"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <label class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox"> Remember me </label> <button type="submit" class="btn">Sign in</button> </div> </div> </form> Now this is my curl.php file: <?php $address = "http://evarsity.srmuniv.ac.in/srmswi/usermanager/youLogin.jsp"; //site URL $post = "username=txtRegNumber&pass=txtPwd"; //Parameters to be sent. Written like GET. $welcomeMessage = "Welcome..."; //This is the message that is displayed when a login is successful $options = array( CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)', CURLOPT_POST => true, //using post CURLOPT_URL => $address, //where to go CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $post, //input params CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, //Returns a string value of the request CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, //Avoid SSL problems CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => 'cookie.txt', //Save cookies CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR => 'cookies.txt' //Cookies located CURLOPT_USERPWD ==> [username]:[password]); if (strpos($content, $welcomeMessage) !== false){ /* Do whatever,I don't know what to do here though */ } curl_close($ch); //close connections ?> Please let me know where I am going wrong, why I am not able to login and after logging in, how to log out.Thank you.
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